.com community discussions

Just took a look at the .com discussion board.  Apparently there is a way by ebay to control searches by buyers, so if any of you out there feel you're items are invisible, as I do, there may be a reason.  Can't think of any though. Seems counterproductive to prevent sales. These comments were made by small sellers like myself,( lots of frustrations) not affecting sellers with stores.  

The hot topic at the moment, is a new announcement.  "Guaranteed delivery"  Sellers are furious.  If anyone here sells on .com, it may be a good idea to look into that.  Knowledge is power.  Cheers.

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Re: .com community discussions

I made mention of that new dotcom shipping program on anther shipping-related thread. It sounds like a bit of a $%^&storm. http://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/blog/blog.pl?/pl/2017/3/1490055863.html


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Re: .com community discussions

Re: .com community discussions

Apparently there is a way by ebay to control searches by buyers,


I was at a Writers' Conference this weekend, and one of the topics was AZ bookselling and this exact same discussion came up.

So basically it is not only eBay, but AZ that controls/selects/ modifies/ encourages what is seen by browsers, usually based on what they have already been looking at and what others who have made similar searches have bought.

Also FaceBook.

Also Google Search.

Also Google Maps.

Also Bing.




No wonder Elon Musk is worried about AI.



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Re: .com community discussions

Maybe going forward AI should also mean Artificial Interference.  Obviously not based on what's in the best interest for humans. Maybe Mr Musk needs to challenge his science team to figure this out, before sending people to Mars.

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