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09-03-2004 04:44 PM
So reminice and share your memories with all of us on topics such as:
Do you remember the first time you used a computer, what it was, where you were and when that took place?
Your first job, first boss, kindergarten teacher, first love?
How about your first car or your family's first car (that you remember)?
First time playing golf (this one is for you Jeff and Glenda)?
First flight, first kiss, first business you owned?
How about your first eBay sale or first eBay purchase?
Have some fun and take your mind off your problems with eBay today and drop us a line about what you remember about some of your firsts.
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09-03-2004 08:03 PM
Now this may be a stretch for some people to remember and others I am sure just wont belive it ever happened:
Do you remember when eBay actually had a customer service department that answered emails?
Do you remember when eBay had Pinks on the Cdn PS Board?
Do you remember when there were more than 3 people posting on the Cdn PS Board?
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09-03-2004 08:26 PM
First computer -- TRS80 with 48K memory and 2 disk drives (single sided, single density). The top of the line word processor was SuperScripsit and it actually did everything I needed and more! I found a few bugs in it but they were (relatively) quick with fixes considering I couldn't just email them or go on-line.
First BBS I joined was called Funny Farm and that's where "muminlaw" originated - my SIL talked me into it.
First family car? Well ... I hate to date myself, but I remember rumble-seats! And honking the horn before crossing some bridges 'cause they were one-way.
Oooooohhhhhhh, makes me feel old!!!
Oh, and the first golf game was when I was 19 (a zillion or so years ago). I always enjoyed it but raising kids and working got in the way.
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09-03-2004 08:31 PM
A Donald Duck comic book called "The Pixelated Parrot"
My first eBay sale.
A "Whyte & Mackay Rocks glass". Bought for 50 cents at a garage sale and sold for $5 US. I was hooked.
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09-03-2004 10:41 PM
My first eBay sale was an electric guitar and an amp to a single mother in Toronto for her 10-year old son who just started a little rock band. The best part was I sold a left-handed bass to the lead singer with a really big Toronto rock band and told him about the kid's first concert so he and his g/f (from Virgin records) went to the kids concert. The kid was a real hit when the recognized lead singer showed up asking for him.
My first car was a Triumph GT6 with a suped up engine and racing seats.
The Vic20 was my first computer but I had been studying Fortran programming for 2-years sending in all my punch cards to Ottawa's ONLY computer back in 1968.
I remember that starting from kindergarten through grade 5 in public school, my neighbor was my principal (Mrs Tufts) and I couldnt get away with anything.
So I switched to separate school through grade 8 and my mother was the main spare teacher there working about 4-days a week in that school. Boy primary school was rough!
First dog I had I called Boo because I was only 1 and had ony a few choice words and boo was one of those words.
Mt first boss and at least 8/10 of my bosses became my personal friends, at least while I worked with them.
I can still remember alot of events when I was 3-years of age but not a thing about what I did last week.
Bump to the next person.
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09-04-2004 09:11 AM
First Computer: Apple IIe - Still have fond memories. Great little machine that would jump through hoops!
And I'm still a dedicated Mac user.
First eBay sale: (I sold before I ever dared to buy 🙂 )
Back in 1999. A Fairly rare book on Irish Wolfhounds, sold for around $60 and I was hooked too! Started selling books I had, still boxed in my basement from my last move, made almost $1000 in my first few weeks.
First eBay purchase: A used scanner for $15, to help make the book auctions more appealing. I got screwed with Customs/GST - the US seller put the NEW retail value of the scanner on the customs form. I didn't realise then that I could have appealed the charge. Put me off buying for a while.
First Car: 1964 Austin Healey Sprite, pale blue leather interior with real walnut dash. I was still in England at the time, it cost me around 100 sterling but lots more than that to get running properly!
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09-04-2004 12:21 PM
First computer: Apple IIe clone - I still remember playing games day and night... Karateka, Bug Attack, Drol, Aztec...
First eBay sale: Maple Beanie Baby - I bought one at the store I worked at back then for $5 because a co-worker told me it was worth a lot of money. Listed it on eBay a few months later and sold it for $75 US. Wish I still had margins like that...
First eBay purchase: "Arms Crossed" Solid plate lithograph by Patrick Nagel. Favourite artist - now own 30 pieces thanks to eBay including my prized signed & numbered "Malke Sage" serigraph hanging on the bedroom wall.
First love: Ahhh... I remember those nights fondly, what climbing the tree and using my binoculars to gaze through her bedroom window. The shrieking scream when she caught me, the sirens, the cold cold metal handcuffs ... just kidding ...
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09-04-2004 06:04 PM
... and my sister cant look out her bedroom window all these years later!
First flight: It was Wardair to the Bahamas, then Wardair to Hawaii, then Wardair to Barbados, then Wardair again to Hawaii. Wahhhh! What has happened to our great airlines and unbelievable service in the air?
First drink: My Irish grandmother gave me a full lowball glass of Irish Whiskey (4-5 ounces) at age 5 and after downing it in one gulp, I remember punching my uncle in the jaw just before I passed out for the night!
First Credit Card: Royal Bank Visa, I worked at the bank and gave myself one and got my dad his first c/c then as well.
