File Exchange _ How to use it?

Where does one go to learn how to use this Ebay program?

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File Exchange _ How to use it?

This is a good starting point:

You can access pdf files from the "Instructions And Resources" tab near the bottom of the page.
Youtube has some good videos also.
Make certain that you have a good spreadsheet program. LibreOffice is powerful and freeware.
Message 2 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

Community Member

Hi @skylarstuff!


You can read more info on File Exchange here. If you go down the page and expand the 'File Exchange' section, then switch the tab from 'Getting Started' to 'Instructions and Resources' that will have a huge amount of information for you. (pic below)


We also have a dedicated team to support File Exchange troubleshooting and help. They're a great phone team and know their business. You'll want to call into the regular phone lines and request to speak with the 'Advanced Apps' team because you need help with File Exchange. 


I hope that helps you out!


Once you click into that tab there's a host of options to read up on. :)Once you click into that tab there's a host of options to read up on. 🙂

Message 3 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

Hey Tyler. A question about FE if I may.

Turbolister has the ability to export listings in two formats, Turbolister format and File Exchange format. In the past I've tried both successfully.

My question is this. If I were to export my TL inventory file using the File Exchange format could that file be successfully uploaded using File Exchange. I imagine some work would need to be done with the photo field(s) first.

I am wondering whether using the TL export ability might be a way to create an acceptable File Exchange upload template that would already have the listings set up the way I want them ie; Shipping, returns, custom item specifics, custom field etc etc.

Hoping this might be easier than downloading a template and then figuring out how to enter the correct info in each field from scratch.
Message 4 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

@kawartha-ephemera wrote:

Hoping this might be easier than downloading a template and then figuring out how to enter the correct info in each field from scratch.

I hoped that too and soon found out that it was easier to start from scratch.  It also made me better prepared for when the errors started coming in (and they did, at first, and might I add - fast and furious).


A warning about images:

If you wish to have 2 to 12 images in your listing, they must be posted to the eBay Picture Service (EPS) first.  Adding images to EPS isn't something directly supported by File Exchange (FE), and should be done through eBay's API and developer program.

You can however host your own images and FE will accept only one image url.  All other images could  be nested into the description field using html.  I, along with many other sellers, have found this to be a suitable workaround.



Message 5 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

Hi @kawartha-ephemera - I took a look and that particular question is a bit out of my league. From what I can tell it would work, but like @imbuzzy mentions, there will be kinks to work out. 


I'd suggest consulting with the Advanced Apps team directly on this one, you can reach them by phone if you'd like, otherwise they're very good about email correspondence too: 



Message 6 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

Post this question on the USA forum called Tool & Apps. eBay members dollybeauty and shipscript know File Exchange inside out and answer questions there within hours of posting if not minutes.
Message 7 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

It is best to use the File Exchange starter template to get the column headers all correctly spelled and on proper order. Then take the exported TL csv file opened on your spreadsheet program and copy/paste the data in the in the opened File Exchage spreadsheet. I will say no more since I only read about this in the Tools & Apps forum.
Message 8 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

Images do not have to be in ebay EPS pictures before. There is no direct way to upload pictures to eBay Picture Services but only if they were there already in a previous listing.

A third party image hosting service is needed to host the images. Most of the free ones are now charging. is not charging as far as I know but I think their usage terms do not allow it. The image server has to be fast because when the upload is processed it stresses the image server with multiple image requests in a short time and some of the images may not be uploaded for all listing.

You can have all 12 images eBay allows in a listing uploaded. No need to put any in the description. This restriction was removed years ago.
Message 9 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

One annoying thing about File Exchange is that it does not download all fields if you choose to use it to download listings on eBay. Missing is description and others. So File Exchange is an upload tool only. If it would download all, then it would be a useful backup tool.
Message 10 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

That's really good to know about multiple images now being handled by FE.  The aforementioned workaround has performed flawlessly over the years, so I have never bothered to look further into it, but will do so as it will definitely add to the listings' quality.


@pocomocomputing wrote:
One annoying thing about File Exchange is that it does not download all fields if you choose to use it to download listings on eBay. Missing is description and others. So File Exchange is an upload tool only. If it would download all, then it would be a useful backup tool.

I beg to differ with this...

There is really no need for such information to be downloaded to your computer as it already exists in the csv file that was uploaded in the first place.  Should you request for an unsold items download, it will provide you with all the information that you don't have (nor probably need) along with the CustomLabel (aka SKU or "personal identifier").

One can easily map the listing using the CustomLabel to the original uploaded csv - copy the wanted rows (items) to a new csv file, or modify the original file and delete (or Info) the unwanted rows and save it as a new file.

If I don't have a unsold listings file (listing way too old, for example), I can still map items by requesting a listing of all of my live listings and negating those results from my original csv files.

What is of great importance is making certain that you place all of your ducks in a row and using a methodical SKU system that correlates your items, your images and specific csv file ( and row number).

It is also paramount to keep all of your csv files and images, as that is your eternal backup.


I can easily relist any of the thousands upon thousands of listings at any time using this mapping method - no matter how old the original listing is.  I might add, that with practice, this process becomes quite fast and is as good, if not better than using the bulk relister provided by eBay (that  is time sensitive,  and often flaky with large quantities).


Your mileage may vary.

Message 11 of 12
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File Exchange _ How to use it?

My post was more of a warning not to expect much from the download capability.


I have not used free File Exchange but looked into it a few times as a replacement for free Turbo Lister. I also looked at third party tools like Wonder Lister and Six Bit Solutions but they have monthly costs.  


I no longer sell on eBay for a couple of years  or more now. I exported all my old listings backed up into Turbo Lister to CSV files in case I ever need them. Most third party tools can read the TL CSV files today and hopefully for years. But I probably will not sell any more because too many rules on eBay now and postage costs are high for my low priced items. Also not as much fun as 5 to 10 years ago.


Thanks for posting your experiences with File Exchange.

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