Seller protection Not eligible

I received a few orders yesterday and one of the orders says  Seller protection Not eligible on paypal ? Should I just cancel the order ?

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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

Don't be in a rush to give a potentially legitimate buyer their money back. Phone PayPal toll-free at 1-888-221-1161  and ask why no protection?  Please come back here and let us know what PP had to say. 

Message 2 of 7
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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

PayPal does have restrictions for seller protection. Here are a few of the not eligible:



  • Digital Goods, such as music, computer game downloads
  • Items equivalent to cash, including but not limited to gift cards
  • The payment relates to the purchase of a financial product or investment
  • For shipped items, any item that is not shipped to the recipient's shipping address on the Transaction Details Page.


Message 3 of 7
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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

For shipped items, any item that is not shipped to the recipient's shipping address on the Transaction Details Page.


This is the rule that I have trouble with.

If the buyer's eBay address and the address on Paypal do not match, which address should the seller insist on using?


It goes without saying that if the buyer asks for shipping to an entirely different address, that the seller should refuse.


But what is the status of "gift" addresses, where the item is being sent to a different address for legitimate reasons? When must that address be added to the PP account?

Message 4 of 7
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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

The item is now protected on paypal so problem solved never called or anything .

Message 5 of 7
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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

The only address the seller sees after payment on both eBay and PP is the address chosen by the buyer at the time of payment so there is no choice to make.   That address might be their PP address, eBay address, mother in laws address etc.....that is the address that the seller has to use to qualify for ‘some’ seller protection.

When a seller says that they see 2 different addresses, they must have been looking at the eBay address before payment.  When the buyer pays, they choose an address and that is the only address associated with that transaction on both sites.


Message 6 of 7
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Re: Seller protection Not eligible

@reallynicestamps wrote:

For shipped items, any item that is not shipped to the recipient's shipping address on the Transaction Details Page.


This is the rule that I have trouble with.

If the buyer's eBay address and the address on Paypal do not match, which address should the seller insist on using?

PayPal uses the address supplied by ebay for that purchase when determining protection.


I have not seen any address mismatches since paypal separated from ebay.


The only minor differences I see these days are with the address layout for some foreign addresses.  That's when I consult the net for the "proper" postal format for that country.



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