First job: I shovelled driveways. At 8 years of age I had 5 regular customers and would shovel their entire 8 car driveways for 75 cents. It was a marketing ploy because they would pay me 3 times per week whether it snowed or not ($18 per week plus tips just for the shovelling in total) and then get me to help them with other jobs inside their house. I always had a pocket full of cash, making about $30 per week.
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09-04-2004 08:54 PM
My first flight to England was via Wardair - what wonderful service! Oops, I lie - that was my first solo flight to England. My first flight to England was via Lloyd Air as a member of the "hiking virgins of the Black Forest" - one of those phony charter thingies that left us high & dry in England - they went belly-up before our return flight. That was just a tad hairy!! Thank God we had a really good travel agent. My first ever flight was Pan-Am from Vancouver to Portland (yes, Pan-Am flew out of Vancouver way back then) with a girl-friend. We were going down to find out about a course for airline hostessing - never did follow up, I met John right after that and never looked back. Oh well .......
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09-04-2004 10:57 PM
First paying job was a Star Weekly route, making 3 cents an issue. First car was a 1960 Ford Falcon that would hit 55 mph flat to the floor, downhill with a stiff tailwind.
First bass guitar was some obscure Japanese make that weighed more than I did and had a neck made from a 2x4. (Currently contemplating the restoration costs on a Hofner 500/1 Beatle Bass from the mid-'60s - sadly neglected for many years).
First sale on eBay (December '96) was an English coronation medallion worth $2 tops in Western Canada at the time. Sold it for $US 25, and spent a week worrying that I must have made a mistake in listing, as it couldn't possibly be worth that much.
First big rock concert was the Hyde Park "Concert in the Park" in 1969 in London - right in the middle of some 300 thousand people - what a trip! Had so much fun, I stayed in London another 4 years.
>>>>>>>> Michael
Over to someone else..........!
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09-05-2004 08:59 AM
First time seeing the Beatles: On the Ed Sulivan Show on their 1st trip to the US.
My first dance with a date: At Ottawa's Rideau Lawn Tennis Club at the ripe age of 10 or 11. The Stacattos were playing (they later became the 5 Man Electrical Band). My dad drove us in there in his 1956 Mark 7 Jaguar (which I later used to haul band members to concerts and dances when I started playing in rock bands).
My first rock band: Grade 7, aged 11. We had 3-songs. I'm A Believer (Monkees), Gloria and I'm Not Your Stepping Stone (Monkees).
My first guitar: My mother got it free with her Gold Bond Stamps she collected from shopping at IGA.
Bump to the next person (and throw in some new firsts).
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09-05-2004 10:51 AM
They would keep track of our picks throughout the week and then on Sunday evening you would go and get paid, probably $20 or $30 dollars.
It was great money for a 12 year old.
First game of golf.... at this same course, they use to let us range pickers play Sunday evenings if it wasn't busy. Shot a million on the first 14 holes (got too dark to finish) and hated the game. Went out the next week and shot slightly less, and also hated the game slightly less.....
First computer was a VIC-20. Remember the old tape drives. I think it came with 3K memory and I bought a 5K expansion card for a total of 8K. Man I thought I had enough computing power to launch a manned space launch to the moon. One of the first programs I wrote was a golf handicaping program. It wouldn't store data, but would do the mathematical calculations and then spit out a handicap based on the score.
First love.... a girl in my Kindergarden class.... she was hot and had the best snacks......what more could a five year old ask for.
First car.... a used Mini-Austin. It was extremely worn out when I bought it, but had more fun with that car than any since.... and had a ton of room in the back-seat but that is a different first that we won't discuss here.... The thing I remember most is that I had this car in grade 10 and just about every day when I left class to go home, I would go out to the parking lot and find my car turned side-ways in the parking space, so I would have to wait for the two cars on either side to leave before I could exit. Quickly learned to park at the last space in the lot so I could exit out the side without having to wait.
Cool to reminise isn't it?
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09-11-2004 12:32 AM
First car 1976 Plymouth Fury Sport Paid $100 lasted two years. (till I over heated blowing the headgasket it one winter while bombing down the red river after a large snowfall long story...)
Second car 1986 Skoda (a lemon but I loved it anyway 76,000km in a year and a half)
First job, Slinging beer cases off a truck into the local beer vendor for 25 cents a 12 pack made $15-20 a week good money for a 12 yr old.
first ebay sale air nailer I bought for $15 sold for $75 sold 250 that first year...... 🙂
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09-11-2004 12:34 AM
First aiplane ride a 767 from Winnipeg to London when I was 18 (no one told me they took off so fast) boy I miss Wardair
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09-11-2004 10:14 AM
I can almost remember what a 9-5 was like!
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09-11-2004 03:21 PM
That's the stuff nightmares are made of! I'm quite convinced that I'd be a widow today if I hadn't encouraged hubby out of the 9-5 rat-race and into self-employment at work he loved. Not that the pressures are less, but they're of your own choosing (and making).
Another first - my first car was an Austin A-40. I can remember getting out of some pretty hairy predicaments thanks to bull-low in that car, and I left a few macho guys eating my dust, too! Those were the days my friends!