06:43 PM
- last edited on
02:26 AM
Please have a look at these three listings, 370802861660, 370811324513, 350837074726. It is the exact same item being sold.
They were reported to eBay as duplicate, triplicate listings on two or more occasions but fell on deaf ears or blind eyes.
How does he get away with it? Now is it me or is there a double standard going on?
If I was to do this, eBay would be all over me like a fly
07-19-2013 06:55 PM
Looks to me as though the listing title is different,,,,,,,,,,,,
07-19-2013 07:47 PM
Title may have some words moved around but it is still the same item. I tried the same and got spanked by ebay, listing removed with restriction.
Double standard for other sellers.
07-19-2013 10:26 PM
Duplicate listing refers to the title and nothing else.
Policy: " To avoid having your listings treated as duplicates, make sure you clearly show the differences between items in the title"
Seller has several of the same thing and is selling them differently with different titles so they are NOT duplicated.
07-20-2013 05:14 AM
And you would do much better to just worry about how you are doing, instead of focusing on what others are getting away with.
07-20-2013 07:43 AM
Duplicate listing refers to the title and nothing else.
Policy: " To avoid having your listings treated as duplicates, make sure you clearly show the differences between items inthetitle"
Seller has several of the same thing and is selling them differently with different titles so they are NOT duplicated.
The pictures are the same, the descriptions are the same. "ICCS has only one population report." so they are triplicates.
This is about fair market place.
What this seller has done in got around eBay policies, eBay has to start looking at there own rules and apply them equally across the board. Obviously they dont have there filters turned on fully otherwise they would pick up they same pictures and description for all 3.
Different rules for different sellers.
07-20-2013 09:25 AM
Duplicate listing refers to the title and nothing else.
Policy: " To avoid having your listings treated as duplicates, make sure you clearly show the differences between items in the title"
Seller has several of the same thing and is selling them differently with different titles so they are NOT duplicated.
Read the Policy ,,,,whats so hard to understand ??
To avoid having your listings treated as duplicates, make sure you clearly show the differences between items in the title"
The pictures are the same, the descriptions are the same. "ICCS has only one population report." so they are triplicates.
Unless the picture in in the title,,which it's not,,,they are not triplicates.
What this seller has done in got around eBay policies.
Maybe so,,,but that happens on E-Bay and on the street,,some get cought,,some don't.
As posted before by surplus
"And you would do much better to just worry about how you are doing, instead of focusing on what others are getting away with."
And personally I think complaining about other sellers on E-Bay to E-Bay is like cheating on your income tax and getting caught,,you get red flaged and watched,,give them someone to harrass,,or delete ads.
07-20-2013 09:35 AM
Stock pictures. Thus, your argument goes away. Different titles plus stock photos equals different, not the same, not identical, not duplicated.
I used to get nailed for duplicates because the title did not change. I changed the description, changed the pictures, changed the price. Due to the title being duplicated I was charged and convicted.
Change the title yet leave everything identical and no duplicate charge.
Duplicate refers only to the title.
07-20-2013 10:21 AM
Obviously some people have not been around very long. There is reason why these policies have been created and implemented. There is nothing worst than looking for something and finding it dozens of time by the same seller.
This case is so obvious, a blind person can see it.
ICCS does not have stock pictures. They have only one report for 2013 and one description, "same picture, same description and essentially same title equal duplicate and triplicate listing."
Anyone not agreeing likes to do the same.
No matter what you say, these triplicate are a breach of policies. EBay needs to act to remove this kind of go around policy cheating.
!!! I see some eBay member on this board use there about me page to have there feedback uploaded to other site(s) !!!
07-20-2013 10:25 AM
There is an option with eBay where a seller can list several auctions of the same item.... effectively duplicates,. triplicates... and more... each listing is the same...
Only one listing shows in a search until there is a bid, then the second auctionlisting appears, and as each listing gets a bid a new listing is added to a search report....
This only works if the seller sets the start bid at a price at which the seller is willing to sell the listed item.
07-20-2013 11:00 AM
Anyone not agreeing likes to do the same.
That's a non sequitur.
People don't HAVE to agree with you while you're up on your soapbox - that's why we USE a forum, to get varying opinions on an issue.
No matter what you say, these triplicate are a breach of policies
Not according to ebay and more experienced sellers. You're just wrong and can't accept that.
!!! I see some eBay member on this board use there about me page to have there feedback uploaded to other site(s) !!!
Wrong again.
The option is available, provided by ebay, to show your feedback. Nothing wrong with that.
07-20-2013 12:21 PM
"No matter what you say, these triplicate are a breach of policies"
I am a bit confused here.
A few months ago, many of your listings offered buyers to pay cash or through Interac (formerly Certapay), both a violation of eBay payment policies. That did not stop you from offering those payment terms.
So why are you so hard on another seller "bending the rules" the way you understand them?
07-20-2013 12:23 PM
From a May listing:
"Seller's payment instructions
Preferred payment method are in Canadian funds, interact e-mail money transfer, any form of payment from your financial institution, post office or cash sent to; (name and address)"
Is that not against payment policy?
07-20-2013 01:30 PM
07-20-2013 02:36 PM
Op is correct these violate the dupe policy
07-20-2013 06:58 PM
Reporting a few violations does not necessarily get somone into trouble.
Sometimes it takes months.
If there are violations with respect to several listings.
All of the listings have to be reported..... and reported often.
One cannot report one listing and say there is a violation.
All listings must be reported at the same time.....again and again and....
and if there are 10 listings... then all ten must be reported....
07-20-2013 07:11 PM
"All listings must be reported at the same time.....again and again and.... and if there are 10 listings... then all ten must be reported...."
eBay relies on its members to report violations by other members. However, the least eBay should do is take every report seriously, investigate other listings by the same seller and issue adequate warnings to sellers to correct all policy violations within a reasonable period of time.
eBay is wrong to expect members to report and report and report every listing with violation. eBay should do its part to clean the site of policy violators.
07-20-2013 11:59 PM
Maybe we should ask ....
What is better?
(1) Listing the three items in one listing
(2) listing each of the three items in three separate listings.. the triplicates...
Situation 2 does overpower the competition... There have been situations reported on various boards on .com where hundreds of listings from one seller have taken over the first few pages of a search report.
The triplicate, as three listings, does create an overpowering view in a search report... Even though there appears to be no breaking of the rules in this situation with the triplicates.... The three separate listings do overpower OP's one listing....
all four listings are at the same price.
Perhaps OP should drop his price and create a price advantage.....However, even with a price drop a buyer may still choose to buy one of the triplicates, and ... that is a completely different view of why things happen the way they do....
07-21-2013 12:45 PM
I revised my price on several occasions. He has a watch on my listing and he undercutmy everytime.
What needs to be done is for the ploicies to be applied fully, remove the 2 extra listings that are a violation of policy. That will give me an equal chance to sell.
Right now they are giving him an unfair advantage.
07-21-2013 12:57 PM
In this case there isnt any advantage to doing this, nor would there be to having all the sales on one listing, because there are only 4 like items on ebay. Anyone searching for this cant help but see the rule violating sellers 3 and the ops everytime.
There are way way way worse examples of sellers violating the duplicate policy to gain an advantage
Its beyond me how anyone could read the help page on the policy and not agree changing the title to get around it is violating the policy. Its no different then everthing else here, some sellers have been suspended for listing for a week for a few accidental duplicates (even ones they instantly fixed themself), while others blatantly break the rules with nothing done about it