Ebay Chat

Sorry to say, the chats are an absolute disgrace. Not one thing got answered today.


I am sure some will be happy but I can not continually waste my time with chat for absolutely nothing and no answers.


I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way and to those of you that will continue to participate, good luck.

Message 1 of 72
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Ebay Chat

"Enabling, encouraging, or instructing others to leave eBay so that they can sell, buy, or participate on sites other than eBay that includes the sale of merchandise, auction-style listings, or services, such as off-eBay forums, off-eBay groups, and other sites"

Message 41 of 72
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Ebay Chat

I'm not sure where you're getting this information, but I can say from direct experience that it doesn't apply to one site in particular where I list.  In fact, I've been able to expand my buyer base significantly there in a way I could never do on eBay because of site and policy restrictions here. 




You've summed it up very nicely..... I'm currently building my own website and it should be up and running by mid-Sept. I will always sell on eBay as it's a high profile selling platform but at what capacity in the future is unknown. 


There is selling success outside of eBay, you just have to be proactive......

Message 42 of 72
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Ebay Chat

In the chat you described a situation as a buyer where you could not ask for a combined invoice because you could get the message that seller doesn't allow combined shipping. Tyler's response suggested that the seller needed to make sure that they had combined shipping enabled in their preferences.  I would really like to understand if that is the only or at least main reason that buyers receive that message or if there are times when that message is also caused by glitches in the programming.  So my question to you is did you ask the seller if their preferences were checked off to allow combined shipping?   If you did and their answer was yes, then obviously there is another reason why buyers are seeing that message.


I got that impression that you believe buyers should always be able to ask for an invoice for more than one item. Perhaps that is the ideal for the buyer but if a seller already has shipping discounts set up or if they don't want to give a shipping discount,  should the buyer still be able to ask for a revised invoice? Couldn't that end up causing problems and/or more work for sellers who already have everything set up properly? If the seller doesn't combine shipping message is mainly coming up because of a setting the seller doesn't have set up properly, perhaps ebay can have a pop up message come up when a seller is listing  about enabling that function.  The pop up could have a place for the seller to check off that they didn't want to see the message again.  Or, since ebay did make major changes on .com and force immediate payment or more sellers, perhaps they should be sending out a message to all seller about it and mention that combined shipping needs to be enabled.


Just some thoughts.




Message 43 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

I agree that it would be to ebay's benefit to set up a similar digital delivery system that you are using on the other site.  I am curious though as to why you only have digital items on that site. You've mentioned a number of times on how much you like the site...do you like it only because of the digital delivery? Are you not comfortable selling items that you can ship from that site?

The key part of that digital selling system -- the site's control over actual delivery of the product, and hence content itself -- is something eBay either didn't think of, or couldn't be bothered with (I believe it's the former, but we'll never know).  In any event, as you may recall, eBay just chose to outlaw the entire concept.  Foolish perhaps, because they gave it away to more creative minds.  But it seems to me that eBay often sees "problems" not as opportunities for creative improvement, but as areas requiring punishment or restriction (my opinion of course). 


I don't usually list tangibles on that site because I don't want the extra effort or time involved in shipping at the moment.  The advantage is that I don't need to actually do anything when I make a sale.  No figuring out shipping rates, no packing, no labels, no driving to the P.O. to ship, nothing, just collecting the funds.  I do list the occasional tangible item on that site, but I've been so busy with commissions this year that I haven't wanted the extra trouble and time involved in shipping physical items on that site as well as on eBay.  It pretty much takes care of itself, and I can sell around the world without any worries about delivery.  


As a designer/manufacturer, I spend many of my days in development work, which is my primary focus, so I have to divide up my time as efficiently as I can.  Besides, buyers on that site have become quite accustomed to PDF items, and I've made quite a marketing effort to distinguish between my offerings on eBay and the other streams.  I've even collaborated with a group in the U.S. that offers courses on using PDF patterns featuring one of my designs.   


Compared to eBay with its straightjacket shipping policies, shipping from that site is a pleasure, mainly because I have far more control and don't have to be concerned about punishment by the site itself for matters beyond my control.  Deliberately up-front customer communication features on that site also mean that dealing directly with buyers is simpler and more intuitive, a concept eBay has abandoned in favour of impersonal automation (which of course works extremely well for its large commercial sellers). 


At some point when my catalogue is large enough and I'm tired of development work, I may list tangibles on that site as well, but for now the balance is working very nicely.  The lovely thing is that, unlike paranoid eBay, I can actually direct my customers from there to eBay with a live link if they prefer a paper pattern (many do ask).  So in the end, there's very little downside to the current arrangement.  



