CP Strike

My Canada Post guy today says that his contacts in Toronto are confirming a 99% chance of a strike on this Thursday. So many parcels shipped by CP over the last few days may be held in limbo for however long the strike lasts.

How many of you are putting your stores on vacation mode until we find out on Thursday?



Message 1 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I'm sad to say, I've already put my vacation settings on in the hopes of avoiding any unhappy customers and will not turn it off until the strike has been settled.  As a retired senior with no pension, ebay is my only source of income.  It looks like I will be facing some very difficult times....perhaps my German Shepherd will move over at dinner time 🙂  Thanks a bunch Canada Post!!

Message 2 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Many have already put their store on vacation... me included.


Many will have a rude awakening  on Wednesday AM ... May 25  when the strike  may be starting

Message 3 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I put my store on vacation on Monday May 16th to avoid any packages getting stuck in the mail. Not worth the headaches of issuing refunds and having buyers asking where their packages are.

Message 4 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I went in to the UPS Store today to get some comparison rates. WOW. Anything you normally ship lettermail or small packet that fits into their standard oversized envelope is anywhere between 20 bucks local to 50 bucks to other provinces. I can only imagine how much it is for packages to the States. I will use them only if I have to. Not much of an option though, that's for sure. Imagine the sellers of small items like stamps or something selling a 10 dollar stamp and then having to charge (or eat) a 40 or 50 dollar hit to ship it. Could get interesting. Looks like vacation mode for me too.

Message 5 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I ended my listings 2 days ago.  My last shipments went out last night which means they were picked up today and will hopefully go on a plane or truck to the US on Tuesday...CROSSING MY FINGERS!

I posted about this a few weeks ago.  Puro and other shipping employees have been asked to defer their vacation time.  Our postman at work told us it does not look good - that both parties positions are moving further and further apart with each meeting.  A higher level management person at CP told us today that it does not look promising and that the strike could last until September.

The key issues apparently are that newer employees who are makingf $20 ish an hour want to make the same $25 an hour as veteran employees and they want more benefits.

Personally, I think they are just being greedy.  They are well paid "fonctionaires" as we would say in French, with good benefits.  You and I (the taxpayers and people who use the postal service) have been paying through our teeth for the mediocre service they have been providing.  Rates have almost doubled in the 6 years since I have been selling on eBay.  I am not happy about the strike but if it curbs the constant increase of postal fees then it's a means towards a better end.

I hope the scabs will be lining up to take their place!...but I don't see this happening.  Working at the sorting plant is a dangerous job and the newbies will need adequate training.  A few years back I worked for a maintenance company who had a contract at the sorting plant...and TWO....count em...TWO employees lost limbs due to accidents related to cleaning around the machinery.

There are some good people at CP, people who don't want the strike, people who are going to lose their vacation pay this summer and be forced to picket.

Message 6 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

This interesting...echos a lot of my sentiment towards the constant rate hikes and the possible strike:


Message 7 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

From the CUPW website:




CPC proposes a 4 year agreement with wage increases of 1.75%, 1.75%, 1.9% and 2.0%. For Group 1 and 2 employees hired after the date of signing the collective agreement the employer is proposing a starting rate of $18.00 per hour.

CUPW believes the wage offer is much too low considering the current annual inflation rate of 3.3%. The Union opposes the introduction of a new starting salary that would be 22% less than the current starting rate of a letter carrier which is $23.11.  


Work Methods and Health and Safety


The union is proposing ergonomic studies prior to the introduction of new equipment or work methods, improved rotation of duties and a “one bundle” method of delivery for all points of call except for “stop and go” and centralized points of call.

The employer rejects these proposals despite the high injury rate of postal workers.  


Short Term Disability Plan


CPC proposes to eliminate the current sick leave plan and impose a Short Term Disability Plan administered by Manulife which provides for seven personal days per year.

Employees with borrowed sick leave credits will have to reimburse CPC. There is no protection for short term illnesses once employees have exhausted their personal days.


CUPW believes the current sick leave plan should be maintained and employees must be protected from harassment by Manulife.

Instead of sick leave the employer should address the reasons for the increasing number of days lost due to workplace injuries.

Plus, should Manulife refuse a sick leave claim, there is no recourse to grievance and arbitration.  


Internal Staffing


 CPC wants a reduction in the current ratio of full-time employees in Group 1.

CUPW wants measures to increase full-time job opportunities.  


Other Issues


Other issues in dispute include:

vacation leave and pensions of new hires and current temporary employees when they become regular employees

householder values

paid parental leave

cost of living allowance

injury on duty

pay union funds (education and childcare)

Message 8 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

employees must be protected from harassment by Manulife.

