Help identifying antique? bell

Hi All,


Picked up this bell at an auction. I am trying to interpret the words written on it. They appear to be Dutch but not sure. Also would love to get some idea on the age of this piece. It appears to be brass. Diameter of bottom is 3.5 inches and it is 4.5 inches high. Text on top reads “KOK GOT BOVEN AH”. Text on bottom reads, “OHGOOTEN INT IAGR MDLIII” . These letters could be wrong, hard to tell. Any help would be appreciated!!!



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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

The Discussion Board does a better job at this type of thing than we do, to be honest.
Message 2 of 11
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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

The MDLII is probably a date in Roman numerals.

Possibly 1952 --it's been a long time since I've used them and they are written various ways.

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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

oops thought i was on the discussion board. Which group do i click on for that?

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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

I was looking at a Roman Numeral Calculator and came up 1553.


Which would be awesome if it was correct. Best of luck with your search.





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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

ty stamps, i think it might be 1553 but the numerals are strange so still not sure

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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

yes!! that would be great, lol, we will see

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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

You are on a discussion board but we’re the Canadian side with fewer members. has a whole section devoted to questions like this.
Message 8 of 11
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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

You are on the Canadian discussion board but Mo was suggesting that you might get more answers on the US (.com) boards simply because there are more people there. I would try the following board..
Message 9 of 11
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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

Thanks, pj. That’s exactly what and where I meant to steer our friend.
Message 10 of 11
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Re: Help identifying antique? bell

ah, ok, ty fellow Canadian ebayers :)). I will post on .com. Appreciate the help.

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