GET THIS!!!...

I have been with EBay and PayPal for 7 years...I believe I deserve some answers and respect...Not once but TWICE in less than 4 months PayPal/EBay gives buyers back there monies from a fairly large transaction...the FIRST being a clear case of buyers remorse! And the SECOND being for theft of the very same diamond earrings!!! My grandmothers that I was only selling to help out me and my boys! The first time at least I got my earrings back...this time this One gets my grandmothers earrings AND her money back!!!! I've been with PayPal since 2007 and her since last year with 5 feedback! PayPal says my "options" are to take it outside PayPal and sue her in small claims & press can that be my "options" when I can not do either one?! She is in the USA & I am in CANADA ...NO JURISDICTION! What's worse is she almost convicts herself in one of the emails she sends to me!!!...BUT THEY STILL CHOSE HER SIDE...I just sold my two ct diamond ring prior & my wedding set right after and no problems...All she had to do is go down and get a police report 10 DAYS AFTER opening the claim and ONLY PAYPAL had to PHONE her and TELL her to do it?????!!! BEWARE SELLERS EBAY & PAYPAL ARE NOT PROTECTING YOU AGAINST ANYTHING AS THEY CLAIM TOO! Their systems and policies are in a loop will blame the other and they can not help you. Their policies do not pertain to this YOUR PARTICULAR situation EVERY TIME SOMETHING HAPPENS & very time you call in regarding a "policy" or "procedure" you get a completely different answer! Even their own "Policies" contradict themselves! I need some answers from someone! I'm out over $2000 in 4 months AND My grandmothers diamond earrings!!
Message 1 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

@sssupershopaholic wrote:
I have been with EBay and PayPal for 7 years...I believe I deserve some answers and respect...Not once but TWICE in less than 4 months PayPal/EBay gives buyers back there monies from a fairly large transaction...the FIRST being a clear case of buyers remorse! And the SECOND being for theft of the very same diamond earrings!!! My grandmothers that I was only selling to help out me and my boys! The first time at least I got my earrings back...this time this One gets my grandmothers earrings AND her money back!!!! I've been with PayPal since 2007 and her since last year with 5 feedback! PayPal says my "options" are to take it outside PayPal and sue her in small claims & press can that be my "options" when I can not do either one?! She is in the USA & I am in CANADA ...NO JURISDICTION! What's worse is she almost convicts herself in one of the emails she sends to me!!!...BUT THEY STILL CHOSE HER SIDE...I just sold my two ct diamond ring prior & my wedding set right after and no problems...All she had to do is go down and get a police report 10 DAYS AFTER opening the claim and ONLY PAYPAL had to PHONE her and TELL her to do it?????!!! BEWARE SELLERS EBAY & PAYPAL ARE NOT PROTECTING YOU AGAINST ANYTHING AS THEY CLAIM TOO! Their systems and policies are in a loop will blame the other and they can not help you. Their policies do not pertain to this YOUR PARTICULAR situation EVERY TIME SOMETHING HAPPENS & very time you call in regarding a "policy" or "procedure" you get a completely different answer! Even their own "Policies" contradict themselves! I need some answers from someone! I'm out over $2000 in 4 months AND My grandmothers diamond earrings!!

First off, I am very sorry this happened to you.


The first rule of internet selling is: do not list anything you cannot afford to lose.


How long you have been with either eBay or Paypal, in terms of time or transactions means nothing. Assuming Paypal or eBay would take your side is a very dangerous proposition. While sellers do win, periodically, it is not that common. eBay is a buyer friendly environment.


Answers? You have not given us very much to go on. Respect? You got the respect and courtesy of answers the system does give. What you want is justice. There is no such thing.


You can phone their local police dept and attempt to lodge a complaint. Have you doen that yet? Insist and get a police report number. Report that to Paypal. Paypal like people who jump through all the hoops. That tends to show honesty.


Theft happens. Usually, it is the bad guys stealing from the good guys.



Message 2 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...


What happened?


It looks like you had almost $50 shipping cost for the earrings.

What went wrong?

Message 3 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

The buyer first "NEGOTIATES" the price...ONE DAY LATER wants to know where her earrings are...when she receives the pkg almost 4 hrs later she puts in a PayPal claim almost mimicking exact wording on PayPals site of "what to do if you receive an empty box!" What she failed to realize is 1. She convicted herself by saying what was in the package(long story) & how she received it! 2. Every time I ship something out I do the exact same thing EVERY TIME and it's ALWAYS in FRONT of WITNESSES AT THE POST OFFICE! Yes my shipping was $50 that is because I always insure ...unfortunately in Canada for certain items you can only insure up to so much for certain items! And I always purchase the shipping material at the post office so that forces them to witness me putting the items in the shipping products, every time! And I always make sure I inspect both inside and outside making sure everything is intact, then either me or the postal ladies seal the "rip proof/water proof" packaging and the other one always verifies it's sealed! What went wrong she lied and PayPal gave her money back!
Message 4 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

The buyer claimed that the box was empty and paypal gave her a refund?


Wow!  That seems odd.  Is that the norm?


What did the PO do?  Did they refund you the amount you insured for?


The type of shipping you get for $50 for an item that light would have allowed for the purchase of full coverage.



