Is that possible to create coupon code as a seller on eBay Canada?

We are trying to included printed coupon code in our package to encourage existing customer to purchase again from us, but this option does not seem to be enabled on eBay Canada page. Does anyone know if it's possible on the .ca website or only on the .com one?

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Is that possible to create coupon code as a seller on eBay Canada?

@lotzofuniquegoodies , @pjcdn2005 , @fastforwardshop 


Hi regs

You are all correct. It was from eBay For Business Episode 233 March 2023 I got the idea.  Maybe they could change the name to "eBay For United States Business".


Here is an excerpt from eBay's podcast...

Brian: "Right. Then as a seller, if they want to, they can also do something like if they offer free shipping and let's say you, you know, you can get some cost savings with shipping by combining multiple items. You can also say if you buy a second card, you get 30 cents off or you buy a third card, it gets you 30 cents off.

Griff: You can do that with promotions. There's purchase discounts where you can say buy one, get one free or buy one, get one for this amount. And that will be for an individual listing. You can set that up for several listings, a category, all your listings or just one listing. You can set that up. So that's a way of getting around the restriction about, you know, combined or not combined in the shipping preferences being a global setting. Dana, you should explore also the Shipping Discounts Help Page and read through your options there. A seller can create something called discount rules, shipping discount rules for both flat and calculated shipping policies. And then apply a specific one to a listing at the time the listings created. Or you can add it as an edit to an existing listing. And the Shipping Discount Help Page will explain it all to you. Cause like I said, those old legacy discounts, they work, but they're a little complicated. But in order to create and apply your own shipping discount rules through that process, you still have to have combined shipping for all your listings set to yes. "


 I suppose Canadian sellers could specify in the listing


"Special discount on multiple purchases. For details please see my smoke signals."

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