Lay Away Offers ???

Hello. I recently listed two rare dolls and I received two "lay away offers" (one was 50$ first in my account and 500$ later...he said he really really wanted the doll) What are lay away offers anyway ?? Tell me if I'm being paranoid or something, but I refused these offers. I finally sold my beautiful dolls to people who paid the full amount. A week later, someone bidded on two items of mine and wan. Then he asked to cancel the apron (saying his child wouln't fit in it anyway) but still wanted the blanket. So I canceled the apron. And then nothing, he is not paying or even accepting that I receive a final value fee credit for the apron. This person has 0% feedback, has registered with Ebay the same day I refused the lay away offer. Coincidence ?? Probably.


An other person bidded and won but again, nothing from him. I really don't understand why people would bid and not pay... It is such a waste of time (and $) because you have to go through trying to contact him, opening a case, relisting after, ahhhhhh, it is really frustrating. Do they do that when they go to a big store to buy something they really want, when arrived at the counter, decide not to buy ??? Euh, yes they probably do...


But saying that, they are more many positive outcomes then bad ones (thank god) and I just enjoy so much finding items and selling them on Ebay   😄    HAve a nice and wonderful summer (I think I just wanted to vent a little) Youckoulele

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Re: Lay Away Offers ???

It sounds like you did a mutual cancellation for the apron. If the buyer does not accept the cancellation within 7 days, you can end it yourself in order to get your fees back.


Lay Away offer - you're not under any obligation to agree to any offer including a lay away. Usually a lay away is when a buyer pays you a small amount each month, week etc. (depending on the agreement) until the item is paid in full. You agree to hold the item until it is totally paid for. Note that if more than one payment is made for an ebay item, neither buyer nor seller are eligible for any type of ebay/paypal protection.


Your topic will probably be moved as the site issues board is more for technical site issues. For seller issues like this, it's best to post on the Seller Central board.

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Re: Lay Away Offers ???

Lay away basically disappeared from retail with the widespread use of credit cards. Personally, I would probably refuse any such offer just because the customer obviously cannot qualify for a credit card. If his bank, which knows him doesn't trust him with credit, why should I?

Layaway is particularly bad for the consumer, just because he gets nothing until the item is completely paid for. A newlywed couple I knew bought their living room furniture on layaway (their 40th anniversary is next week) and got nothing because the company went bankrupt half way through the transaction. They lost three months' wages.


For the non-payers, open the Unpaid Item Disputes and close them four days later. Apparently UIDs can now be opened after 48 hours.


You can set your Seller Preferences to Block bidders without Paypal accounts. If you are selling at Fixed Price, you can also require Immediate Payment, under which plan the item remains available until somebody actually forks over payment.


Some categories get more nitwits and flibbertigibbets than others.

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Re: Lay Away Offers ???

I agree with previous post. As far as cancelation goes, that's is something i no longer accept. You buy, you pay or get a strike. Buyers must be responsible for there action.

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Re: Lay Away Offers ???

Thank you for your help
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