Message 5 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

That is not right to say don't sell what you can't afford to lose...if someone every day took $20 out of your account for their pleasure is that right can you afford $20 or even $5 or $1 a day ...if so give me your account PLEASE!! Some of these items a valuable in more ways than one...and getting top dollar is the sellers goal for whatever reason, to help their children out, get them out of debt, help an ailing family member or purely business. And when companies like EBay and PayPal insinuate they are there to PROTECT you and to do business with them...then they leave you laying in the dirt...not good business, not at all!!!
Message 6 of 50
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Not applicable

To elmwood.  It is very strange to say "don't list anything you cannot afford to lose"!!  What is the purpose to say it??


As for insurance.  I think we can insure up to $1,000 to USA.  With $50.00,  it should be included tracking number?  Use XpressPost??  I wouldn't use registered mail.  Use XpressPost with signature, and with insurance,  it is the best way to ship the expensive items.

Message 7 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

sssuper................... watching to see what you say.


What about seller protection?  You must have used a seriously upgraded method of shipping since you billed $50 for this very small light item.



The method you must have used to ship would have allowed for full insurance.  Did the PO cover any of all of it?



Message 8 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

No. In Canada for jewelry you are only Covered to $500 max. It cost me $38 to ship without the packaging which was $2.99 . The shipping was upgraded as I wanted it there pretty quick ( as you can imagine) SELLER PROTECTION is a JOKE...for in this "instance" seller protection does not apply! One minute ( call back in 5 and speak to a different customer service rep. And you are protected?!!!) NO I have not received anything from the insurance Canada Post needs to investigate and THEN United Postal Inspectors need to inspect. I may not know if I get anything back for 90 days! Mean time she has the earrings and the money!
Message 9 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

What do you mean that you're only covered up to $500?


Why does seller protection not apply in this case?


Did you insure for $500 with the CPO?  You can buy insurance for more than that, but is that limit because it was jewelry?

Message 10 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

In Canada you are only entitled to $500 insurance for Jewelry no matter how you send it!
Message 11 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

That's good to know.


You said that the buyer knew exactly how to word the claim but I can't find anything on payoal about empty boxes.


I know that when a buyer returns an empty box to the seller that the seller has to refund as if the item had been received.


That is, if the item is marked as received the seller can't win if the box was empty.

Surprised to hear it doesn't go both ways.

Message 12 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

I do NOT KNOW WHY SELLER PROTECTION does not apply?! One minute I do the next I don't...but once it gets handed to a supervisor then "SELLER PROTECTION" does not apply in this case, is closed! I believe it's because in her very FIRST email to me she stated she was going to do a "chargeback" so PayPal knew she would access her credit card rights and they would lose the money ... So they ASKED her after 10 days to get a police report and they'd give her money back! She ran right down that day and did! When I tried to tell the police that the way she described what was in the package and the way it was delivered she was basically admitting she did it! There was a little secret that she forgot ...the ONLY PERSON That would know there was a jewelry box in there would be the buyer! ( reasons unknown to this forum, which I'd like to keep hush hush for now).
Message 13 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

Yes it is right in the user agreements and protection policies(dig deep people, scammers obviously do)...she actually used almost word for word what PayPal suggests to do...."try and work it out amicably!" I can't believe EBay & PayPal are actually recruiting scammers and theft?!
Message 14 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

Not applicable

I don't know where you get the information up to $500.00 for insurance in Canada?


With PayPal Shipping you can insure up to $1,000 for USA and International and up to $2,500 for Canada.


If you are not using PayPal Shipping to purhcase the shipping labels, you'd better to consider starting to use PayPal Shipping instead of using Canada Post website or go to Post office in person.


And lastly if you are selling expensive items, better use XpressPost with insurance and tracking number from now on.


I am more successful in selling my 8x10 photos across Canada by using Expedited or XpressPost after all buyers requested that kind of mail service.  I sold more 8x10 photos this year than the last 5 years with regular mail service!!  My DSRs are not trashed for expensive mail service this year comparing to last year when I offered cheaper mail service.  It is strange but it is now happening.


As for eBay/PayPal protection, it is more to protect the buyers than the sellers.  It is sad that how eBay is treating the sellers.



Message 15 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

honey;  I think sssuper was saying that jewelry can only be insured for up to $500.  I wasn't aware that jewelry was treated differently in terms of insurance limits, but I do know that it's treated differently in general.


Most companies won't insure jewelry or coins.


There is a reason for that.  I would have shipped the earrings in a large box and been very careful with the way I worded the declaration.   


I'm pretty sure that sssuper would pass a lie detector, but there are 3 possibilities:


The box was shipped without the jewelry.

The PO somehow dipped in there.

The buyer is lying.


I'm pretty sure that pinpointing where the earrings went missing isn't possible.


However, it sure does give one the head's up about listing and selling expensive jewelry on eBay.

Perhaps shipping via courier where they pack these items makes sense when shipping expensive pieces of jewelry.


BTW sssuper:  Was you buyer required to pay taxes upon arrival?







Message 16 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

Appeal the case ........ If the amount is for $2000 I would be fighting tooth and nail and only speaking to supervisors and always be super polite it helps even if what there saying is ticking you off just keep cool and calm ... Call back again and again until you get someone who is willing to help you with an appeal..

Message 17 of 50
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GET THIS!!!...

I'm not following something here. There is this item #321316121052 that ended in a neg. However, this is less than half of the $2000 the OP claims.

A quick look around the internet reveals possible better delivery methods.
Message 18 of 50
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Message 19 of 50
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PS. For all you sellers on here according to "Brent"(supervisor) DOES NOT MATTER if you have a tracking, insurance or a signature for delivery or not...or if they open a claim under the right category or long as they get a police report ...PayPal DOES NOT CARE CASE iS CLOSED! Soooo much for your Seller Protection!!
Message 20 of 50
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