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08-16-2017 02:28 PM
Sorry to say, the chats are an absolute disgrace. Not one thing got answered today.
I am sure some will be happy but I can not continually waste my time with chat for absolutely nothing and no answers.
I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way and to those of you that will continue to participate, good luck.
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08-16-2017 02:50 PM
@dutchman48 wrote:
Sorry to say, the chats are an absolute disgrace. Not one thing got answered today.
I am sure some will be happy but I can not continually waste my time with chat for absolutely nothing and no answers.
I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way and to those of you that will continue to participate, good luck.
Sorry I couldn't get you the answers you were looking for @dutchman48. The majority of concerns you bring to chats aren't things that I can address for you immediately, and many times they aren't questions as much as you sharing your frustration. While I'm happy to hear you out and pass suggestions on, the changes you want aren't things that can be implemented immediately.
Thanks for the time you've spent with us, and you're always welcome if you choose to re-evaluate in the future!
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08-16-2017 02:57 PM - edited 08-16-2017 02:58 PM
tyler@ebay wrote:
@dutchman48 wrote:Sorry to say, the chats are an absolute disgrace. Not one thing got answered today.
I am sure some will be happy but I can not continually waste my time with chat for absolutely nothing and no answers.
I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way and to those of you that will continue to participate, good luck.
Sorry I couldn't get you the answers you were looking for @dutchman48. The majority of concerns you bring to chats aren't things that I can address for you immediately, and many times they aren't questions as much as you sharing your frustration. While I'm happy to hear you out and pass suggestions on, the changes you want aren't things that can be implemented immediately.
Thanks for the time you've spent with us, and you're always welcome if you choose to re-evaluate in the future!
Sorry Tyler, I have been here longer than you and absolutely nothing has changed, it only gets worse.
The US boards are just as ridiculous as I do read them as well.
As far as implementing immediately, I don't feel 3+ years is immediately.
Ebay is making it very plain, especially listening to the crock on the Ebay 2017 videos, they do not want the smaller seller selling collectibles any more. You can dispute that all you want, because you are an employee, but the words they spoke don't lie in this case.
When my store ends, I will be gone as a seller and a buyer as well and many sellers are Ebay's best buyers.
Publicity will get out over time as to what Ebay is becoming, a very bad clone of Amazon.
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08-16-2017 03:40 PM
@dutchman48 wrote:
Ebay is making it very plain, especially listening to the crock on the Ebay 2017 videos, they do not want the smaller seller selling collectibles any more.
I don't follow that kind of stuff the way others here do, and so I'm curious to know what you're referring to?
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08-16-2017 04:11 PM - edited 08-16-2017 04:11 PM
@sylviebee wrote:@dutchman48 wrote:
Ebay is making it very plain, especially listening to the crock on the Ebay 2017 videos, they do not want the smaller seller selling collectibles any more.
I don't follow that kind of stuff the way others here do, and so I'm curious to know what you're referring to?
Listen to these videos and you will see what I am talking about. They are quite long and there are others as well but I quit after the first 2
General Link with all the stuff on Ebay 2017 open
The first video link
Some have been moved and they are under this link
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08-16-2017 07:15 PM
I'm genuinely curious as to what you hope to achieve by posting your thoughts in this regard. I can't think of any better way to pose the question, so if it seems antagonistic, please understand in advance that is not my intent.
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08-16-2017 07:28 PM - edited 08-16-2017 07:28 PM
@mjwl2006 wrote:I'm genuinely curious as to what you hope to achieve by posting your thoughts in this regard. I can't think of any better way to pose the question, so if it seems antagonistic, please understand in advance that is not my intent.
To make people aware of what is going on so they don`t get surprises.
There are also people on the US boards complaining about the same things.
Personally, I am sick and tired of Ebay not giving answers to any questions on either of the boards, trying to sweep everything under the rug, and in some cases outright lieing and being smug about it. Yes, it is their playground but they are making it extremely difficult to operate as a small seller.
If more people spoke out, Ebay may listen. But then again, maybe not.
And no, I don`t find it antagonistic at all. Others have been very vocal about issues as well, especially the cart and forced IPR which is also affecting many sellers in the US.
Just for curiosity, have you listened to any of the videos?
