When searching for vintage hats, please don't show me new VINTAGE STYLE hats.

How can you filter out the NEW hats when looking for old vintage hats? Vintage hats are old.

I do not want to waste my time looking at hundreds of  NEW Vintage STYLE hats. Make sellers say if NEW or OLD in their headline.  Or maybe make special category for NEW items. "Vintage Style hats"  "Antique style hats"

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When searching for vintage hats, please don't show me new VINTAGE STYLE hats.

When you list in athe Vintage Clothing Category you will see a dropdown menu stating  whether it is True Vintage or a Vintage Reproduction.


Confusing as many of the items, hats included, are not True Vintage.


Best to use the term Vintage Style though eBay now recognizes the term Vintage to include the 1990s in the Vintage Clothing Category.

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When searching for vintage hats, please don't show me new VINTAGE STYLE hats.

Some terms, such as "vintage," are so overused on eBay (and retailing in general) that I think they've become meaningless.


"L@@K" also drives me crazy, but that's a bit beside the point.  Smiley Very Happy

Message 3 of 5
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When searching for vintage hats, please don't show me new VINTAGE STYLE hats.

Yes, Vintage is very overused to the point where it has become almost meaningless.


Too bad.

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When searching for vintage hats, please don't show me new VINTAGE STYLE hats.

One way of filtering out the carp is to set your Search to Highest Price First.

The idea being that cheap knockoffs number in the hundreds while the cream is scarce. It is easier to work down through a dozen items than to work up through a hundred.

With recent versus vintage there might be the problem that new stuff has such high labour and importation costs that the price of the new stuff is actually higher than the real collectible stuff.






Some people juggle geese-- Hoban Washburne.

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