I recently shipped a christmas ornament via small packet airmail (it was a small box) and unfortunately it took 3 weeks to arrive at it's US destination. The buyer was a bit flustered, and sent me several emails, demanding to know where it was, that the shipping time was ridculous, etc. Each time i assured her it had been sent, and added apologies for the slow mail service, which was likely due to the holiday rush. The day she received it, she immediately sent a thank you email, and also an apology for 'being a pest" and left positive feedback. I guess it's obvious from the post-mark that i did ship it when i stated - it arrived and she was ultimately happy.
I would love to be able to track shipping, however in this case, $10 shipping charge would have deterred any buyer, so i have to go with the small packet rate. Would be nice if they would let us pay extra to have tracking added some day in the future. I love shipping packages within Canada with the insurance and tracking included, it makes life so easy...however 98% of my customers are in the USA.