Seller Central
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In my experience, clicking on the wee red store item that says "View sellers store" doesn't work, and it hasn't worked in many months. This is the link that shows when one does a search based on a seller id. If you pick any of us here on the boards a...
So I've been listing exclusively on Ebay. ca ever since I started but I'd thought I'd try to take advantage of the 50 extra listings on I got the 50 listings I wanted to use but as I went to edit the price, etc on them...I got....'None of t...
I put a few items on sale because I wanted to see how this worked out for me. I wasn't paying attention to whether items had a B.O. option or not and now I have an offer for one of the items put on sale. I don't know if I should I accept or not becau...
Due to slow Feb & early March sales Handling for US & International sales was switched to 10 Days. In the past couple days some listings were switched to 5 days. Two items sold and there are conflicting handling times stated on the sold listings. The...
OK, so I am going to break down and try Free Shipping on some of my items. I've figured out the Prices, but now I am wondering how I adjust the shipping cost to US so that they do not have to pay the extra amount that I have added on to the price of ...
tried on 2 different browsers getting a http error..
Just listed some items using TL and found that all were changed to GTC as I uploaded my listings. I list primarily on .com on both my IDs. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. It will be extra work for a while until I get used to it as I ha...
I posted the question below in the weekly session, but it was ignored and not answered. So I'm posting it here because I would like an answer. If anyone has info it would be appreciated, Thanks! "Just wondering if we in Canada will ever be able to se...
Where did my items go?
AS ebay has pulled the plug, on our list for 30 day listing options.. so as i still believe it is a money no seller will be able to accurately end listings on day 29.. so why bother sending any more promos, unless they are free auction type ...
I can't remember what my old record was, but on the weekend I sold an item that had been a continuously running GTC for 11 years and 4 months (listed on November 2007!!). Sometimes it takes a while for the right buyer to come by, this may be an extre...
This is turning out to be my weekend project - determining where to list and under which account. Sorry if it seems I have been posting too many questions but eBay's support person has managed to get both he and I confused. 1. I have a .com account a...
What Can I do about a parcel mailed to Australia in December and was held up because of the Post office strike . Buyer has now made a claim on me and of course the usual has happened and eBay right away refunded her the payment! without any discussio...
The last week has been very slow. I had a great January and beginning of Feb, but since Feb 9 sales have dropped off a cliff. How are your sales doing this month? Is it only me?
Several years ago I sold on eBay, and after a break (living in US; sooo glad to be back home) I am starting up again. New to me are ebay branded shipping bags. These look wonderful, but I have questions. What does CanPost think of these? Do they take...
It looks like on Buy It Now we are stuck with "Good Till Cancelled" as of a few minutes ago I was using 30 days and now I can't - nothing available but: "Good Till Cancelled" Any one know how this is supposed to work? I have obviously not been keepin...
I have 2 tickets in my possession for a show in London En, when they are sold can I send the electronic tickets by email?
Until recently I was a "snowbird" spending winters in California and summers in Canada. I have an account linked to my US Paypal and bank accounts. I have an account linked to my Canadian PayPal and bank. I am no longer planning on s...
Can I tell buyers I will consider offers on two or more listings?Can I offer a discount based on two or more purchases?
Hi, We are still a fairly young eBay seller, but have 151 feedback and are still 100% positive. We recently had a buyer purchase an item, then when they received it they sent a message saying it was missing a piece, and they clearly specified which p...
Hi, I recently sold a sealed 4 dvd box set, and the buyer claims that all the discs do not work via normal messaging, not a return request through ebay. "Good afternoon, I recently received my item, but the disc's don't seem to play properly. Only a ...
Reading thru the advice of sellers , it seems reasonable to accept some loss thru untracked mail when sending low cost items out to buyers. My experience so far has been a loss rate of 1 in 10 items being claimed by buyers for a refund because of non...
Latest group are 2 hours behind the sale..... PAYPAL notification was immediate so it is only the eBay messages delayed.
Wow time has sure flown by, another sign of getting older I guess! Boy hasn't the eBay world changed a lot in the last 20 years! However, having said this, the older you get, the more you've seen things before. I can't count the number of times I've ...
Things are constantly changing and so this is just a check-up. Does anyone know if Tracked Packet $100 insurance means that the item is insured for $100 or is it insured for $100 plus shipping? (That's the way it used to be.) That is: If the item pri...
Sales have been slow, so I have been checking out my competition. One seller doesn't have a store, has over 500 listed on .ca, doesn't used GTC, I assume just 30 days and he/she has a 32% sell through rate over 3 months, which is excellent, mine is a...
Hi - My concerns/ recent problems have been posted in the Seller Questions area of the Answer Centre - 2 full days no views yet. Doesn't seem to be much activity there. Is there a way to transfer it to here? (without cutting and pasting -as would pro...
Maybe Tyler can look into this: I have been trying to respond to a message through the resolution centre since 2:38am EST to no avail. The "SEND" button isn't even highlighted.If I phone ebay they consider it asking them to step in, find for the buye...
Anyone who received an advanced warning the offer should be on your Seller's Hub page. Sell for $1* *Valid from Saturday, March 9, 2019 00:00:01 ET until Sunday, March 10, 2019 23:59:59 ET. Maximum f...
Curious to know the overall opinions on providing several shipping services & flexibility we really have when it comes to adding realistic shipping & handling fees. I've seen it mentioned numerous times on this board that they don't recommend giving ...