07-29-2013 02:56 PM - last edited on 07-29-2013 05:42 PM by lizzier-ca
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08-02-2013 02:12 PM - edited 08-02-2013 02:14 PM
IMO it could be FB extortion. Buyers have to be very careful about how something is worded.
(IF you don't send me the bill with the shipping charge as agreed, I'll leave NFB: Is that extortion??)
However, in your case, since the buyer is demanding nothing of value why turn it into a POWER play?
Just leave the FB already.
It means nothing.
HOWEVER, if you choose to go head to head with your buyer, then eBay will probably remove the NFB should it come to that .......
Another HOWEVER......... if the buyer opts to leave PFB and trash your ratings that could be another story.
FB means less and less as the years go on and the system constantly gets watered down more and more.
Now eBay has been removing NFB and trashed ratings much more readily.
Now...... since ratings can be much more objective, there is no longer much value in subjective ratings.
It coud be that in the very near future FB (as we know it) will no longer be a part of the eBay experience.
08-02-2013 02:19 PM
"I believe a transaction is complete when the buyer receives his goods and he's satisfied with it."
That statement is correct and I believe most sellers and buyers agree with it.
The question is "what does feedback have to do with "complete"?
Answer: nothing.
There is no valid reason for sellers to withhold positive feedback upon receipt of payment. It is a gesture of goodwill costing the seller nothing. Many buyers do not pay attention to feedback and the effort is wasted. However, some do. Why deny them that satisfaction?
Where is the downside? There is none.
Where is the upside? Having received positive feedback, it may persuade some buyers (those who pay attention to these things) to be more lenient in case of problem.
In other words, there is never anything to lose and sometimes there may be something to gain!
All in all, it is the right thing to do.
The withholding of feedback by sellers goes back to the "bad old days" when sellers would retaliate to (often deserved) negative feedback with same. Many sellers used feedback to keep unhappy buyers hostages. Thankfully these days are long gone since sellers can no longer leave anything but positive feedback for buyers.
08-02-2013 02:47 PM
08-02-2013 02:53 PM - last edited on 08-02-2013 03:37 PM by lizzier-ca
Why must you argue with everybody ?
08-02-2013 02:59 PM - edited 08-02-2013 03:01 PM
08-02-2013 03:04 PM
The question is "what does feedback have to do with "complete"?
My answer: by leaving feedback, the buyer confirms that he received his purchase and is satisfied with it. Therefore, it confirms that the transaction is complete.
Why deny them that satisfaction? Where is the downside?
If for some reason the buyer is difficult, I chose not to leave feedback. That is my choice. I don't want to give a positive comment to a buyer who was a PITA.
Where is the upside?
None, as some buyers never leave feedback. So I want to leave feedback to those who take the time to do it. Those who don't take that time do not care about receiving feedback from me or not.
08-02-2013 03:06 PM
08-02-2013 03:09 PM - edited 08-02-2013 03:10 PM
I also learned something new. I didn't know what that meant, so thanks for the link Pierre!
Where is the Fringe Team??
08-02-2013 03:42 PM
08-02-2013 03:46 PM - edited 08-02-2013 03:48 PM
For some strange reason, it seems that message from Pierre disappeared... and a part of the message from BB was deleted. Why???
08-02-2013 03:49 PM
08-02-2013 03:50 PM
You are correct. The post was removed by the monitor because it contained a link explaining the meaning of.....
08-02-2013 03:56 PM
Oh... so that means we can't post links here unless they are related to an eBay page? I didn't know that... good to know!
08-02-2013 03:59 PM
Not quite. If a link leads to some questionable words and someone reports the post, it will be removed by the board monitor.
In other words - be careful what you post. There maybe someone who is trigger happy with the report button. Need I say more?
08-02-2013 04:03 PM
08-02-2013 04:03 PM
Understood 100%. Thank you!
08-02-2013 04:37 PM
A couple of comment about leaving feedback first...
It is possible that if someone is upset about the transaction they will be more inclined to contact the seller first if the seller has shown 'goodwill' by leaving feedback after payment.
If the person turns out to be pain and I've already left them feedback....so what? One more positive feedback for a buyer really means nothing. Not leaving any feedback for them doesn't affect them in any way eiher so why worry about it.
By leaving feedback first for all buyers,I am showing goodwill to each and every customer. It doesn't make sense to me to withhold feedback just on the small chance that I 'might' run across a 'bad buyer'.
08-02-2013 04:49 PM
I tend to lean towards Ladystark's opinion on this one. Back several years ago, when all of the 3 types of feedback could be left by both buyer and seller, I remember reading on these very same boards about sellers who left positive feedback only to have negative or neutral left for them. That, of course, was before DSR's went into effect.
I am somewhat on the fence here. I understand Pierre's point, that if the buyer pays immediately, and you've had no issue with them, there is no reason not to leave feedback right away. But, it is true that some do not leave feedback, and in this case, ratings for the seller. As a seller, those good DSR's are far more important than feedback these days. Why, if you are happy with everything about your purchase, not leave appropriate sentiments in the form of good ratings.
Feedback is passe, and perhaps Ebay should abandon it completely to be more inline with their chief online competitor, the River. Having taken away a seller's ability to leave anything but positive feedback, perhaps eliminating feedback altogether is the best approach.
And if Kalvin is reading this, maybe the Ebay model should be modified so that sellers can leave "DETAILED BUYER RATINGS", to help eliminate problem buyers who cause constant headaches for honest sellers. One would think that would benefit all equally, attract more sellers, which should, in turn, attract more buyers. And no, I won't sing a rendition of "The Circle of Life". 🙂
08-02-2013 05:08 PM
A long long time ago, in the mid 50's, I remember my dad coming home one day with the French edition of
How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
He told me that may be the most important book I ever read next to the Bible.
He was right.
08-02-2013 05:45 PM
This discussion has and will come back many times.
Who should leave feedback first.?.... Seller or buyer
The answer is clear.
(1) Feedback is voluntary... most important
(2) Sellers can no longer leave negative feedback... eBay took care of that
(3) Buyers cannot hold a seller hostage if feedback is not left first by the seller... as per eBay's new update.
Further considerations...
(1) There are still many buyers that are afraid of receiving negative feedback from a seller
(2) Many sellers see the leaving of feedback as a waste of time and effort.... if all buyers get positive feedback.
(3) Up until now a buyer had the option of blackmailing a seller to leave feedback first... and if the buyer leaves a large number of negative feedback that shows up on the buyer's record
and then if buyer bids... seller looks at a buyer that leaves negatives... and cancels that bid and blocks the ID...
A buyer that has a habit of leaving negative feedback will get flagged by eBay
(4) Some buyers forget that if they spread dirt they also gets dirty....
Buyers ARE getting reported by sellers..... Something many buyers do not realize until too late...
Unlike ratings for sellers, the buyer is ignorant of being reported
This reporting of buyer's is also like a low rating for a seller..... hidden from public view and anonymous...
However, a buyer's record is held by eBay but NOT visible to a buyer...