buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

Posted about a week ago on this one...


Buyer waited 2 weeks Said I only received 1 of 5 movies I said give it another week and if not I will take care of you ...


Buyer took it upon himself to wait 2 weeks then get mad at me because they waited a month.. Wrote me and within 5 minutes file item not received ...


I immediatly responded with apologizes and tracking info on the order I reship that day .


Buyer then says I am deny your parcels and changed dispute it Item not as described ok my blood is now starting to boil as I am bending over backwards to fix this and now am out the shipping to him but now because he refused I will out the shipping back to me too equally $30 of wasted money ...


ok Deep breath ... So last night after work I call paypal to get this sorted to just give him what he asked for way after the fact .. Refund for 4 movies and I keep payment for the 5th .. So after a 14hr work day I spend 45 minutes explaining everything to paypal and the say ok everything should be straightened out shortly just have to contact the buyer which I have no clue why because they stated what they wanted in the Item not as Descrbied case...


Now I wake up gop to work an 3pm Buyer changes it to Unauthorized payment Credit Card Chargeback ...




What would you do ... I told him I will provide paypal with the evidenc I have and they have from the previous cases he filed to prove it was not unauthorized then when paypal closes case I will send you your money ...


Like Really who commits fraud knowing they have provided everyone with enough proof to know he is lying and commiting fraud ..


I told buyer "first time EVER" Leave me neg I don't care you are being ridiculous and now committing fraud I will refund you and want nothing to do with you or this case anymore as you are now just lying and playing games...



Message 1 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

Pick up the phone and call the buyer.

Message 2 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

No I can't to fed up .. I am a patient kind caring man but this guys has pushed me to the point where i need to process before i speak and a phone call now would not go well ...


I called paypal explained everything hopefully they close in my favor then i will ship back the stuff to him and he can just keep what he bought..


I have never done anything like this and to date have given and done everything for all my customers but this one is too much this guy is playing games and it has ticked me off to the point where i had to back space remove what I wanted to write and put ticked off LOL ...


Vent over .. 😉

Message 3 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises


Brande,   everybody  knows you're a good guy, and everybody  can see you're a good seller!  Don't let this guy get to you!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 4 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

Maybe you can sue this guy for mental anguish, get him where it hurts, he stole $100, you take $5,000.

Message 5 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

thanks almond and good idea dip .. lol what a jk .. he apologized last night .... finally

Message 6 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises


Well that's a start!!


On a side note - what kind of rush do you expect there will be when the 5 th season of Breaking Bad is released ?!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 7 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

I'm glad it sounds like this one is turning out ok. So far I have not had too many bad experiences, mostly just non-paying bidders.

Message 8 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

Breaking bad will sell like crazy but I basically stopped getting movies for almost 2 months as I knew I would be too busy so I am just starting to order new stuff today ..


I really only make money on the old stuff anyways but I know I sold about 30-40 copies of Breaking bad season 4 so I am sure it will be a mad rush ...


Walking dead

breaking bad

Sons of anarchy



all those sell like crazy for me all the time I just wish My profit margin was better for new stuff ..

I finally hiked of the prices of disney movies as I have been breaking even or losing selling those for the last year ...It all works out though ..hook line and sinker is how I do LOL...


Ya this is by far the worse experience I have had to date Losing money spending valuable time it has just been awful but the fact that they finally realized he is being his own thron in his side makes things better ..


Message 9 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises



Other than hockey, news and current affair type shows, I watch practically 0 TV.  


'HOWEVER'  in searching for a show to fill some time while doing my physio daily, I found BB on Netflix, with a one-month trial!   And I was hooked!  Watched the complete first 4 seasons, ( my physio dude was impressed, ha) and suddenly the released episodes came to a screeching halt.   Because I was viewing on my iPad, DH didn't see any, and I had restrain myself from commenting daily  on how good the series was, in order to prevent DH from absconding with my iPad  to   watch it himself!  


I've acquired the first 4 seasons on DVD for him, and will be looking forward to the next when it's released. His birthday's next month, while we're away, so I'll wait till we get back home, and I have time to sit and watch it again with him!


Everybody said it was a great series, but I never paid any attention.  I had a few crazy dreams in Panama about the cartel, and I realized I was fitting BB details  into the scenario, LOL!


I hope you sell a lot, Brande!


Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 10 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

LOL ya my wife got me hooked on Sons of anarchy and Walking dead they are AWESOME and I am the same as you past the new channel I usually watch nothing .. My wife hates it because I watch Canadian and American New and I don't change the channel when the chinese news comes on either LOL even though I have no clue what there saying....


Check out Sons of Anarchy .. I have yet to recommend it and have someone not like it .. IT is CRAZY ...

Message 11 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

We're in the process of watching Breaking Bad on Netflix too. We still have 10 or 11 more episodes to watch for Season 4. I've tried getting into the Walking Dead but haven't been able to. Maybe it would be better if I started from the beginning of the series.


I've never heard of Sons of Anarchy...will have to check it out.


I have a friend who is loves the Walking Dead and is wild about the show Supernatural. I haven't ever watched it...has anyone else seen it?

Message 12 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises


DH likes Walking Dead, but it's not one I could ever find interest in.  I have to leave the room, LOL!  


BB is the only series I've actually  watched and enjoyed since 24.  It was nice to watch it  in its entirety, rather than spread out over .. YEARS!     PJ - shocker alert coming up!! 😉 And I'll say no more!!


The others, I've never even heard of!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 13 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

I actually watched a few episodes of weeds one night cuz of the wifey and man that is messed up .. Not my cup of tea but at some points hilarious...


I think my wife starting watching breaking bad and said she loved it .. will have to check it out

Message 14 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises


Brande I think it would meet ...  ALL of your  required criteria!!  And then some!


I learned of things better left ... unlearned!! 😉

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 15 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

perfect time my kid got sick and now me and the wife are sick and today is my last shift for 3 days i think i will check it out....


Someone has got to check out sons of anarchy and tell me if that is not intense or what LOL ...


FYI not for everyone it is about biker gangs but at the same time it is alot about family too

Message 16 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

1 customer in every 100 transactions always drives me problems about something.


This previous buyer left me negative feedback because he never red the description. I offered refund if he returns item. He then goes on and starts to insult me + blame me for him not reading the description. Saying that I tricked him.

I even have the important details Bolded & charged to a different colour to stick out.

But, it's my fault that you made a mistake.




If you don't read a description and then blame me for you not reading the description.

Your being an idiot!

Message 17 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

On the subject of good shows.

Watch "Homeland" - you won't be disappointed

Message 18 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises




Doesn't sound like it's  for me, but Sons of Anarchy got rave reviews from BIL and his family, including a teacher and a PSW!


Hope you're on the mend, Brande!

Beware of kittens with red bows, bullies in bandannas, and whining broken records.

€ Lucifleur

Message 19 of 25
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buyer is going to drive me to drink .10,000 transaction Still get surprises

Watch 1st episode of breaking bad it was pretty good i think i will like this one...


not on the mend yet I broke a record today with 14 consecutive sneezes LOL ... My poor daughter is sleeping like 15 hrs a day right now....

Message 20 of 25
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