05-25-2014 04:41 PM
I picked this up on the Ebay.com boards and nothing is posted on Ebay at all.
Here is the link if anyone wants to read and discuss
05-25-2014 07:28 PM
It looks like there won't be any general social boards.
All boards will be for eBay or item specific discussions.
05-26-2014 02:35 AM - edited 05-26-2014 02:35 AM
Wow, they really are cutting down on the number of boards they have there. I do think that there were boards there that weren't used much (just like there are here) but they are taking out some of the busier category boards too.
05-26-2014 08:13 AM
05-26-2014 03:09 PM
These changes have already been implemented in Germany in the past few weeks, no doubt the Canadian boards will get a do over as well.
09:54 AM
- last edited on
07:35 PM
06-02-2014 06:13 AM
I have spent many years posting to the eBay.com Jewelry and Gemstones Board.
Jewelry and gemstones (including fine jewelry) will now be on the "Fashion" Board, along with a hodge podge of various other categories.
With so many boards being merged it's hard to imagine how this is going to work.
06-02-2014 01:01 PM
I agree, I can understand them deleting the boards that weren't often used and/or combining some of the boards but I think that combining popular boards that really are about different categories is not going to work well.
01-13-2015 11:12 PM