2013 Spring Seller Update

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-- Edited by raphael@ebay.com at Mar 19, 2013 3:01 PM EDT
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Message 1 of 159
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158 REPLIES 158

Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Thanks for the heads of Pierre

Message 121 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

 This entire project is going to bite Ebay in the ass. If they make this program mandatory, I'm done with Ebay. For such a big company, they sure come up with some stupid ideas. When I look at auctions that are on this program, the tax that is assessed is over 20%. I pay 5% if CBSA is dealing with the tax. I'm going to be so done with Ebay...done like dinner. It will be cheaper to buy our goods at home. What a stunned, mental, idiotic program. First we’ll kick you in the nads by taking away Ebay bucks from Canadians, then let’s just kick them again while they are one the ground and start charging them over 20% tax! That sure will make me want to buy items off of Ebay.


 That brings to mind a question, are sellers required to submit the tax dollars that they collect to Revenue Canada? I would think that would be what has to happen. How does Revenue Canada even know who collected the tax and duty and brokerage and handling and screw you out of as much money as we can fees or the amount of money that was collected? If it sounds like I’m pissed, it’s because I am. Ebay used to be good…not so much anymore.

Message 122 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

watch_boy - "are sellers required to submit the tax dollars that they collect to Revenue Canada?"


No. They are not registered to do so and they do not collect the tax.


The tax collection and remittance to CRA is done by Pitney Bowes acting as forwarding agent.  For more details about the program:



Pitney Bowes is a public company, based in the USA, with a market capitalization of more than US$3 Billions.


Message 123 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Another fee increase!!!  9% to 10%.  My friends are shocked when I explain to them all the fees ebay charges!! Final value fee, Paypal fee, currency exchange fee!!  Total fees usually add up to between 15 to 20%!!!

Message 124 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Sell at a local live auction... fees can range from 25 to 35 %... 200 on the audience... sometimes less, sometimes more... and sometimes many more....


Pay rent for a B &M store ... How much???....well above 25 % ???... a local market  depends on where you are located


eBay looks good  with a worldwide market....   of millions...... of potential buyers.....

Message 125 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Hi all,


I have read all that I can find on the spring seller update, clicked on all the links etc. However, I read something on this discussion thread that I can't find information about anywhere. A previous poster stated that when listing in the auction format with buy it now added that the bin pricing is being increased to 30 percent above the opening auction price from the current 10 percent. Can someone please point out to me where that was, I just want to make sure it's accurate before I go changing listings yet again.


Note to ebay: I would really appreciate it if you could put ALL of the information we need in an update on one cohesive, easy to read page instead of trying to make it look like it's short and sweet by only making the announcement a few paragraphs but then filling them with links that need to be clicked on to actually get the information, which seems to go on forever, and I always feel that I must have missed something, it's very annoying. 


On a side note, why can't you just keep things simple? How about all listings, auction and fixed price have free insertion for all categories and all sellers, and one final value fee across the board? Level the playing field once and for all. I don't understand why I have to pay a 9-10% fvf on an item that's less than 10 dollars but someone selling a computer for a few hundred dollars is only paying 4%. Can you not see how much more money you would be making if everyone selling higher priced items was paying 10%? Besides, it ticks me off. Why do certain categories get better listing or fvf deals like DVD's, books, computers etc, what is the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind this concept? Just curious.


Thanks! Heather

Message 126 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

"Note to ebay: I would really appreciate it if you could put ALL of the information we need in an update on one cohesive, easy to read page"




It is all there.  There is a lot to read and many policy and fee changes are involved.  I am well experienced with eBay and it took me several hours to understand the impacts of all teh changes.




Auction-style listings with Buy It Now:


To keep the unique eBay Auction-style listings a great attraction for buyers, starting May 1, when you add Buy It Now to any Auction-style listing, it must be at least 30% over your listing's start price.


"Why do certain categories get better listing or fvf deals like DVD's, books, computers etc, what is the reasoning (or lack thereof) behind this concept?"


I sell in a category (postage stamps) with the highest fees, like most categories on eBay (10% without a store; 9% with a store). Some categories have much lower fees.  Why?  So eBay is competitive with other sites such as Amazon, etc...

Message 127 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Hi all,


Thanks so much Pierre for posting those links :-x, I really appreciate it!  Everything I looked at for the spring update kept just giving me the standard little "teaser" page with all of the links, and every item I could find within that mentioned the bin pricing just linked me to the old page that talks about the differences between auction and fp and that the bin price had to be ten percent higher. I remembered that the last time there was an update I was able to read a very detailed description of the changes but this time I couldn't find it anywhere.


I am disappointed that an increase in the bin is one of the changes. I closed my store on my other id at the end of January and recently changed over about three hundred listings to the auction format from the store fixed price format and I set the bin prices at about ten percent higher, so off I go to change the listings yet again. *sigh*  I don't know whether to raise the bin prices or just remove the option and go auction only. Thirty percent seems a bit high.