Message 44 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@dutchman48 wrote:

Why don't you call the other site Gretzky. That would get a lot of attention but not sure if his name could be used without permission.

We probably all know which one we're talking about, but it has been called "Betsy" (maybe a bit more à propos than a hockey player??).  Woman Very Happy  

Message 45 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@mjwl2006 wrote:

"Enabling, encouraging, or instructing others to leave eBay so that they can sell, buy, or participate on sites other than eBay that includes the sale of merchandise, auction-style listings, or services, such as off-eBay forums, off-eBay groups, and other sites"

I just wanted to be clear, that from my own standpoint, my intention is never to enable, encourage, or instruct anyone to do anything, but to state that there have been choices I've made for myself that worked in my particular situation.  If the moderators decide I can't even say that, well then, I might as well leave. 

Message 46 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@mjwl2006 wrote:

"Enabling, encouraging, or instructing others to leave eBay so that they can sell, buy, or participate on sites other than eBay that includes the sale of merchandise, auction-style listings, or services, such as off-eBay forums, off-eBay groups, and other sites"

mj, to conclude that this blurb suggests that mentioning other sites is taboo on this chat it a HUGE leap.  Merely naming another site isn't even close to suggesting that someone leave eBay to sell or buy there.


In fact, seems a little silly to suggest that it is the same thing.  Smiley Happy  


I've always named other sites when appropriate and no one has ever censored those posts.

Message 47 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

If the seller doesn't combine shipping message is mainly coming up because of a setting the seller doesn't have set up properly, perhaps ebay can have a pop up message come up when a seller is listing  about enabling that function.  The pop up could have a place for the seller to check off that they didn't want to see the message again.  Or, since ebay did make major changes on .com and force immediate payment or more sellers, perhaps they should be sending out a message to all seller about it and mention that combined shipping needs to be enabled. 



This is exactly what I was hoping eBay would be able to do -- find a workable solution to the problem that will accommodate all buyers and sellers.  


I brought this up about a month ago on one of the Wed. chats, but really didn't get a meaningful response.  My point then was that eBay should either have: 


a)  Clearly informed sellers about the need  to enable combined shipping (if that is indeed what was causing this dysfunction); or 

b)  Offer buyers, in some way, the option to request a revised total, as you pointed out, during the checkout flow. 


Incidentally, eBay did make a bizarrely poor and obscure attempt to notify sellers a few months ago about the "enable combined shipping" issue.  At the time, I couldn't make any sense out of the red warning banner that kept popping up at the top of the SYI form on .com, but now it's clear to me what eBay was trying -- very badly as it turned out -- to warn sellers about: make sure you toggle combined shipping on.  Now, whether that actually always enables "Request Total", even where no actual combined rules are set up, I'm not sure, but in a more recent clarification, one of the eBay reps said it did.  


In any case, further to 'dutchman's' original post, eBay really does need to clean this up somehow.  To be honest, I'm not sure they know the answer yet themselves, since it took me 3 tries to even get them to understand the issue I was describing.  But I think you're correct, that as a buyer running into this problem, you'd need to first find out if your seller had enabled the combined shipping option at all.  That would tell you whether the answer I got from eBay a month ago was accurate or not.  


I'm not inclined to blame the eBay Canada reps for being rather confused or ambiguous, or unable to clearly articulate a solution in response.  I think this is a complex problem that was caused by programmers at eBay HQ and which they don't yet have a real handle on.  All I know from my own experience, is that at some point, several months ago, when that warning banner popped up on eBay.com, something was changed in the configuration of the way combined shipping and checkout functioned together, and that it has not functioned consistently since then for all buyers and sellers.  


I understand that eBay wants to push full automation into transactions on this site.  I accept their statement that this is what most (mobile) buyers now want (and doubtless what most large eBay retailers probably prefer).  However, in my view, "Request Total" should always be an available option for buyers as long as eBay still permits smaller independent sellers to list on this site.  For many of us, particularly if we need to list on eBay.com, it just isn't possible to tailor fully automated rules to our types of items given the limited shipping options we have -- that is, without losing money. 

Message 48 of 72
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Ebay Chat

1. After you purchase it is too late to ask if they have shipping set up properly, especially from Europeans.


2. His store says they give shipping discounts, so the cart should allow a request for invoice.


3. We are not always dealing with small light weight objects where setting up combined shipping is an easy task.


4. Many of my purchases go into multiple boxes even though I only make one payment.


5. Tyler's reply was a cop out trying to blame sellers as everything on Ebay that is an issue is the sellers fault


6. Not all countries do things the same way as the US does


7. The mandatory IPR in the US is a great example and using the excuse sellers wanted it to stop UID's is a bunch of you know what.


