What the hottest thing selling

I would like to know what's the hottest thing on eBay

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Re: What the hottest thing selling

@cumos55 wrote:
Each of us has made the decision what to sell...

 we each sell what we know...

Chasing the hot item  does not work.

as with me... Create your own hot item... by finding it ... listing it and getting them to buy it.

There is no magic... No one hot item... just hard work... and more hard work.

Research,  knowledge and doing it ....

Sage advice, and something every new seller should take to heart. 

I think a lot of people are looking for the "magic bullet" to make an easy, big profit on eBay, but those days are gone (if they ever existed).  Sellers have to be much more informed now -- in all respects, including their own products -- and have a much more professional approach to really do well. 


'Nihil bonum sine labore'  ("Nothing good without hard work" - the motto of my high school from many decades ago, from the days when kids were still expected to put out effort to achieve). 






Message 21 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

$500  is "wishful thinking" on the part of an extra "0"  that moving in to make it look better than good...


$25 + $25 does equal $50

Message 22 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

That's really funny!

This may be a novice question but: Do you weigh your parcels and figure out the postage at home or do you  take them to the post office?

Now that I wrote that I see you have sold over 25, 000 items, that would be a lot of trips.

How do you it? Or can you point me in the direction of some good tips. I'm in Toronto. So I'm using Canada Post and just starting to sell a few items.



Message 23 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

"I see you have sold over 25, 000 items,"


That is my feedback rating.  Since I joined eBay, I sold over 105,000 items on eBay.


I use an electronic scale and all envelopes and parcels have the correct postage affixed before dropping the mail at the post office for manual cancellation.  Since I sell to stamp collectors and stamp dealers, I use real postage stamps on the mail (not labels).

Message 24 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

hey i have a box of stamps and live in victoria bc.  where is the best place sell that sort f thing




Message 25 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

I recently found out what made those CN books so valuable.


I meet all kinds of people....


There was this one person that collected native art... originals or prints


Then I found out he had worked for CN Rail.


When the books were published by CN,  Copies were given to the employees.


Many employees chucked the books into the recycling bin.... So much for employees feeling good about their employees.


Employees were so enthusiastic about the books they scribbled profanities.... tore them up and then recycled them


The books had a market.....  reorganization of a company in Volume 1, and then the future in Volume 2.


Top value for these two books on eBay... recently was about $250 US  for the two volumes...... that is close to $335 Canadian dollars.

Message 26 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

I am at a point right now where I feel that one develops a "sixth sense" about the books I look for.


Sometimes  I hang back at a Thrift store... and find something.....or  I stop  and look up... and there that Ukrainian cook book.


Sometimes  I take a dive at something and it turns out to be of good to great value.


Like that $1.00 book I found at a garage sale.....wet to a garage sale....  found something but kept looking... going clockwise, then counterclockwise.... than back and forth several times.


and... Then I saw it ....  90 % hidden under a box...


Took it home... Looked up on Abebooks... priced at $750.....  I figured $250  would be good... and put it aside.


Two weeks I looked it up on the internet.....  Author had these books published in 2006  for $1000 including shipping.


My book was not numbered... but only 2000 were published...  two printings of 1000 each.....  


Purchased for $1.00...in August 2008....  sold for $750 on the last day of February 2009....  when the exchange rate was $1.25 Canadian dollars to $1.00 US.


After fees, postage  and everything else... that was a profit of $850 Canadian for this one book.

Message 27 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

Many people  who shop for books  at charity sales, church sales and everywhere else.....


they do their thing, and ignore everyone else.


I am the opposite...  I talk to people....


Many times  I find books for them....  such as  this group from Calgary... a military group looking to put together a library of Canadian military history.


They were standing beside a large collection of military books... they were talking to someone... and in about two minutes  I had picked out 10 books for them.   I knew the book by color, while they had to read the title.


It was at a church sale... talked with someone that had picked up a book about 17 Wing Winnipeg....about 20 minutes later  they decided not to buy the book... and they gave it to me....Listed and sold within two weeks  for close to $40.


Was at a thrift store last Tuesday... Saw someone looking at books.... I quickly spotted several military book.... World War II.


He put back Mulroney  and took the military books.   We had talked about Prime Ministers.


(1) How long was Paul Martin Prime Minister?


(2) Who was "Prime Minister" as leader of a party,  but was not elected to Parliament... and then moved on to something else?


(3) Was a woman ever "Prime Minister"???


And then I mentioned Vimy Ridge....World War I.....Who was it that figured out how to deal with mustard gas.....  It was a Canadian soldier, who was a chemist.


That was one chapter I just had to read...  



Protection from mustard gas....  Breath through a handkerchief...  saturated with .......urine....



Message 28 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

I got tuned into first editions... after I met someone at an auction sale  who collects first editions.


He uses a hand held device  to confirm valuable first editions.


We were at an auction... He bought thee boxed of books....  Three first editions... listed value close to $1000.


Now I look for first editions....  and my big find....  Thank goodness this collector was not there.


Bought a box of books for $12.00... Kept two books....  One was about photography and nude modeling , published about 1946...  sold for $20.


The second book was one super find ... first edition of a most interesting book...


Value not $100... not $1,000... perhaps as high as $4000 US.....  first edition Alcoholics Anonymous... published 1939


Recent sales of this book on eBay  at $3,000 to $4,000 US.


My copy is not perfect....  but then with this book it does not matter....  sort of....


It pays to communicate and learn.....

Message 29 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

If it is hot today...  many jump up and try to sell it... and the price dives... too many listings of the same item. 


OR... alternatively  many know about it...  they find it... they sell it


and you cannot find the same  inventory to sell.


One has to learn what to look for... and create a hot item.



It appears that I did it with those CN books... that Ukrainian Cook book.....  and perhaps other things


Maybe even Chalet glass... that used to sell to $50 to $60 each  Until  I pushed the price up to $150  and higher.... Today the real classy Chalet Glass is there to sell well on eBay.


I have other special things to sell... If I find them....


Sometimes  I play a game... find something... and wait when others on eBay sell


As an example  I found a book that I wanted to list at $20...  and I waited... the $5 copy sold.. the $100 copy sold..  and then I listed mty copy  and it sold within a month for $20.


Did the same with my Mr Potatohead and his car....  Mine sold for $40 at auction... then others could not get more than $20 each at auction... after mine sold.... to many listed to get that $40  for a unique item at that time.


Then  I bounce my lower price under a higher price...Seller lists book at $150.....  I sell copy 1 at $60, copy 2 at $60  and the the third copy at $60... I have $180   and that $150 copy is still for sale.....  However, I did once sell a copy of this book at $150  years ago... but not today... eBay is different today!



The "hot" is not what the buyer does.....The hot is what the seller does...Type of inventory...unique inventory,  and pricing it right....


and Sales will be "HOT".


I have a personal list of items... that I can sell for a very good price.... find it and I know how t will sell


If it is worth $100.... I list it at $100.....  it will not sell ... fast... if I list it higher....


With me the "HOT" is... what I do.... and  others should follow the same principle....

Message 30 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

Another thread from the dead.

Message 31 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

@mr.elmwood wrote:

Another thread from the dead.

Zombie alert.


Message 32 of 33
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Re: What the hottest thing selling

Hey everyone,


Due to the length of time that has passed since this thread began I have locked it from future replies. If this is still an issue that warrants discussion, don't hesitate to begin a new thread!

Message 33 of 33
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