Why can't I ship my item with Canada Post Expedited Lite to BC Postal code?

I sold a DVD to a customer located in BC (I am all the way over here in NB btw) and when I went to print my label eBay has the Expedited Lite option greyed out so it can't be selected. 


The package measures 23cm x 18cm x 2cm and weights 161 grams.

The cheapest option I am allowed to select is UPS for $16.67 CAD.


I charge my canadian customers $6.00 USD ($8.68 CAD) for expedited lite option for DVD's and never had a problem before.


I went ahead fiddled with the buyers address to see if I could get the Expedited Lite option using a different Postal Code and it worked for a Postal Code in Ontario, Quebec, and even anther code from BC itself, all worked I was able to select Expedtied Lite. But when I switch back to this particular customers Postal Code it doesn't work.


So my questions is, are there certain areas (postal codes) of the country that are not allowed to be shipped via Canada Post Expedted Lite service??


I was under the impression that ALL canadian addresses were part of this service, but I guess not?


Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

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Why can't I ship my item with Canada Post Expedited Lite to BC Postal code?

@reallynicestamps wrote:



@transtraders wrote:

With some help from lotzofuniquegoodies we have pin pointed that any postal code starting V4Y in the spellumcheen BC area does not seem to allow for Expedited Lite service. Not sure why this is though, I am assuming this is a remote area.

It's not a remote area, or at least not THAT remote. eBay's shipping calculator isn't showing ANY Canada Post options for postal codes there, and Sendle doesn't like the postal code either. It appears the region changed their postal codes last summer for the entire area. I'm guessing some of the shipping companies missed the memo. Definitely file a report with eBay.


Pass this on, please?

Hi @reallynicestamps! I will be sure to have this passed along to the Shipping team. 

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