09-09-2013 01:53 PM
I want to sell a retail boxed software and restrict it to the US (beside domestically to Canada). What is proper way of dealing with any import, customs or other similar charges for a US buyer? ebay's help files seem to indicate it is not the seller's responsibility, so I do nothing? Is putting a line in the description like 'seller not responsible for...' enough?
09-09-2013 04:28 PM
09-09-2013 04:43 PM
US buyers will not have to pay any import duty or taxes, If you ship via Canada Post there will be no customs clearance fees either.
09-09-2013 04:58 PM
@inuk_the_polar_bear Have an unopened copy of MS office, never used it and moving more and more to Linux so time to sell I think. Thanks.
@recped Didn't know that. My experience is limited in shipping a bit more expensive stuff. Thanks.