Shipping to Kuwait.

Is here anyone  from ebay team   who can explain why I have Kuwait in a list of countries I cannot ship ?

Here is a list :

"Belarus, Israel, Kuwait, Macedonia, Morocco, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine"
This is added by ebay,as I have no restriction  and offer Worldwide shipping.While I can understand why some countries are on a list,cannot find any info why Kuwait is here.
Conversation with ebay leads to nothing,there is zero information online as well.Canada Post delivers to Kuwait,so why ebay blocks buyers from there ?  
Message 1 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Good question.  I noticed that Canada Post also ships to Macedonia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  EBay international shipping also ships to Qatar, Macedonia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia so I would guess that they aren't blocked for a US political reason? 

Message 2 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Community Member
It may be a hangover from COVID-related restrictions enacted in 2020. There are some hints in the last post in this short .com thread but the post’s link doesn’t appear to work anymore:

Message 3 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.



As per the CA page here is a list of currently embargoed countries. Same list on dot com. Products from there can't be shipped so would be shipping to. Not finding an actual list on ebay of banned countries.


Goods from embargoed countries aren't allowed.

What is the policy?

Sellers can't list embargoed goods or pre-embargoed goods from these countries or regions:

  • Cuba
  • Crimea, Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) regions of Ukraine (as defined under applicable sanctions)
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
  • Iran
  • Syria

You may want to check your settings to make sure something hasn't gone haywire. Unfortunately that does happen from time to time. Settings link attached.



Message 4 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Is Kuwait blocked for everything that you're listing, or have you only noticed it for one item? Is it possible the item can't be exported to certain countries?  It's a long shot, but could be a possible explanation.

Message 5 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

I'm grumpy about that list, because Cuba is not on any embargo or sanctions list by the Canadian government. Canadians and Cubans can freely trade, visit, even emigrate.

But the Americans do embargo, even though they actually have a naval base on the island.



Message 6 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Same list on all items listed .

Message 7 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Sellers in US can mail to Kuwait ,CP have no restictions as well.Ebay agent told me ,that all info passed now to IT team and withn 90 days might be some answer...,or not ))

Message 8 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Itt was bad then,really bad, to some countries couldnt mail for months .

Message 9 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

Have no idea,political reasons change all the time,Canada post do not ship to Israel now or to  Russia for second year,but why Ukraine in a list.I ship to Ukraine ,registered mail going there just fine,as for Kuwait,there is no restriction for US sellers.

Message 10 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

The problem with Ukraine is that, although they were the ones attacked, the country is a war zone, and postal systems in war zones are not reliable.


Message 11 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

@reallynicestamps wrote:

I'm grumpy about that list, because Cuba is not on any embargo or sanctions list by the Canadian government. Canadians and Cubans can freely trade, visit, even emigrate.

But the Americans do embargo, even though they actually have a naval base on the island.




100% agreement on that. I had a hand crafted jewelry box made in Kuba(sp intentional...don't want to irritate the bots) pulled a few years ago because of the US's ongoing incompatibility with that country. When I spoke to CS(at the time) they said there was nothing I could do. Totally harmless piece of kitsch that eBay considered damaging to their way of life. Ahhh sense with lack of sensibility. Yet when you look, at times, you are able to find listings (stamps/coins/postcards) relating to that country without problem. 



Message 12 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

As far as I know Cuba's a good example of how complicated things can get.


Unless things have changed, a US citizen can sell Cuban stamps to another US citizen no problems.

A US citizen cannot import Cuban stamps. (I think technically they can if they're older than when the embargo started but I could be wrong about that).


I know of a dealer in New Zealand who got into hot water with PAYPAL aka suspended (years ago now) when they sold Cuban stamps to someone in Europe. They got into trouble because PAYPAL (USA) was used and it could not be used even though the source and destination of the stamps was outside of the US.


And those were the good old days when things were less complicated..... 

Message 13 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

@ricarmic wrote:

As far as I know Cuba's a good example of how complicated things can get.


Unless things have changed, a US citizen can sell Cuban stamps to another US citizen no problems.

A US citizen cannot import Cuban stamps. (I think technically they can if they're older than when the embargo started but I could be wrong about that).


I know of a dealer in New Zealand who got into hot water with PAYPAL aka suspended (years ago now) when they sold Cuban stamps to someone in Europe. They got into trouble because PAYPAL (USA) was used and it could not be used even though the source and destination of the stamps was outside of the US.


And those were the good old days when things were less complicated..... 



Wait until AI gets ummmm more involved with the possible menagerie of judgement decisions!! Anyone for a relaxing game of Whacka-AI-Bot?



Message 14 of 15
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Shipping to Kuwait.

We have some high quality, award winning collections of Cuban stamps that we'd love to offer here but don't want to endanger our account.

And these are pre-revolutionary issues!

As my secretary said the first time she visited Cuba, circa 1976 "No worries, no snow, no Americans!".

Message 15 of 15
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