I shuddered when I saw that on CTV News the other night -- just what we need right before Christmas! The Vancouver police officer saying that when you buy on the internet, you get what you deserve ... that's really going to add to nervous buyers confidence!
At times like this, I'm really glad that most of our Canadian business is with repeat buyers and they're not worried about us - we've known them for years.
There's a long thread on another Canadian forum about a guy who got ripped off in Edmonton, called the police, and the Detective there told him he got what he deserved and wouldn't help him at all. I think CTV or W5 or someone should tackle the angle of the lazy cops who don't want to investigate internet fraud.
Hey Glenda, we are still open here to. Actually I think today will be the last day as they are forecasting below freezing temps overnight and for the next few days....
Unfortunatley here in ON, it has to come to an end sooner than later, I am just happy that this year it was later given the awful spring and summer we had to endure.
What a terrible report that was. It really made eBay seem like a giant group of scam artists. The only angle was "you buy from eBay, you better expect to get burned". Sometimes I think news is politically driven or something. Somebody doesn't want internet sales to keep rising, maybe. 😕
Well if the media told people that most of the deals on eBay go through just fine and that most buyers are honest and NOT the scum of the earth, how much advertising do you think that would sell? It seems they have to make everything horrendous just for the bottom line. X-( Makes me furious!
Jeff, our club closes the middle of December but most here stay open all winter, so we'll just switch clubs for a couple of months. We're feeling ready to tackle a full-size course now anyway so ...
I actually just watched the clip...nice angle. How about you give us some tips on buying safe other than use a credit card. Tell us viewers how to combat eBay fraud...not tell us if we get ripped off you won't do anything about it.
At the same time though, I have little to no sympathy for that lady. It's like the detective said, if you don't do your research (he said due diligence I think), then you deserve to get burned. I agree entirely. This woman paid with cash. That's a big oops online.
"Detective" should be a term used loosely for this yokel. The twat just sat there with his arms folded like "Hey, you mean someone just stole your baby and it's currently being sold on some foreign slave trade ring? - Oh well, who asked you to go and bear children anyway?". Thanks alot Columbo. How about some constructive advice for noobs going online for the first time and emptying their wallets to the first person who asks?
There seems to be a groundswelling of seething anger towards ebay sellers - caused unmistakingly by those who know the least about ebay. But I have yet to hear one positive report or study on the amount of foreign money and goods they have helped to infuse into the respective economies North and South of the border.
I sent an emaii to them the night that the story aired suggesting how they could have infused some balance and that their story did far more harm to sellers than was ever done to their featured buyer.
Warning of advice i recieve a prime way prepaid money order for 5500.00usd stay away from these these are fraudent. They security on these money are so advance even the banks can tell you they are fraud. Once you yank the money out than you left with bouncing money order now you have major problems stay away from these money orders.