I think it should be a prerequisite for ALL ebay employees (yes, this means you John) to have  an account on the site with at least 100 transactions, a mix of buying and selling, so they can see first hand how frustrating these changes really are. They just cause a lot of what I call "busy work", work that has to be done but does not do anything to increase your sales or income (or mood, but that's beside the point).


Well, off I go to give that another read through and spend some time shaking my head.


Thanks again Pierre!


Message 128 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update



Sorry, I just realized I have been posting with both of my id's, this is my former store id. Regardless, thanks so much for the help!



Message 129 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

I apologize if this has been answered already but I was wondering if the free items per month are NEW listings or rollover listings.  When I go into the fee illustrator it asks how many new listings do I make each month and according to that since I only list about 400 new a month I would still be fine with the $49.95 rate...but I have 5200 rolling over each month so if it's on the total I would have to upgrade to the higher store subscription.  I certainly don't want to pay for that if I don't need to. 

Message 130 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

The announcement says total listings so I think that is the amount of listings each month including your rolling over listings. That's how I interpreted it anyway. I may have to move up a store myself.

Message 131 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

then why when I go into the fee illustrator does it say this

Subscription fee C$0 C$15.95 C$49.95 C$179.95

Free-insertion-fee listings 50 150 500 2500

Auction insertion fees C$0 C$0 C$0 C$0

Fixed price insertion fees C$105 C$50 C$0 C$0

Auction final value fees (20% discount) C$0 C$0 C$0 C$0

Fixed price final value fees (20% discount) C$224C$190 C$202C$171 C$202C$171 C$202C$171

eBay-hosted pictures Free Free Free Free

Total estimated fees C$295 C$237 C$221 C$351

it is showing the 500 free and still says to use the $49.95 price range...and I don't see any mention of total listings only monthly..

thanks, Iris

Message 132 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

I guess it's open to interpretation when they says "How many listings do you create monthly?"  are they considering good until cancelled rollovers as "created" each month?


Message 133 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

"are they considering good until cancelled rollovers as "created" each month?"




"listing" refers to starting a listing on eBay, regardless of format or duration.


GTC are 30 day listings renewed automatically every 30 days.


If you have 5,000 GTC listings, it means you start 5,000 every 30 days.


If you start them all on the first of January, March, May, July, August, Octover or December, the results would be 10,000 new listings that month! (1st and 31st of the month), 😞

Message 134 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

eBay often uses the expression "new listings" or "create listings" trying to leave the false impression that listings will all sell during the original period. All their calculations seem to be based on that assumption.


We all know that is bull.


On average, across all categories on eBay,  less than one auction listing in three attracts even one bid, resulting in more than two auction listings in three not selling. And many of those attracting bids are selling for very little (auction often started at $1 or less). 

As far as fixed price listings are concerned, the last information offered by eBay is that it takes - on average - fourteen (14) weeks to sell an item at fixed price. Personally I find that optimistic as, based on my own experiences over the years, it takes much longer than fourteen weeks - on average - to sell my "stuff" from a fixed price listing.


You can check how fast things sell in the category of your choice by viewing "completed" listings. Sort by highest price first.


Of course your experience may vary depending on the demand for your items and the price you are willing to sell them at.  The lower the price, the faster the sale.  However, if you are more concerned with net profit, you will not mind if it takes some time to sell. 🙂


I would rather take six months to sell an item at $50 and make a $25 profit than selling it in a week or a month for $27.50 and only make $2.50 profit.


Sales do not pay my bills in retirement; profits do. 🙂


Message 135 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

PS - when looking at isis1313's 5,200+ listings - all nice stuff - and about 2,000 sales a year, it does not take a genius to figure the relatively slow turnover on eBay for adequately priced fixed price listings.

Message 136 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Hello again Pierre,

thanks for the info, wow, that will mean a considerable hike in fees for my store before anything even sells.  Currently I pay about $650 a month at the $49.95 rate, now add another $100 sheesh...and all it is is a hosting site, we do ALL the work....lovely...thanks for all the clarifications...

Message 137 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update


  Just wondering, I don`t have a store, and I never list more than 50 items monthly. Does this mean I can use good til`canceled on my listings without having to pay 50cents each month? 


  All I get billed for is 10% final value fee (plus paypal fees) , correct? 

Message 138 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

2013 Spring Seller Update: Fee update is completely a JOKE but NOT funny though!


There is really 0, ZERO, NON,E NOTHING, NADA, RIEN, that this fee update benefit SELLERS.



They increased everything--- subscription and double insertion fees and added a juicy free 500 lstings as a catch + a one-year commitment with $10 discount ( the old price) to fall into their trap!


Woow... nice gimmick sad to say I have already decided not to join the club!

Message 139 of 159
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Re: 2013 Spring Seller Update

Sorry my friend, you forgot the shipping fees eBay is also charging!!!!

Message 140 of 159
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