03-15-2006 09:46 PM
Our last CP shipment was a Small Packet Air to California from here in Toronto. We shipped on Feb 17, item received yesterday (March 14) 25 days? To California? Is it just me or is something terribly wrong with this?
A phone call to CP brought the usual "its not a guaranteed service time sir" Well, CP, we may only spend $400-600 a month on shipping but, we our GUARANTEE to you CP is, you will not be seeing a nickel of it until you have shown us that you have turned things around and get more in tune with small business needs. Buh-Bye
03-16-2006 02:28 PM
03-16-2006 08:26 PM
03-17-2006 11:38 AM
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03-27-2006 12:25 AM