Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

I just got a "Seller Protections" email from ebay that says I'm not eligible for Seller Protection because I don't offer a 30 day return policy. I guess i missed the boat on this one. Can someone explain what Protections I'm missing by only offering 14 day returns, or none at all?
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Re: Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

Community Member

Have a breeze through this page and see if it gets you started.  I'm sure somebody who's done more selllng recently will be by soon:

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Re: Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

They are probably referring to this:


Top Rated Sellers (TRS) who reside in Canada and offer 30 day or longer returns are protected on items listed on when:


A buyer falsely claims an item was not as described

An item is returned after it was used or damaged by the buyer


There is more info on the link that marnotom gave.

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Re: Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

I think it's hilarious that they've stated this. Are we to assume that if you only allow 14 day returns, they'll just let the buyer scam you? Good grief...
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Re: Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

eBay doesn't investigate when a buyer says an item is snad and has no idea what sort of condition the seller sent out the item in or what condition it arrives back to the seller. There has been an unwritten policy for the past year or so which meant that until recently..a Canadian seller would have to refund in full when a snad was returned regardless if the seller said they were being scammed.  Now there is some protection for some TRS. If the buyer complains about a partial refund, I think that ebay often gives a complimentary refund to the buyer.


I imagine that they want sellers to have at least a 30 day refund policy and have that as an incentive to do so. In my case, when I changed from 14-30 days returns a few years ago, there was no difference in the amount of returns.


Although I do understand ebay not wanting to make a decision in the he said/she said scenario, I do think that there are times when they rule in favour of the buyer even though there is written proof that the item is not snad. In those cases, they should offer more protections imo.

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Re: Must Allow 30 day Returns or Ineligible for Seller Protection?

Yeah, I'm not necessarily ticked about the prospect of switching to 30 days, so much as ebay claiming to offer an incentive to do so that should already be there. ESPECIALLY since they make the seller pay for shipping for SNADs...
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