That's it I'm done


Well - that's it I'm done.

Removed all my Listings and deleted them

I'm not going out for at least 2 or 3 weeks depending on circumstance.

Good Luck everybody


And Stay Safe

And keep yr stick on the ice.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 1 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

You stay safe too Ross!

Message 2 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

As my mind sits at the moment, I've decided to remain shut down for who knows how long.


My Jan-mid March were wayyyy better than last year, January was my best January ever!


I have some very very good repeat customers I'm worried about losing from remaining shut down, but balanced against the problems of reopening at this time, especially internationally, I've decided to stay closed.


It looks like I'm enjoying my summer vacation now.... cry


My "office" is an embarrassing mess, I really have no excuse for not making some progress on cleaning it up now..... I do have piles of very nice stuff awaiting listing when I do reopen, that is heartening!

Message 3 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Curious question, seeing how it's a pandemic right now, would you all rather work essential services and have stable income, or stay home and do nothing and have no income?

Message 4 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Since I'm a pensioner, I have the luxury of a stable income without leaving the house.

And all I had to do for it was work from 1959 to 2014, paying taxes all the time.


Which is why I think the community would function better with a Universal Guaranteed Income, run along the lines of the OAP and the Baby Bonus.

Pay everyone their stipend monthly, then tax it back if they are over a given amount.


The number of people reporting they are feeling stir-crazy without useful work to do is, in my opinion, an indication that most people do want to contribute to society, and get the egoboo from doing a job.

It would also do a lot for the bottom end lumpenproletariat of unemployables. And give more dignity to those disabled and unable to contribute.



Message 5 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done


I have a stable income - I don't sell on eBay for the money. I'm retired and in the high risk zone. Plus - I do it because I enjoy it - and I must admit the extra money is great for purchases that are somewhat spontaneous.


I also have lots of radios to restore, guitars to play, empty canvas to paint - a stocked up cold room and a wife to love.


I'm good.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 6 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I'm at risk population too (health condition) working in essential services. I guess the lucky part for me is that I still have stable income during this pandemic because I work full time. But if I do catch the wuhan virus, I'm more likely to become a moderate-critical patient, so the tough spot for me right now would be whether to keep my job, or quit and lose all of my benefits. Quitting on my own would make me illegible for EI and the government supplements if I understand it correctly. So I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do I quit so that I can just stay home for the next 3 months but lose everything I have build up with my career right now, or do I keep working and risk catching the wuhan virus? I won't have short term financial issues as I do have enough savings to keep paying my mortgage, utilities, phone bills etc. 

I suppose I shouldn't complain since I do have a choice, whereas many people got laid off due to businesses closing...

Message 7 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I agree Femme. A Universal Guaranteed Income should have been brought in years ago. I shut all my listings down yesterday in order to have a 14 day period of no income so that I can apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. I was a active part of the economy 24 hours ago as an ebay seller, now I'm not. Just sitting at home waiting until April 14th when 14 days with NO income have passed.

Then hopefully I can apply if the website doesn't crash. Then wait 10 more days for funds. If I don't receive it at that point I don't have funds to pay rent/bills and it's game over. I'm NOT happy about how govt. is making us jump through these hoops.
Message 8 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I completely understand where you are coming from. And my response is in no way judgmental. However:


I have 2 points


Guaranteed income - pie in the sky your taxes would go up 30% and way to many would take advantage of it.

Not happy about the way Govt is making us  jump through these hoops - if it was me I would rather be broke than dead?


By the way I have been that broke once for 2 years. Could not get a loan and had to borrow money from my parents when I was in my 30's. My mother took my wife's engagement ring as collateral - true story. That will make you eat some Crow.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 9 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

The point of a Guaranteed Income is that it replaces hundreds of other programs-- from OAP to Baby Bonus to Disabled Veterans to Mother's Allowance to Disability Pensions .....

Every one of those programs has its own staff to vet applicants, initiate payments, clawback overpayments, etc.

Running it like the Old Age Pension, which goes to everyone over 65, simplifies the program, reducing costs.

It's like the US politicians who can't understand that Universal Medicare is cheaper than hundreds of health insurance programs, each with its own overheads. 