8. Setting up proper shipping discounts does not even work for the US any more and what about auctions


9. No, I don't buy all the stories and excuses as to who should do what because that may be how the US does it, but not a lot of other countries. The cart should work as any cart does. Ebay is the only site I have issues with the cart and as far as I am concerned, it has never worked properly and Ebay is just making it worse by all their forced policies.



Message 49 of 72
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Ebay Chat

I think your 9 points have pretty much summed up this problem.  I've run into this issue as well with purchases from European sites that advertise combined shipping discounts on their listings.  


But I don't think it's their fault that the "Request Total" system doesn't now allow them to give such discounts manually.  EBay changed something a few months ago in that system, and I'm certain most sellers have absolutely no idea what is happening in the background.  What is happening is that they're likely losing a lot of multi-item purchases from buyers who get an error screen from eBay telling them they can't get shipping discounts from the seller (see example of this error message below).  It's really terrible, because not only could it encourage buyers to abandon their proposed purchases, but it makes the seller look like a liar if they do advertise combined shipping discounts in their listings.  


I can say with some certainty that a radical change happened of which sellers may be unaware because a purchase I made about 4 months ago from a seller on eBay.fr, from whom I'd purchased more than once in the past (and never had any trouble requesting a total), suddenly resulted in the same "dead-end" error screen on that occasion.  If I hadn't been an experienced seller, I doubt I would have known what to do to back out, choose my items again individually using "BIN", then email the seller to ask for a total before I checked out.  This, in my view, is purely ridiculous for a site the size of eBay, and should never be allowed to persist.  Yet persist it has, for months now.  


The only thing I'd say that I somewhat disagree with is that I think Tyler et al are probably stuck in some sort of mind warp rather than being deliberately unhelpful.  I really don't think they themselves grasp this issue in a comprehensive way.  Either they still don't "get it", or eBay has told them not to waste their time on it (maybe it's not a cheap or easy fix now that it's been effectively broken!).


As usual, their go-to reply is unfortunately to make the seller responsible for lack of proper site function -- in this you're quite right.  Either we're not doing things correctly, or we need to use a workaround.  In my view, neither "solution" is acceptable when we are in fact their paying customers/subscribers, and the people who make the corporation money.  


One thing you're absolutely right about: in over 15 years on eBay, I've yet to see their checkout system operate effectively for all users across sites in any consistent way for any reasonable length of time.  


For anyone who hasn't yet encountered it, here's the offending error screen: 



Message 50 of 72
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Ebay Chat

Unfortunately, faced with this dead-end screen that may directly contradict what a seller has promised in the listing, I think a lot of buyers might answer the question: "What do you want to do next?" with the answer: "Forget it!" as they close out of eBay in disgust. 


Like the cart dysfunction, eBay doesn't seem to think this is a serious enough problem to warrant any priority attention.  As I was told, it affects "a small minority" of sellers.  Yet how do they know how many buyers have actually given up and gone elsewhere to buy because of this?  They can't possibly know.  No, this is another convenient excuse for lack of action. 


The more I think about this issue and the way eBay has neglected to deal with it, the more upset it makes me.  I suppose now we have to wait another 2 years for this issue to be addressed.  As I said, fully automated shipping discounts are neither possible nor appropriate for all sellers. 

Message 51 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@sylviebee wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:

"Enabling, encouraging, or instructing others to leave eBay so that they can sell, buy, or participate on sites other than eBay that includes the sale of merchandise, auction-style listings, or services, such as off-eBay forums, off-eBay groups, and other sites"

mj, to conclude that this blurb suggests that mentioning other sites is taboo on this chat it a HUGE leap.  Merely naming another site isn't even close to suggesting that someone leave eBay to sell or buy there.


In fact, seems a little silly to suggest that it is the same thing.  Smiley Happy  


I've always named other sites when appropriate and no one has ever censored those posts.

I didn't write the rules. I'm merely explaining them as they have been explained to me by the moderators here. 

Message 52 of 72
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Ebay Chat

I have seen this several times when buying more than one item from a U.S. seller whose items appear on the Canadian site. It also says 'continue to checkout and pay....' I deleted the discs (2 CDs) then went to the .com site, put them back in the cart, clicked the request invoice which was accepted, sent, recieved and paid for. i couldn't do it here but could there! 