Everything they are gearing up for is for the mega sellers, and absolutely 0 for the small collectible seller.
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08-16-2017 08:15 PM
When I buy items here it is usually the collectible categories that brought me here and often I end up buying something else. If I want to buy something else and go directly to buy it I go to the site eBay is trying to emulate. Collectibles is the only thing this site has over the other one...they should remember that.
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08-16-2017 09:07 PM - edited 08-16-2017 09:09 PM
I've always felt the cart issues were a philosophical versus technical issue. From what I have seen ebay prefers to leave the cart as is as they are worried any changes will lead to increased rates of cart abandonment. Having an extra step requiring the buyer request a total which may result in uncertainty in shipping costs can be seen as an example of that fear. The recent forced immediate payment experiment is a logical extension of that concern. While I understand the line of thinking I still think that should be something left to the individual merchant to decide how to handle given there is no one size fits all approach for all categories of products and sellers. I find the cart implementation here lacking and well behind today's ecommerce standards, but somehow I still manage to sell things, even if there is a bunch of unnecessary friction caused by the cart which is an impediment to ROI.
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08-16-2017 09:26 PM
Hi dutchman48,
You are correct, probably more than you care to know. In last weeks session, in Tyler's response to my 'what do you guys do all day long' query, we learned that Tyler only has four hours per week to dedicate to the weekly chat session and any issues that come from it. His primary tasks are dealing with 'social media'. I expect that Rodney and the others over the past years have been in the same situation where ebay.ca is just an add on to there regular job description. To them ebay.ca is just a fill in so that they can keep their weekly hours in the event that something slacks off elsewhere in their job functions.
From Tyler's response, it is clear that there is no dedicated ebay.ca office. (It would seem to me that a dedicated ebay.ca office/staff would be a must). Once you understand that there is no ebay.ca office you can begin to understand why the shopping cart/check out issue has been going on for so many years without a remedy in sight. The folks that are prime for ebay.ca have no intention of fixing anything ebay.ca because it not their prime objective. Their attention and energies are spent elsewhere.
The weekly session chat could be closed down and everything would stay the same. It is a good place to vent but that is about all. When many of these recurring issues such as the shopping cart/checkout problem come up I have always noticed that the ebay reps (currently Tyler and Rodney) always fail to see the question or issue in its larger scope and they reply focusing on a small point or some grammar technicality most often missing (avoiding) the point entirely. This is a common technic taught in many corporate managerial courses.
I became angry during the previous weekly session when Tyler asked me to PM to him a list of examples of the shopping cart/checkout issue. He forgot that I had sent him a list of the all the June and May issues the week before. Compiling the list took time better used elsewhere and when he asked for another list I realized that he had done absolutely nothing with the list that I sent to him. Further, I realized that Tyler has neither skill set or the authority to fix the problem. I am guessing that Tyler filed my list in his 'no priority' folder. This caused me to be doubly angry because it appears from Tyler's perspective my time has no value.
As you state the weekly sessions are a total disgrace and nothing more than window dressing and spin. This is evident in the small number of regular attendees. There was one bit of progress in this weeks session though, Tyler knew enough not to post the task list again. 🙂
Trying to get ebay to respond to an issue through the weekly sessions is a waste of time. The time is better spent writing additional listings in the hope that a few more buyers make through the checkout.
All the Best,
PS Due to the scope of the shopping cart/checkout issue that spans various platforms:- To fix the shopping cart/checkout problem a project has to be created where checkout data is collected over time, the data analyzed and the problem(s) identified, a software solution is designed, the coding is done and tested, and finally the solution goes live. Until funding for a project such as this is allocated, the shopping cart is not going to be fixed. Plain and simple, the ebay.ca folks at the weekly session can do nothing.
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08-16-2017 09:51 PM
There is absolutely an ebay Canada office. It is in Toronto and there are dedicated staff. More than 10 and less than 20 staff, if memory serves.The ebay Canada Weekly Chat was never in anyone's job description, however, it was a task that Raphael used to volunteer to do in addition to his regular job. This is all publicly available information as has been posted on the Boards here over the years if you cared to look for it. Tyler is probably filling in from another ebay department as Raphael used to do.