Message 10 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

@forester_studios wrote:
... I can apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. I was a active part of the economy 24 hours ago as an ebay seller, now I'm not. Just sitting at home waiting until April 14th when 14 days with NO income have passed.
Then hopefully I can apply if the website doesn't crash. Then wait 10 more days for funds. If I don't receive it at that point I don't have funds to pay rent/bills and it's game over.

To spread out the CERB application demand so it doesn't crash they are asking:

April 6 - people born in Jan, Feb or Mar

April 7 - people born in Apr, May or June

April 8 - people born in July, Aug or Sept

April 9 - people born in Oct, Nov or Dec

Friday and weekend - any month







Message 11 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Wondering why people are shutting down, especially if they need the money.


I don't need the money but I do need to get rid of all this stuff.  I walk to the red mail box down the street to ship what I sell.  If it's too big I'm pretty sure the PO will still pick it up if you leave it outside for them.  Sometimes I take my dog and when she's not with me I pop into the Drug Store for things I need.  The store is open but aside from a few employees almost empty and I do need to buy something now and then.  


Going a little crazy and a few sales help a little.


Sales are slowly picking up and if you think about it that makes sense.  People are getting bored and on line shopping is a relatively fun way to pass the time.

Message 12 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

@zee-chan-jpn-books wrote:
Curious question, seeing how it's a pandemic right now, would you all rather work essential services and have stable income, or stay home and do nothing and have no income?

Or just quietly and safely keep selling on eBay?  Why shut it down when we work from home and a walk to mail box isn't risky and provides a little bit of a meaningful outing.

Message 13 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Casual/hobby seller here = no eBay store  and although I haven't had anything listed for the past 13 or so days as I was waiting it out to see how things were going to transpire, am starting to list again and taking advantage of a free listing promo.

Sales have continued on my other selling venue so indications are there are still folk out there that are still buying their hobby/craft supplies.

Message 14 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

@mrdutch1001 wrote:


Sales have continued on my other selling venue so indications are there are still folk out there that are still buying their hobby/craft supplies.

Yes, I'm finding that I have more demand for items that are for parts or repair and that makes sense.

Also, some collectors now have the time to do deeper searches and I think some of those are reaching me now in Canada.


Items I ship are arriving in good time so no worries there, but I did have to turn down a sale to Italy as I believe no planes are flying there at this time.

Message 15 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I have done very little International shipping over the past several years and I don't actively pursue International quite content shipping only to Canada & USA.

Message 16 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

@forester_studios wrote:
.... I shut all my listings down yesterday in order to have a 14 day period of no income so that I can apply for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. Just sitting at home waiting until April 14th when 14 days with NO income have passed.

You do not need to wait until April 14.

who are or expect to be without employment or self-employment income for at least 14 consecutive days in the initial four-week period.

Message 17 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Some here rely on the money they make for everything, rent food etc. The CERB is all or nothing.

Plus, as CPC announces more delays as they try and deal with everything, impatient buyers will ruin the experience.

I buy from a few here on eBay for electrical things. They took 20 days to arrive by lettermail. That's right, 20 days from Toronto to Vancouver. Normally it's 6 days max.

So, from a seller perspective, it's hard to justify being open and dealing with folks who are not patient. Whether eBay backs us up or not, they are ways buyers make our life miserable.

I shut down couple weeks ago and am focusing on fixing/preparing my inventory.

I qualify for CERB, and will likely apply. I won't be selling untill late summer/fall 2020. Of course, for me the US is my major customer base, and with what's going on, I need the US to recover.

Still, each business is different. So what doesn't work for me may be ok for you.
Message 18 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

I've been very impressed with the speed of Canada and U.S. deliveries to and from Ladner, B.C.

Obviously load is light.

Here's a recent example dropped off at Ladner, B.C. PO at 3:46 pm on March 30, and delivered to Pointe-claire, QC by  1:10 pm on April 1:


Message 19 of 54
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Re: That's it I'm done

Inside Canada shipments have been ok, the last two USA shipments that were tracked (Mar 17 and 26) are both dead in the water so to speak in the USA after leaving the Chicago processing plant, the've been "in transit" since.

They're what are making me glad I shut down when I did. The Mar 17 buyer has already been inquiring, I think they're using a forwarding company which can very much complicate things too of course, if it ever even gets to the forwarding company!
Message 20 of 54
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