Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Not sure if a change was imlemented or it's just a simple glitch. One's received feedback isn't in "date" order anymore. (on both .COM and .CA for me at least)


devon@ebay FYI

Message 1 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

I noticed this on the app version for a few weeks now. It's not just scrambled, always seems to have the same older feedback at top (from about 6 months ago) almost like it's sample feedback as opposed to recent (even when you click show all). I know because I used to like seeing my numbers go up and be able to see who it was, but now it always shows the same older feedback. When I look at the desktop version however it is normal with most recent at top, I like seeing the recent at top as it confirms they received and were happy with it. At least it works for me on desktop here.

Message 2 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

I'm backwards to you!


My scrambled order is on my laptop.


I checked on my phone and it is normal latest first there!

Message 3 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Community Member

On the app mine is ordered by "Most Relevant", which always brings up longer glowing feedbacks that are not chronoligical.   The app first provides a few feedbacks, then if you click "All Feedbck" there is an option for sorting, from which you can select "Most relevant" or "Most Recent"  with relevant the default. 


On the computer when I pull up a listing and click on feedback it is in date order.  

Message 4 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Mine was fine as of yesterday, because I received one for a recent sale. This morning, now that I looked, they are scrambled. Curious to know if this is permanent? Can't see it as an improvement and not seeing a way to sort correctly. (PC)




Update: Clicking on 1 Month tab will give you most recent. Left for others as noted by @msmaggie060 is MIA.

Message 5 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Yes, my feedback is messed up on both my IDs and on and on .com. Not only that but what is worse, there is NO Feedback showing at all under Feedback Left For Others and I always leave feedback for my buyers as soon as I ship.

Message 6 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Clicking on user @ricarmic feedback shows most recent and left for others.

Clicking on user @msau4301 feedback shows most recent. Left for others is blank.

Clicking on user @byto253 feedback shows most recent. Left for others is blank

Clicking on user @lotzofuniquegoodies  feedback shows most recent (if I click 1 month tab). Left for others is blank.


Message 7 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

I spoke to soon! Was normal this morning when I checked after seeing your post, scrambled now on both laptop and phone and as lotz posted feedback left is blank. Must be yet another change and/or test for some reason!

I will try byto's suggestion, maybe somehow I'm on most relevant, not most recent if they've changed the default on us...I didn't know we could change that.

Message 8 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

@msau4301 wrote:

I spoke to soon! Was normal this morning when I checked after seeing your post, scrambled now on both laptop and phone and as lotz posted feedback left is blank. Must be yet another change and/or test for some reason!

I will try byto's suggestion, maybe somehow I'm on most relevant, not most recent if they've changed the default on us...I didn't know we could change that.


When I returned to the feedback page it was back to scrambled. To see current you need to click on one month setting each time. In regard to defaults, I see inconsistencies with this as matter of routine. I will create a new listing and what I used in a previous creation will either be there or not. It works the same way with buying, I religiously use closest. With each new search I have to update. If AI is in place with eBay the system should remember settings from your last appearance unless you are searching anonymously or clearing cookies/cache hourly.



Message 9 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

I noticed it this morning. This does not seem like a change that's good for most buyers or sellers.

Message 10 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

@flipistics wrote:

I noticed it this morning. This does not seem like a change that's good for most buyers or sellers.

Seems to be a never ending desire by eBay to suddenly remove histororical based information from both a seller and buyers perspective. Information that we used to be able to rely on.



Message 11 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Yes, same here. Apparently I've never left feedback for others! Another eBay glitch. The more they tinker with appearance the glitchier basic functions become.

Message 12 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Computer or phone AP 🙂  

Message 13 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Yup! feedback is likewise scrambled,all out of order,etc...whereas my feedback was just fine and all in order a few days ago....

Message 14 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Feedback "seems" to be fixed. Guess they only temporarily broke it!?!?!



Message 15 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

Yep mine is normal this morning too....

Message 16 of 17
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Hmmm feedback date "order" is all scrambled at the moment..

@ricarmic wrote:

Not sure if a change was imlemented or it's just a simple glitch. One's received feedback isn't in "date" order anymore. (on both .COM and .CA for me at least)


devon@ebay FYI

Hi @ricarmicWe got this reported to the Feedback team yesterday and as of today this should be corrected back to normal.  

Message 17 of 17
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