Very low sales conversion rate

*Sorry for the long text. Just feeling to share a bit today


I did my first sale on ebay around 3 or 4 months ago and now with some data i can confirm my sales conversion rate is very low. I've read a good one is around 2-3%, mine have averaged less than 1%. And for my last 31 days, 70 000 impressions, 2000 views, 0.5% conversion. I wonder if it can be something normal or if i could do something wrong?


I'm selling in the cards category and only vintage stuff so my assumption is that a lot of views comes from people just there to watch, like an art exhibition. My actual feeling is that everyone wants them but no one wants to buy/pay for them. And since my category is highly competitive i guess another high part of the views is from other sellers, cause i noticed 80%+ of the time when i send an offer to watcher it's a 500 or more score profil, while most of my sales are to 50 and less ones, really most of my watchers seems to be sellers they're annoying lmao


Also most of my sales have been from offers (over 50% i would say), to me this is something kinda scary. Either with best offer, sending offers to watchers, or private deals. So if i had only the buy it now, maybe i would be at 0.1% sales conversion...


I thought it could comes from overpricing. But actually i have a new method to price since a few weeks i list my items doing an estimate between the sold ones and the lowest listed. So i'm literally the best quality/price listed on ebay for most of the cards i have. And i have a bunch of interesting ones


I still think my low feebacks could be the disavantage, another assuption is that maybe a lot of shoppers click on my listings and when they see my 23 they are turned off? Since i'm selling i received around 15-20% feedbacks of my sales, which is kinda frustrating cause i should be easily over 50 right now. I hate this system. Most of my buyers are casual users with low feedbacks profil, they are not leaving anything to anyone, there's nothing i can do


So do you think a 0.5% to 1% sales conversion could be normal? I upgraded non stop in past months with not much noticable results so i'm kinda confused about it

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Re: Very low sales conversion rate

I just checked, I never actually pay attention to it, mine is 1.5% (and I've been here over 20 years now).


Yes you are a new id, you've changed your "name" (ie ID name) a couple times or so, not sure if that makes any difference in the visibility world.


I suspect you're in a highly competitive category, my conversion rate isn't any good to you, you really need someone else in your category's conversion rate. Having said that Femme and I sell in the same "world" yet we sell markedly different stuff so I couldn't even really compare my rate to hers effectively.


Personally instead of worrying about the numbers, I would take items and research what the sellers who are selling them for are getting for them and what they are doing differently from you. You might be able to pick up some ideas to make your material more quickly saleable.


You've been making efforts to have your pictures stand out, that's a good idea, I would definitely keep that up.



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Re: Very low sales conversion rate

I think that you have been getting a significant amount of views of your listings from members in these forums because of your many questions in these forums.

How many and how much views I don’t know. But I have browsed your listings a few times and looked at items specifically. Not at all interested in the product but just to see how you made them.


This may have affected your conversion rate. 

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Re: Very low sales conversion rate

Thanks for the answers


Yes you are a new id, you've changed your "name" (ie ID name) a couple times or so, not sure if that makes any difference in the visibility world


It affected me at the beginning, especially because i ended and relisted very slowly everything i had, but i think it's behind me. My visibility seems good right now


Personally instead of worrying about the numbers, I would take items and research what the sellers who are selling them for are getting for them and what they are doing differently from you


I'm doing it a lot and what i notice is that some cards are selling on a daily basis, while some others sells only like 1 per month. At the same time the cards selling fast have a lot in circulation, while the slow ones have only a few listed. So i can't make a conclusion if some cards are just slow to sell, cause if there's only a few listed, it makes sense that there's not regular basis sales of it. What i mean is that often i can't know if the market is slow, if demand is low, or if it comes from me (price, photos, item condition, low feedback, etc). It's very hard to have clear conclusions. I improved like a lot and i feel at the same or even a lower selling pace than 2 months ago, with twice the items, way more interesting ones and better overall pricing


I think that you have been getting a significant amount of views of your listings from members in these forums because of your many questions in these forums


Yeah that's true i did not thought about that. Though i would be surprised it's really a significant amount/percentage. I checked and last 31 days i did only like 10 threads in here that's not crazy, and as said i had around 70 000 impressions and 2000 views on my listings. I would be surprised it's more than 50 i doubt a lot check others listings, and especially with the forum not showing our ebay links for weeks



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