I had a sale a couple weeks ago of a large book that I assumed I was going to have to send expedited. I stated $5 US postage from Canadians because of this assumption. A person in Winnipeg bought it for opening and paid the $8.99 through Paypal. I got to the PO and was going to pay the 7.49 + tax actual amount when my postal friend told me it could go lettermail for $2.10. Well, I debated internally for a few seconds and took the $2.10 rate. I decided that if it didn't show up, I'd be refunding (no tracking), but if it did, I'd have turned a $1.50 loss into a $3 profit. Okay, you can guess the rest...buyer got mad. However, I think that since the postage was stated in the auction and she could decide whether she wanted to pay the $3.99 + 5 shipping for the book and I delivered the book (metaphorically speaking anyway) to her door, the difference in the postage is mine to keep, not refundable to the buyer-she agreed to pay a certain amount and it was delivered. Anyway, she writes and asks, I tell her how it was and also that I'd lost $15 on another mailing that day. She emailed back and threatened to do a chargeback if I didn't payapl her the $4. I basically told her no, she negged me, I followed up on my feedback to her and everyone is square, pretty much. I asked PS support via email (I'm bronze) if she could do this. The response I got was: (surrounded by standard generic stuff):
As a seller myself, I can truly understand your concern about charge
back and fraud. We take abuse of the system very seriously at eBay, and
buyers who abuse the charge back function and/or commit fraud will be
Note that the investigations team does not investigate situations where
the seller is charging too much shipping.
If the seller has a stated policy concerning shipping, handling and
payment terms on the item listing or storefront, then the buyer must
clear any exceptions to this before actually entering into the
For more information on our investigations team, please visit the
following link:
So, does this mean he thinks I should send it to Investigations (although it doesn't exactly fit any of their investigatible categories) or would it only be if she actually tries to charge-back?? Can someone interpret this for me?