Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
I am a legitimate business, and have been for over 4 years. I am registered and required to collect GST for the federal government which I do.

In all of my listings I state I charge taxes.

My sellers notes clearly state I charge taxes.

When I send an invoice I put my GST number in the notes.

I am as upfront as I can be that I charge taxes.

A buyer just paid and sent me a very nasty email and threatening to NEG me because I charge GST.

Do I have a case to get the negs (and presumably low DSR's) reversed if they go through with it because I do disclose - multiple times - that I charge taxes in advance of purchase? How would I file an appeal in this case.



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I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
As an update:

After a bit of communication back and forth and agreeing to disagree over the matter the buyer did not neg me....yet.

She gave feedback for 1/2 the items she bought and slammed me with 1's across the board.

I've haven't spoken to her since but am waiting for her to leave the feedback for the second 1/2 and slam me again with 1s or possibly negs too. She's probably waiting until next month figuring she can scuttle my discount two months in a row.

As this was done on one transaction will the new 1s drag me down again next month or will they have no weight because they are just an extension of the previous 1s associated with this transaction.


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I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

Message 21 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

> As an update:
> After a bit of communication back and forth and agreeing to disagree over the matter the buyer did not neg me....yet.
> She gave feedback for 1/2 the items she bought and slammed me with 1's across the board.
> I've haven't spoken to her since but am waiting for her to leave the feedback for the second 1/2 and slam me again with 1s or possibly negs too. She's probably waiting until next month figuring she can scuttle my discount two months in a row.
> As this was done on one transaction will the new 1s drag me down again next month or will they have no weight because they are just an extension of the previous 1s associated with this transaction.
> Thanks!

> blue logo
> I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

I think this is something you should discuss with your ebay representative.

It's a blatant attempt at extortion and shouldn't be allowed.

The rules for "feedback abuse" ought to also apply for "abuse of DSR's".

See what they'll do for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------
Every day, a businessperson has to ask himself 2 questions;

Am I being paranoid? and
Am I being paranoid enough?

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 22 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
Hiya Heather
I am so sorry to hear that this buyer is being a PITA. I looked in the help....No, No, No not for Buyer Brain Replacements, but for info on DSR's and I couldn't find a lot of info. But then I never can find much info in the Help.

This is all pretty much that I found on the page "Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs)" and I didn't find this helpful.

I'm sure if recped or pierre come in they can tell you where to find the info. But in the meantime maybe call PS Customer Service.

And when my package comes I'll leave all 10's for you to make up for it 😉

Good Luck!!
Message 23 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
Thanks! At least someone still likes me! 🙂 This has been one heck of a month - have you had any rowdy buyers your way? Seems to me they've been coming out of the woodwork lately - spring fever maybe?

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I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

Message 24 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Well, I don't get rowdy buyers...twice.

And I think the word gets around.

Since I'm practically the only game in town for what I do, people play nice with me. I've even had buyers say they're going to leave me a positive because they want to do business with me again.

I don't correct their thinking.]:) -------------------------------------------------------------------

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
Karen Ravn

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 25 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Jake - shitoj? I'd block him in a second.

Who needs the hassle? -------------------------------------------------------------------

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
Karen Ravn

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 26 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
Thanks Jake! Eased my mind a bit as in 3-4 days it's a month and time for her to leave again and I'd prefer my DSR's bounce back not remain the same.

I'm actually very interested to see if they DO bounce back like they say happens after 30 days. Will be interesting to say the least.

As to your buyer - block!

Anytime I've ignored a gut feeling I've regretted it. Better to be safe than sorry nowadays.

I've blocked people with "scammer" in their name, and other weird ID's which imply trouble. Maybe they think it's funny, but not really, not in an arena where so much relys upon trust. So I'd definitely cancel and block.

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I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

Message 27 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
You're very welcome Heather. 🙂 Glad to have helped.

The hubby didn't want to cancel it because he wanted the money. I just cancelled it. LOL Sure we'd like the sale but I'd prefer not to have the headache to deal with so I cancelled it while he's at work.

I didn't want to sell a bunch of Hot Wheels cars to a guy in Portugal either and guess what? They just arrived at my Buffalo address. GRRR!! I have no idea what that's going to cost me. Hopefully nothing but I'm not counting on that.
Message 28 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
Hi Heather and Judy,

I've been away since June 15th and am wondering what has happened to Colleen....faerywishes.

I just sent her a note through eBay's system since I'm still not home yet and won't be until next Tuesday night, but I noticed that she is no longer a registered user.

Have you all heard from her?

I'm in Ottawa until later tonight and then we fly to Edmonton as our girls have appointments with the pediatric allergist there and of course...we must do the mall thing!

My trip to Virginia....long, difficult, worse than any nightmare that one can imagine when having to deal with a parent's estate. I'm thankful that my youngest brother, my walking miracle, has a heart of gold and cares for me.

I won't be opening my store probably until September as something tells me that I'll be called back to Virginia to put out more fires that my other two brothers are fueling.

Hope you have some insight as to where Colleen is!

Message 29 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Hi Susan,

It's good to hear from you. I hope you get everything settled soon with your father's estate and can put all these things behind you. We look forward to seeing you back here in September.

I have no idea what happened to Colleen but am so sorry to hear that she is NARU. If you hear from her please let us know. I will sure miss her on the board.

Message 30 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

Community Member
.....I know she moved and had limited email access during that time....try this eBay ID of hers: woollieswares it still seems to be running.

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I am the guardian of my children and their future. It is for this reason that I scrapbook.

Message 31 of 32
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Re: Buyer threatens NEG over GST

I thunk several of the few negs I have received over the years have involved buyers not wanting to pay GST. I no longer loose sleep over them. For the obnoxious buyer that starts ranting I simply reply that having been audtited by the GST folks 5 times - a re they going to come and help me suffer through another audit? Seems to calm down most of them.

I think the ebay invoicing system might help if the tax lines were labelled GST rather than something like, SK tax, MB tax, etc. Better still would be a line for provincial tax and a separate line for GST/HST.

I have also had a few that call on the toll free line that I use for credit card puchasers wanting to debate the tax issue. My reply to them is generally the same - mention the number of times that I have been audited and find an excuse to hang up.

Personally I detest the GST but it exists, it's the law that I collect and remit it, and please don't ask me to do something that can get me into more hot water with the Canada Revenue Agency - I can do that all by myself.
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