04-24-2019 12:18 PM
In February I had a case open in Paypal
"The buyer reported that someone made the order without their permission.
The buyer has filed a case with their financial institution for a payment of $70.95 USD you received on Jan 26, 2019. We've opened a case on February 9, 2019 so that we can collect more info and resolve this with the buyer's financial institution."
I did provide tracking. Is there not seller protection in that case? How long will it take Paypal to close the case?
04-24-2019 02:05 PM
Since Paypal and eBay are different companies, you probably should ask Paypal through the Claim, to close it.
04-24-2019 02:18 PM
Buyer complains to their bank/credit card who complains to paypal who asks you for details.
So you have an extra hand in the process to slow things down.
04-24-2019 02:33 PM
If it is an unauthorized credit card chargeback you will win if you have proof of shipment to the payment address. Was there tracking?
04-24-2019 03:15 PM
I think there is a lot of time necessary for the communication between paypal and the bank/credit card company during the resolution process.
Here's my latest example:
On April 3rd I got notification that a buyer claimed they were billed twice for the same item, which some some unknown reason PAYPAL sends to me to act on.
The buyer purchased 3 items, 19.99, 12.99 and 19.99. They purchased the 19.99 and 12.99 earlier and paid for them all (in 2 transactions) when they purchased the final 19.99 item.
Presumably they forgot they purchased two with the same price and they filed this with the bank before they actually received the item (I've never heard anything from the buyer).
I called PAYPAL to ask them what they wanted me to do, there was no evidence of any duplicate payment in my account activity.
The CSR went away, looked at the 3 items, and related payments and said no probs they did buy 3 things and they only paid for 3 things so PAYPAL would look after it and nothing more for me to do (which of course the BOTs should have been able to see/determine but anyway).
That was April 3, April 4 I see the case moves to PAYPAL has the action item "reviewing" I think is the word.
Yesterday I got an email telling me PAYPAL is still working on it and nothing for me to do.
Presumably the process for them to prove to the bank that there isn't a duplicate payment is long/onerous.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to iron itself out.
04-24-2019 08:19 PM
when i get a charge back, and i have proof of delivery, i call paypal, and have the case closed immediately, seller protection, does apply if you have tracking.. I believe, if you didn't have tracking you would have lost the case right away.. But you can call them, and personally tell them, your tracking info, and they will side with you right away, and release the hold on the funds,,..
04-24-2019 08:28 PM
"Buyer complains to their bank/credit card who complains to paypal who asks you for details.
So you have an extra hand in the process to slow things down."
No...tracking was uploaded upon shipping and the item shows as delivered. Paypal has never asked me anything.
The thing is since there is proof of delivery I don't see why whatever goes on between paypal and the financial institution should involve me...and it has been going on for 2.5 months now.
04-24-2019 08:42 PM
that is why i am telling you to call paypal, and ask them to close the case, as you have tracking , and you want it closed.. i have had a charge back closed in less than 24 hours, by calling.. i wouldn't wait..
05-08-2019 02:36 PM
@ricarmic wrote:I think there is a lot of time necessary for the communication between paypal and the bank/credit card company during the resolution process.
Here's my latest example:
On April 3rd I got notification that a buyer claimed they were billed twice for the same item, which some some unknown reason PAYPAL sends to me to act on.
The buyer purchased 3 items, 19.99, 12.99 and 19.99. They purchased the 19.99 and 12.99 earlier and paid for them all (in 2 transactions) when they purchased the final 19.99 item.
Presumably they forgot they purchased two with the same price and they filed this with the bank before they actually received the item (I've never heard anything from the buyer).
I called PAYPAL to ask them what they wanted me to do, there was no evidence of any duplicate payment in my account activity.
The CSR went away, looked at the 3 items, and related payments and said no probs they did buy 3 things and they only paid for 3 things so PAYPAL would look after it and nothing more for me to do (which of course the BOTs should have been able to see/determine but anyway).
That was April 3, April 4 I see the case moves to PAYPAL has the action item "reviewing" I think is the word.
Yesterday I got an email telling me PAYPAL is still working on it and nothing for me to do.
Presumably the process for them to prove to the bank that there isn't a duplicate payment is long/onerous.
It will be interesting to see how long it takes to iron itself out.
I thought folks might like the postscript to this.
Today I get notification that the case was decided in the buyer's favour and that they've removed the $19.99 from my account along with charging me the $20 charge back fee (what????).
So I made a call to the PAYPAL folks, certainly frustrated because there is no way I can possibly cause a duplicate charge (I can cause not received, INAD etc) but not a duplicate charge and the earlier CSR acknowledged that there were no duplicates.
I called in about half an hour later but whilst I was on the phone with the CSR, who undid the chargeback, I got an email that I thought was the chargeback reversal he completed. The CSR left it with me that I'd have to catch up to the buyer to get the $19.99 back, which I was very frustrated about.
However, after hanging up, I noticed in the email it said that because I'm a valued customer they're giving me back the $19.99. (I did not get any emails about the $20 reversal)
Now I began to worry that I got the $20 back 2 times but as best I can see I got everything back as it should be.
A most weird situation, I guess I should have waited longer to call the PAYPAL folks, to let the automagic process work, but I was furious because as I mentioned about 9 times to the CSR I personally cannot cause a duplicate payment, it is either them or the bank that would cause that (personally as I said above, I think the buyer forgot they purchased 2 things of the exact same amount, they wouldn't even have had them yet when they opened the case).
Anyway in a convoluted time wasting way, all worked out in the end.....
05-08-2019 09:02 PM
As long as you've met their requirements for tracking/signature where appropriate, I just call in and get these closed out when they drag for more than a week or two. They are eating the chargeback in the end for not actually verifying any of their buyers so no point in letting them hold funds in the meantime. Never had an issue getting them taken care of that way. Never use their web communication tools for anything other than requested documentation. A lot of this stuff is automated with minimal human intervention so use phones when you actually have funds at risk. They are a lot more reasonable in this regard than typical merchant account providers.
05-09-2019 05:37 AM