08-07-2024 06:24 AM - edited 08-07-2024 06:35 AM
Anyone else has the same problem? I got 2 orders from a buyer, paid separately. The "print labels in bulk" feature is broken, so there is no possibility to combine the orders. I can put 2 items into one package, and add the 2nd tracking manually, but it will automatically result in a defect. Any suggestions, what to do? Thanks!
Here is the message I get:
08-07-2024 08:43 AM - edited 08-07-2024 08:55 AM
Just talked with CS (chat) and you will not believe, what solution they did propose!
They confirmed the buying in bulk feature is broken and told me, I SHOULD PRINT TWO LABELS AND SHIP THE ITEMS SEPARATELY! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! 😑
AN UPDATE: Of course, I choose the lesser evil, printed ONE label and refunded the buyer the 2nd shipping fee. Then, I added the tracking manually on EBAY.CA, choose CANADA POST as a carrier and got a defect.
08-07-2024 12:38 PM - edited 08-07-2024 12:39 PM
@38e_avenue wrote:Just talked with CS (chat) and you will not believe, what solution they did propose!
They confirmed the buying in bulk feature is broken and told me, I SHOULD PRINT TWO LABELS AND SHIP THE ITEMS SEPARATELY! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! 😑
AN UPDATE: Of course, I choose the lesser evil, printed ONE label and refunded the buyer the 2nd shipping fee. Then, I added the tracking manually on EBAY.CA, choose CANADA POST as a carrier and got a defect.
Unless something has just changed, you can enter the same label for multiple individual orders that you're combining as long as it's on the same eBay account. You shouldn't get a defect for doing that (I don't think I ever have). However, if you have multiple stores, you can't combine the orders if the same buyer bought from each store.
08-07-2024 02:15 PM
Were the 2 items bought using the exact same ID? If it was a guest ID they will be slightly different which woukld cause a problem when combining.
You shouldn't get a 'ding' if you manually add the tracking number.
08-07-2024 02:59 PM - edited 08-07-2024 03:06 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:Were the 2 items bought using the exact same ID? If it was a guest ID they will be slightly different which woukld cause a problem when combining.
You shouldn't get a 'ding' if you manually add the tracking number.
The same buyer - just got a "thank you" e-mail for combining the orders.
Adding a CP tracking manually is not possible. It's wrongly recognized as USPS tracking and doesn't update. The ding is a "little" defect, which is not removable, but - unfortunately - counts.
In the US "Tracking uploaded on time and validated" section I must be above 95% to keep my TRS Plus benefits.
This annoying glitch was already discussed here about 1.5 year ago. Apparently, no one cares, because it's still not fixed.
08-07-2024 03:26 PM - edited 08-07-2024 03:33 PM
@flipistics wrote:
@38e_avenue wrote:
Unless something has just changed, you can enter the same label for multiple individual orders that you're combining as long as it's on the same eBay account.
Yes, you can do with any other tracking (for example ChitChats), but not Canada Post. I got multiple defects because of that, had long discussions with CS and other sellers here. I found a working solution: buying shipping labels in bulk, which allowed to combine the orders. Not working anymore.
Here what you get: adding tracking has been recorded, but will be not validated. It stays for 3 months on file, then disappears.
08-07-2024 03:53 PM
I didn't realize that was still a problem. It was not a problem when using Paypal or Shippo so it must have something to do with eBay shipping program on .ca.
08-07-2024 04:02 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:I didn't realize that was still a problem. It was not a problem when using Paypal or Shippo so it must have something to do with eBay shipping program on .ca.
Apparently. I sell on US Ebay only, but to print a CP label I need to switch to .CA. The problem doesn't exist with ChitChats, but since they closed their branch next to my home, I switched to Ebay labels. Shippo is much more expensive - for some reason they are not able to adjust their prices to CP Level 4.
The problem doesn't arise too often - most of people know how to use the Ebay's shipping cart and send one payment for multiple purchases. It's about once a month, so I will rather stay above the required 95%.
And combining the orders worked well until recently. I hope they will fix it shortly (CS confirmed, it's now broken and they work on it).
08-07-2024 07:54 PM
My last order I had for combining came through as combined right from the buyer - no bulk label required. It didn't even give me the option to buy a second shipping label for the second item. I'm not sure what they did differently but it was sure nice!
08-07-2024 10:52 PM
@aviatorsparadise wrote:My last order I had for combining came through as combined right from the buyer - no bulk label required. It didn't even give me the option to buy a second shipping label for the second item. I'm not sure what they did differently but it was sure nice!
Yes, it happens to me often, too. Sometimes a buyer buys 2 items at once, and Ebay combines the orders automatically. Sometimes a buyer also adds the items to the shopping cart - in such case Ebay also sends one combined invoice only.
I had a different situation. A buyer purchased 1 item and paid for it. 30 minutes later the buyer found another complementary item in my store, purchased it and paid - so I got 2 separate payments.
Well, I am still very happy the buyer added the second item - even if I got a tracking defect 😄
08-11-2024 01:45 PM
I printed from bulk labels yesterday without a problem. All 5 items were paid for together so maybe that was why mine worked and yours didn't?
08-11-2024 02:17 PM
I often get people in the USA paying multiple transactions, because thats what ebay is forcing in the USA so people just assume thats a thing on the site in general I think
I had a similar issue within the past week where the combined orders didnt work, but I just left it til the next am and it was working again and I didnt have to manually add tracking to the other order. I think its hit and miss!
I have also had times when I cant get it to work becasue someone bought 40 items on 3 different invoices (15, 15 and 10 for example) and it wouldnt let me deleted 35-39 lines of customs info as it would just crash lol. So its still a cluster of issues!
08-11-2024 08:33 PM
I got some new multi-item orders, but fortunately all were automatically combined by Ebay. I wonder myself, if it was a temporary glitch, or something was wrong wth my orders. Will see...
08-18-2024 09:42 AM
A short update: got another double payment - one on Friday, another one on Saturday. This time it worked - I was able to combine the orders into one, using the "print labels in bulk" feature.