Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Hi guys, I've been selling swimwear since December and it's been great.The last 2 weeks have been really quiet and I'm getting worried.I've never seen it this quiet. I'm thinking of closing my store and reopening it again when the season picks up again. Does anyone know when swimwear will pick up again? I sell mostly to the US.
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Hey Sunshine,
I can't speak about swimwear specifically but I've also been experiencing a real slowdown in sales recently, especially compared to last year. I sell all kinds of vintage/antique items and I also find it worrisome. I'm very interested to know whether other sellers out there are experiencing the same thing and whether anyone has any idea as to why this might be... 'cuz I certainly don't!! Sorry I couldn't be more help to you... maybe your sales will pick up again when people start taking winter vacations starting in late October? Good luck!

Message 2 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I've been thinking of closing my store:( I'm wondering if I close my store and reopen it in a month do I get to keep my store name? Does anyone have any info? 🙂
Message 3 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

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With the introduction of the "light small packet" fiasco/ripoff, I've been limiting my listings pretty much to small paper items (stamps/cover/ephemera). When I can find decent material at a price that allows for resale, I do well. The current problem is the dearth of interesting material. I'm fortunate to have a loyal following of buyers, but the downside is I have to keep finding stuff to catch their eye(s). So my problem isn't at the selling's at the buying end......the shops and malls are filled with material that's been overpriced and unsold so long, it's like visiting old friends when I drop by........and the flea markets are loaded with dumpster-grade overpriced landfill. >>>>> Michael
Message 4 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I just opened my ebay store about 2 1/2 weeks ago. This week has been very slow. I'm wondering if it has slowed down because I opened a store if it's just been a slow week in general. I beginning to wonder if I did the right thing. any feedback would be welcome.
Message 5 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Well I finally did it!!! I closed my store. I was a bit sad about it but sales are at a standstill so I guess I will try again when ebay picks up a bit. Anyone else notice sales slower than usual lately?
Message 6 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I just closed my store too.. Sales where stagnant. The last 3 months, I've gone from $2000 or so a month down to under a couple hundred. With the associated fees, eBay has become too expensive for me to sell anything. I'll just stick with my own things for now.

Once you have loyal customers, why pay eBay to sell to them?
Message 7 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

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It's a shame things are slow these days. Any ideas why?
Message 8 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I opened a store a couple months ago... I thought it would increase sales... No such luck... when I started the info showed I was making 1,200/month average and now it is sitting at $600!!
I guess I will close our store too and go back to regular auctions! Ebay is great advertising for my unique product, but really... to slow down liek that is crazy!
Message 9 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I'm getting to have the feeling I shouldn't of opened my store : ( It hasn't even been a month yet. Maybe if every one else closes their store...everyones customers will shop at
Message 10 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

corkibaby, maybe you need to add more to your core auctions to lead people into your store; for example, I place this in most of my auctions (I run auctions ONLY to get buyers to click through to my store)

In my eBay store I specialize in animal books - over 1000 titles on Dogs, Cats, Horses, Nature and more. Please come in and browse!

click here!


Message 11 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

okay, that pile of HTML is a slide show showcasing my other books. Worked fine on preview, does not come up on the board. Still, you get the idea.

Message 12 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Sales have been a bit slow. I think we can blame it on gas prices, the war, kids going back to school, etc., or maybe the ebay craze has faded.
Message 13 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

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Message 14 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Hmmm. Actually I've had poor auctions, in the last couple weeks, but my store is going strong.

Have been on Ebay for 6 years now, my recollection is that September is usually slow.

I do the same thing as zarzuella, I really only use auctions to get people to buy stuff from the store then, or later. I get a good number of repeat customers.

The other thing I think is important is that advice you read in these threads really is only good in the "domain" the person is selling in. I'm a stamp guy, so my experience is with stamp collectors and related categories.

MTBCards for example seems to be selling Yugioh cards - current slowness could be that the market is slow for those cards, could be that a lot of other people are selling similar cards etc.

I have noticed that what other people say works for them in their categories does not work for me. As an example, a lot of people like Sundays to have their auctions end. Sunday for me is my 4th choice. It cost me a lot of $$$ and time to figure out the best times for my category so that's all I'm going to say, but as I mentioned above, what is good in the stamp category is probably not as good in other categories.

Another odd and interesting to me, thing I've noticed is that sales of particular things go in cycles. As an example I sell Japan stamps in the store. All of the sudden I'll sell a whole pile to different people, then it goes back to very few for a few months, then another surge comes in. I have no idea why or what causes it. I've suspected that others dump a bunch of similar stuff in, get frustrated or run out and then mine look good again but that's my best guess so far.

My personal view is that there are buyer cycles, caused by a variety of things, at least in my category. Similar cycles probably exist in other categories, but for different reasons.

Anyway there's some thoughts.
Message 15 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Thanks for your imput. I'll try not to panic....much]:)
Message 16 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

I have never sold more for September, sorry to break the trend. I have never opened a store, as I dont see the extra charges each month being worth it, and I specialize in a narrow range of products.

I would suggest listing a few of your items outside the store in auction format if this is possible after you open a store. I see a seller in the usa selling zillions of digital cameras this way with auctions and buy it nows both inside and outside the store.
Message 17 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
My september last year was quite good, this year its worse than July. And July was abysmal. August was ok.

My powerseller status will be gonzo in october too from it. Ho hum. I am glad to see its not just me because I am starting to take it personally...which is easy being an artist with my sweat and tears out for the world to judge.
Message 18 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
Hi there Kew I like your work it made me smile. As an artisit I know what you mean by taking it personally...I tend to do that too....
Message 19 of 44
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Business is very slow :(

Community Member
I have noticed a significant decrease in sales since the launch of ebay Express! I attribute the reduced sales to eBay Express, and although many of the US sellers are complaining heavily about E.E. (and opting out), I would be more than happy to have the opportunity to include my listings on E.E.
Hope that is available soon.

About eBay stores, it depends somewhat on the product your selling, but personally I have found the store to be very helpful in overall sales.
The important thing is to have enough Auction listings that the buyers find you in the first place. Then cross reference your store from your auction listings.
EBay has provided many tools to help in cross referencing to your store and like others have mentioned, I always include links in every auction to my store.
It is a great place to list a lot of inventory for a very reasonable price (even after the fee increases).
Message 20 of 44
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