is anybody seeing problems with ebay notices for items sold, or offers???

i have received the same offer notice for the same offer 11 times in the last hour.. also have not received notice of sold items for the last hour or so.. same as no paypal notice for payments made ... going to hve to check my server first.. but what the heck..

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is anybody seeing problems with ebay notices for items sold, or offers???

I use Paypal to  check if I have sales.


Everything else is questionable.


Eleven repititions does sound like a glitch.

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is anybody seeing problems with ebay notices for items sold, or offers???

My offers and notices of Sold from Ebay are coming in fine today and tonight. Ditto for PayPal. (As an aside: has anyone else noticed the number of Best Offers available on a listing has dropped from ten to five? Within the past week to ten days.) 

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