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08-16-2017 09:54 PM
And I strongly disagree the Weekly Chat session serve no purpose. They are the only voice that we have, and it is one I value. Perhaps I see things from a different perspective but I share no one's discontent here. If other Community contributors feel the Chat is a waste of their time, then feel free to spend your time elsewhere; it doesn't mean my time is automatically tarnished.
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08-17-2017 12:21 AM
One more thing before I clock-off on this thread. You said 'not one thing got answered today'. I beg to differ.
In today's Weekly Chat, I expressed my dissatisfaction with one aspect of Shippo and requested more information about how to use it, and then I suggested something such as a webinar to explain it to us. La voila, we now have a webinar scheduled on Shippo for Aug 23. I asked about it in the thread, and femmefan asked, and we received. Even if this Shippo webinar was something already in the works in terms of being planned for weeks, it was announced today in the midst of the Weekly Chat asking for it. And then thestuffofchris sought clarification on a particular aspect of it and got that too.
It's simply not accurate to say that nothing was accomplished and no questions were answered. Hyperbole fans the flames.
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08-17-2017 09:19 AM
I did not say nothing got accomplished, I said nothing got answered, which are two totally different things.
We are both entitled to our opinions to be posted whether you agree with mine or not, and whether I agree with yours or not.
Trying to prove you are right and I am wrong, accomplishes nothing.
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08-17-2017 09:20 AM - edited 08-17-2017 09:21 AM
@dutchman48 wrote:
@sylviebee wrote:@dutchman48 wrote:
Ebay is making it very plain, especially listening to the crock on the Ebay 2017 videos, they do not want the smaller seller selling collectibles any more.
I don't follow that kind of stuff the way others here do, and so I'm curious to know what you're referring to?
Listen to these videos and you will see what I am talking about. They are quite long and there are others as well but I quit after the first 2
General Link with all the stuff on Ebay 2017 open
The first video link
Some have been moved and they are under this link
Boring as it was, I watched one of these videos and I agree: You're right. There is nothing there which could help a small seller of collectibles like me.
My challenge as a seller of collectibles is reaching the US market (and over-seas markets as well) as that is where most of my buyers reside. Competing sellers who ship from the US consistently sell inferior items for more money than I do. Their jobs are much easier than mine is.
There are ways to reach my target markets, but that's not an eBay problem. It's mine and I don't expect help from eBay in that regard.
Other than this issue, what could eBay do to help a Canadian seller of collectibles increase sales? I can't think of anything but I keep reading that eBay is dumping on sellers like me so I'm wondering what you see that I don't.
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08-17-2017 09:36 AM
My opinion right now is that Ebay does not want to help us, they only tolerate us for the time being.
Once they get their total plan complete and implemented, collectible sellers will become expendable.
Sales are declining and postal costs continue to increase making it very difficult to expand the Canadian market for collectibles outside of Canada.
If Canada Post continues to clamp down on smaller items being sent letter mail and not as a parcel which has a huge cost increase, it will only get worse.
And unfortunately, that is not only though Ebay but true for any site we sell through.
I quit buying any inventory a number of years ago for exactly these reasons and am little by little liquidating my personal collections as well as inventory.
As I said, only my opinion, and I am sticking to it.
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08-17-2017 09:52 AM - edited 08-17-2017 09:53 AM
@dutchman48 wrote:My opinion right now is that Ebay does not want to help us, they only tolerate us for the time being.
Technical issues such as the shopping cart problems which sellers keeping referring to have never lost a sale for me.
Therefore, technical issues aside, other than helping us (Canadians) achieve greater visibility in the US and over seas (which IMO is not their problem), what could eBay actually do which would increase sales for small sellers of collectibles if they chose to do so?
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08-17-2017 09:56 AM
I get satisfaction from the Weekly Chats because I go into them with specific expectations, and questions that conceivably have answers out there somewhere. I don't ask every week, "Why does eBay suck so hard?" and expect the rep to somehow have an answer to that.
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08-17-2017 10:08 AM
Now you are becoming antagonistic and I don't feel an answer will solve that.
I will see if the mods will lock this thread.
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08-17-2017 10:12 AM
I, on the other hand, do think eBay is listening to us and taking action to address the sore points of selling here. I also have a list of examples of that if you cared to ask what they are.