Message 53 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@mjwl2006 wrote:

@sylviebee wrote:

@mjwl2006 wrote:

"Enabling, encouraging, or instructing others to leave eBay so that they can sell, buy, or participate on sites other than eBay that includes the sale of merchandise, auction-style listings, or services, such as off-eBay forums, off-eBay groups, and other sites"

mj, to conclude that this blurb suggests that mentioning other sites is taboo on this chat it a HUGE leap.  Merely naming another site isn't even close to suggesting that someone leave eBay to sell or buy there.


In fact, seems a little silly to suggest that it is the same thing.  Smiley Happy  


I've always named other sites when appropriate and no one has ever censored those posts.

I didn't write the rules. I'm merely explaining them as they have been explained to me by the moderators here. 

mj, Trust me:  I already know that you didn't write the rules.  However, the rules do not say that it is against policy to mention other sites by name when appropriate.  Not even close.


The rule states that it's against policy to encourage others to leave eBay to sell on another site.


There two concepts are VERY different.



Message 54 of 72
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Ebay Chat

It's not my role or my place to justify it. Another member made a statement based on a different thread edited by the moderators, you asked, I explained. I'm not the Community Police, and I don't play them on TV. 

Message 55 of 72
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Ebay Chat

Hi folks,
Please remember to keep the boards friendly and welcoming for everyone. In addition, please make sure to keep the thread on topic. Further hostility and off-topic comments will result in the thread being locked.

Help us keep the community friendly and fun for everyone, check out the Guidelines
Message 56 of 72
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Ebay Chat

I was simply trying to figure out if in this case the buyer did have 'yes' in their site preferences to allow combined shipping. I believe that Tyler was saying that if the buyer didn't have it checked to yes, buyers would get the message that you got. But if you knew that the seller did have it checked off, then we could say that there must be another reason why you got that message. It sounds like you didn't ask so we don't know for sure either way.


I do understand how setting up shipping can be difficult, I wasn't suggesting that all sellers should have it set up. But if you hadn't paid and was not able to get an invoice, it's possible that asking the seller to change that one setting in site preferences (not to set up rules) would allow you to ask for an invoice. It's possible that they didn't have it checked off because in the past, it wasn't that important because there was not forced ipr.  I'm just guessing off course.


You have your theories, I have mine. I don't think that anyone is purposely lying or purposely allowing the cart not to work properly just so that they can collect more fees.  That's why it is important to me to figure out in what circumstances the cart is not working. If ebay figures that it is always because of the seller's settings than they are never going to look into it. If it is proven that it is not the settings than perhaps they will take it more seriously.

There is no purpose in them having the cart not work properly. Receiving extra fvf's from some sellers isn't going to make up for the buyers that don't make the purchase because they don't want to pay the non combined shipping amount.

Message 57 of 72
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Ebay Chat

"However, in my view, "Request Total" should always be an available option for buyers as long as eBay still permits smaller independent sellers to list on this site"




I understand what you are saying but I don't agree that it should be an available option if the seller does not want to offer combined shipping...and some sellers do not want to offer it.   It shouldn't be an option either if the seller already has discounts set up properly. Why should they have to deal with an invoice request if the amount in the cart is already correct?  


If a seller has the seller initiated ipr enabled, the request total button is supposed to be grayed and I believe that is set up properly. But in those cases if a buyer could request an invoice they would be asked to commit to buy which would bypass immediate payment making the function redundant. 


Message 58 of 72
latest reply

Ebay Chat

7. The mandatory IPR in the US is a great example and using the excuse sellers wanted it to stop UID's is a bunch of you know what.


This is a squeaky wheel problem.

Some (mostly US) sellers go cuckoo-bananas when they are not paid immediately.

Particularly on Fixed Price listings, but even on Auctions that apparently end in the middle of the night.

Unclear on the concept of time zones, perhaps.


I suspect enough of those sellers screamed loud enough that eBay threw them a bone.


I can also see that IPR would benefit sellers large enough to have staff. Because the employee will not be quite as careful to be sure the bill is paid before shipping.

And just because a seller has staff, doesn't make him a mega-seller. It could be the household teen, looking for some cash and /or something to put on a resume. Or someone who doubles as cashier and shipper.

Message 59 of 72
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Ebay Chat

@mjwl2006 wrote:

It's not my role or my place to justify it. Another member made a statement based on a different thread edited by the moderators, you asked, I explained. I'm not the Community Police, and I don't play them on TV. 

mj.   You are spot on:  It's not your place to interpret board rules and no one but you put you in the place of doing so.



There is no rule which states that it is against board policy to mention competing sites in posts.   A rule like that would simply state:  "Thou shalt not name competing sites on this board".


The actual rule you pulled up is loosely related but very different.

Message 60 of 72
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