Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

Sorry guys but I just got off the phone from talking to a CSR on eBay & I must rant about the ridiculousness of the situation.

I had a buyer open a case as they had not received an item. I replied right away and while I felt the item should have been there asked her to wait till the end of that week (this was on Mon) to see if it was just delayed by the PO or customs and that if she did not have it by then I would process a refund for her. She replied back saying she would wait the few days. Then on Thursday she left negative feedback just saying "the necklace did not arrive". I immediately contacted her saying I was sorry she had felt it necessary to leave the feedback and that as discussed earlier if it did not arrive by Sat to let me know (one way or another) & I would process a refund if it had not gotten there. Over the weekend she closed the case with the reason being "item received".

So today I tried to have the feedback removed as it is simply untrue. The CSR said they could not remove it and went on about how I could contact the buyer to revise the feedback etc  & that as this was the buyers "opinion" eBay could not remove it. I said wait hold on it is not "an opinion" , this is a stated fact that it did not arrive but we know it did arrive as she closed the case saying it had been received. Well we went round the merry-go-round again with the end result being the buyer has to revise FB. I said the buyer likely would not know how to do this (I personally don't & I have been on eBay for some time) and she said if she called they would walk her though it. Yeah likely a buyer is going to go to all this trouble.  Well I was not my nicest self and told her this was one of the reasons eBay sellers are finding it so difficult to deal with eBay & hung up before she could say "thanks for calling eBay."

My rant for the day - just had to get it off my chest to some other who would understand the situation!  Grrr

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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

As far as I know, a buyer has always been able to change a neutral or a negative. The seller has to send them a feedback revision request. I'm not sure why that wasn't available in your case.


Message 21 of 26
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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

I stand corrected, going back to check, the buyer added that he had made an error, and the feedback is now a positive. How about that! Recent change maybe?

Message 22 of 26
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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

Not the best customer service from ebay representatives, i did have one good guy named Prince that was super fast and knowledgeable, but others spend over an hour talking to you with no resolution
Message 23 of 26
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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

4 1/2 years ago... The neg is a distant memory.

Message 24 of 26
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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

@amcdc79 wrote:

I can't believe I'm saying, be happy it was a negative. Years ago, a buyer left me a neutral(for condition) before my item had even arrived. He later sent a message apologizing for the feedback, admitting it was for the wrong seller, and thanking me for the better than described one from me.


He could not change a neutral, and ebay CS also said they could not either, left a bad taste in my mouth regarding ebay and their CS.


I do not know if that policy has changed or not, thankfully I haven't had to try.

Maybe something they changed recently behind the scenes. I know they added the leave an additional comment in the past few years for sellers. But inadvertent incorrect feedback happens all the time. The leaver may not even realize that they have done it.   Why I won't turn on automatic to my transactions.  As for an appeal it can really depend on the agent you deal with and their mood.


Message 25 of 26
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Re: Removal of Unfair negative Feedback

If a seller has a legitimate reason to have a negative removed, the best way is usually to use the defect removal e-mail. I don't know if that is technically what you are supposed to do, but if you call a CSR you may not get someone who is in a position to help you. E-mailing through the defect removal link seems to get it to the correct department who are in a position to act. 

E-mail and clearly outline why you think it violates eBay's feedback policy. It also helps to disclaim that you aren't looking for information on how to contact a buyer and have them revise feedback. You obviously have to have a legitimate reason to have it removed. 

I get this is an old thread, but the above info might be helpful to someone.

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