06-13-2018 01:49 AM
When I first started ebay I wondered why ebay asked you why you canceled you de listed your item for " no reason " . If you want to cancel your item what business is it of theirs ... Apparently it's a lot .
The answer is raise your price to a stupid amount and let it expire . Ending an item early has much more impact ...
06-13-2018 01:51 AM
to add raise your price for a dumb amount and add your own .. Ebay punishes you for giving an answer to why the item is not in stock the reason does not matter .
06-13-2018 05:15 AM
You are given several reasons for ending an auction.
Pick the one closest to your actual reason.
None of the reasons carry any penalty.
Refusing a purchase because you are 'out of stock' does give you a defect.
Raising the price because you ar out of stock is actually not allowed, even though there are US sellers who push the entire stupid idea.
Listings that are out of stock but left active, often with a drastically increased price to prevent purchases. (See the out-of-stock option for Good 'Til Cancelled listings.)
06-13-2018 05:23 AM
You can cancel an active Buy-It-Now for any reason without penalty.
You can cancel an AUCTION for any reason without penalty IF YOU HAVE NO BIDDERS.
Canceling after someone has bought or bid is when you run into potential penalties.
canceling auctions early