01-02-2013 03:59 PM
Bit odd? Starting price was 99 cents. I gave my highest bid at $1.04. Normally the next increment is $1.29. With seconds to go I was outbid, winning price $1.05? How can that be?
01-02-2013 04:05 PM
Take a look at:
Now, if there is only one bid at $1.04 (yours) while the starting bid was at $0.99, a new bidder is allowed to bid $1.05 which is more than the $0.05 minimum increment at the $0.99 level.
The second bidder had no way of knowing your bid was $1.04.
There is nothing wrong with the result in this case. The system worked exactly as designed.
01-02-2013 04:07 PM
If the start price would have been $1.01 then the bid increment would have been 25 cents but it was less than $1.00 so it was only 5 cents.and the winner bid 6 cents.
01-02-2013 04:08 PM
Odd. I have never been able to bid at $1.05 myself. Never ever as in never. Most odd.
01-02-2013 04:10 PM
You can bid $1.05 and your bid will succeed at that price if the starting bid is under $1.00 and a previous bidder bid $1.04 (reversing the roles).
01-02-2013 04:12 PM
Well, I'll have to start trying it, I guess.
01-02-2013 04:15 PM
Why did you bid $1.04 ?
To force a winning tie if another bidder bids with the minimum $0.05 increment at the $0.99 level?
01-02-2013 04:19 PM
The aim is to win as close to $1.00 as possible. As a lot of bidders seem to put in their high price at $1.00, and the next bid up seems to be $1.04 (as you say forcing a tie), that seemed to me to be best opening bid. It had never occured to me to try $1.05, I've NEVER seen it happen before.
01-03-2013 09:39 AM
This is along the same line...
The other day I was sniping in the last few seconds on many separate 0.99p UK auctions which someone else had already placed bids. At first I was placing a maximum of 5 pounds per auction and winning at 3.2 pounds. Once I realized that the other bidder's maximum bid was consistently 3 pounds, I started sniping the auctions at 3.01 pounds - saving myself 19p per auction.
It's a good enough reason for me not to bid too far in advance and instead to snipe.
01-03-2013 09:42 AM
Yes, I experimented yesterday with $1.05 bids and got several. I feel rather silly to be honest that I haven't figured this out before, but I simply hadn't seen it happen.