Hi Guys!!!
I am so very sorry for not being here for so long! I have had major computer problems and 'hopefully' they have all now been sorted!
I have missed being here!
Thankyou all for your support and love and caring for my beautiful Daughter and to the Pinks for locking this to the top
It is two sleeps til Christmas for us here is Oz and Chaianne and Josie are very excited!
Chaianne and Josie attended a Christmas party held at the Childrens ward in Tamworth Hospital yesterday and Santa made a nice short visit,what a lovely thing for him to do at such a busy time for him!

Lise, my Darling giftee,thankyou for the gifts the girls received yesterday! They just loved everything!
I hope the weather is being kind to you all over there and you are not getting snowed in,here we are experiencing very hot weather,it was 35oC here yesterday and another hot one expected today
Angel,Chaianne's beloved and very spoilt cat,turns one today,so we are having a little birthday party for her, I have not long finished shaping the sponge cake into a fish and am about to go and ice it,lol,very spoilt puss!
I will pop on again later,love to you all
Tez and Chaianne