Darn!  I was drinking coffee when I read that.


Message 9 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Community Member

My store is on vacation as well but I put a note up that local sales are still on-going in case a local buyer wants a cartridge or a non-local buyer is swinging through London and would like to pick one up.


In that case, the buyer can email me directly to order.

Message 10 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Not applicable

I've got one purchase stuck in the pipe -- a non-responding buyer from Europe who FINALLY got back to me after a bunch of invoices, reminders, etc were sent his way over the last week and a half.  He has now asked for an invoice ...

I have suggested that we mutually cancel the sale due to the possibility (probability) of his purchase being stuck for goodness knows how long now (assuming he ever pays) and have promised that if and when CP goes back to work we can re-do the sale at exactly the same terms (I had offered him free freight to Belgium, for Pete's sake, in an effort to get him to hurry up and pay).  No answer yet.

AAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH.  Just imagine Charlie Brown leaning his head sadly against the tree trunk ... that's me.

Message 11 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Community Member

I'm going to do a bulk edit this afternoon and change all my listings to 3 days. That would end them all Monday afternoon, and I can mail them Tuesday.

I think I'll pay the extra shipping for Expedited to the US so that if the items get stuck somewhere during the strike, at least my customers and myself can see where they are.

Perhaps if the customers have tracking to view they won't be as hard on my DSR's as they would if they were just having to rely on my word that "It has been shipped".

I feel the same as many of you, a few weeks off from eBay might be a nice rest.

Message 12 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

"I'm going to do a bulk edit this afternoon and change all my listings to 3 days. That would end them all Monday afternoon, and I can mail them Tuesday."

Personally, I wouldn't chance it. Mailing on Tuesday, will barely even get an order out of Province by Wednesday. If you are in Ontario, for example, in a good postal situation, items to say Alberta or BC or any of the Eastern Provinces will take 5-9 days. You are allowing only one day. If they are on strike for a couple of weeks, most buyers will hold you responsible, as you were aware of the situation. You could use UPS, but the cost is quadruple or more than CP.

Same thing with items to the USA. If you ship on Tuesday, especially after a long weekend, most items will not make the border before the strike if it happens. And US customers will definately hold you responsible.

Is it really worth the extra couple days of small sales to risk it? I dont think so. The strike may not even happen. In which case, great, at least we were prepared. If the strike does happen? Remember bad DSR's are difficult to deal with.... and worse? -Negative feedback lasts one full year on your record.

My store is now on vacation. I will enjoy the long weekend with a great peace of mind.



Message 13 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

"change all my listings to 3 days


NOT a good idea.  The risks are simply not worth the potential rewards.  I closed my eBay store last Tuesday to be on the safe side with a mail strike currently scheduled for Wednesday May 25th.

Message 14 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I've also put everything on vacation, I'm offering those who've paid for stuff that has not been shipped 3 options,: 1) I hold it pending discovery what happens and when it is safe to mail; 2) I mail on Tuesday and everyone hopes for the best; 3) We cancel the transaction.   So far people have been picking either hold and wait to see or send it anyway. Only have a couple more folks left who bought stuff a while ago and haven't yet paid yet that I'll likley have to offer this to as well.  Hopefully this is over with quickly.

Message 15 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

I think I'll pay the extra shipping for Expedited to the US so that if the items get stuck somewhere during the strike, at least my customers and myself can see where they are.

Expedited is a Surface service. You might be better to use Small Packet Air Mail for the possible extra speed in getting to and across the border.

I am another who just put all her Stores on Vacation and closed all the listings on my non-Store ID.

Now I just have one multiple order  and a returned parcel to deal with, both oddly from British Columbia.

Message 16 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Community Member

Thanks to all for the good advice. I closed all my listings. You're right, it's not worth the risk of bad DSR's to be selling right now.


Have a great weekend all! I'm gonna open a beer and relax  🙂

Message 17 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

My store is closed too and items sold to Canadians earlier this week were sent by xpresspost so that there was no doubt that they would reach the buyers before Wednesday.

I hope that the suggestion that the strike might run until September is dead wrong. I know that would really devastate some of the sellers here.

Message 18 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Speaking of chances.  I mailed 5 US bound lettermail airmail items on Thursday night.  This means they made the Friday late afternoon pick-up and should have been brought to the distribution center the same night which is right next to the airport.  I am assuming the distribution center does not process mail over the weekend but really have no idea.  I would be less worried if Monday was not a holiday but am wondering what are the chances they'd be in the hands of US customs BEFORE Wednesday?  I have been losing sleep over this 😞

Message 19 of 123
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Re: CP Strike

Strike date delayed according to CUPW.


As noted on another discussion

Message 20 of 123
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