Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Hi there, it's lilybean from the Canada team.

As you can see, we have upgraded the Canada discussion boards to offer several new features, along with a new look that is more “eBay" (visit http://www2.ebay.com/aw/ca/200903.shtml#2009-03-30150011 for the original announcement).

Starting today, April 1st, 2009, we are opening this thread so that you can report any bugs or technical issues that you may experience with the upgraded platform.

We will monitor this thread this week through April 6th to collect your reports. Please use this thread for technical issues only. Please be aware that this thread is only for reports of issues with the new discussion board platform. Reports of other eBay site issues will be deleted. In addition, other off-topic and inappropriate posts will be removed.

To report a bug or issue, please use the following format. It will help us figure out why the bug happened and reproduce it so we know how to fix it.
1. Operating system(s) and version(s)(e.g., Windows XP):
2. Browser(s) (With version) (e.g., FireFox2; IE 7.3):
3. URL (URL where error occurred) http://www.?
4. Username(s) of those seeing the bug (your ID)
5. Description/steps taken to reproduce (with all exact link names and relevant page URLs):
6. Actual result: (explain what happened)
7. Error message received (include exact and complete error message text and/or screenshot- not required only if none exists
8. Expected (desired/correct) result

If you need some help learning how to use the tools on the new discussion board platform, please visit our "help" page at http://forums.ebay.com/help.jspa.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new forums.


Message 1 of 179
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178 REPLIES 178

Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports


Forgive me, I still have the flu so what I'm about to say may not sound kind.

What lilybean, you're still here and miriam isn't? Scratches head, blows nose.

Now on to this new format, I know you weren't asking for suggestions, but have you ever considered that some the of people who post on the boards are aging, therefore making them change resistant. So are you trying to accomodate a younger market?

My suggestion, quit fricking with things that don't need fricking with, get down to business and look after the things that need to be fixed X-(

You can start with fixing the Item Specifics *New* (which can not be altered) in the Collectibles category. If even just that is fixed, I may consider listing on eBay again. I got tired of listing my vintage Christmas in Home & Garden 😞
Message 21 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

And as to the *ignore* button pfffffffffffftttttttttttttttt. I take responsibility for my own actions and can determine whether or not to open a thread or scroll past a post 😛
Message 22 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Hi lillybean,

I generally like the new boards.

Couple of suggestions;

Larger print - we're all getting older - 4 and 6 point print's hard to read.

Could you put the "Go to page#" button on the top of the posts as well? It'll save a lot of scrolling time.

I agree about a "last post" button - that was handy, I'd like to see it back.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Carl Sagan
Message 23 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
> *achoo*
> Forgive me, I still have the flu so what I'm about to say may not sound kind.
> What lilybean, you're still here and miriam isn't? Scratches head, blows nose.
> Now on to this new format, I know you weren't asking for suggestions, but have you ever considered that some the of people who post on the boards are aging, therefore making them change resistant. So are you trying to accomodate a younger market?
> My suggestion, quit fricking with things that don't need fricking with, get down to business and look after the things that need to be fixed X-(
> You can start with fixing the Item Specifics *New* (which can not be altered) in the Collectibles category. If even just that is fixed, I may consider listing on eBay again. I got tired of listing my vintage Christmas in Home & Garden 😞

Totally what she said!!!
Oh and I found paws and claws thanks to my friends.

reallybigmeandog guards the portal to he77
Message 24 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
I am having trouble with refreshing threads. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In either case, it is taking much longer than usua.
Thank you, Susan
Message 25 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
I have my settings set at 'newest first'.

When I post a message - it goes back to the first pages (if multiple pages). I would like to see it go to my post.

Oh, and if we can 'ignore' someone - is there a way of blocking a picture? There's at least 1 which I find downright offensive. .


“Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient become independent of it.”
John D. Rockefeller

CLICK IGNORE - The CTS method of sticking your fingers in your ears and going *lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you*


“Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient become independent of it.”
John D. Rockefeller

Message 26 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
[url http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl3vxEudif8][/url]



Message 27 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
xp pro
ie v. 7.0.5730.11

no url
There is no more system message telling me how many more posts I have left
I just did up a post, hit *preview* and POOF gone X-(

message was
*You do not have permission to view this item*


The font size is too small across
the *new and improved* boards

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦

**Domo Arigato Mister Roboto**
Message 28 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

> I have my settings set at 'newest first'.
> When I post a message - it goes back to the first pages (if multiple pages). I would like to see it go to my post.
> Oh, and if we can 'ignore' someone - is there a way of blocking a picture? There's at least 1 which I find downright offensive.

> .
> Photobucket
> “Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient become independent of it.”
> John D. Rockefeller
> CLICK IGNORE - The CTS method of sticking your fingers in your ears and going *lalalalalalalalala I can't hear you*

I also would like to see the avatars go away on someone you ignore.
What good id ignore if her face is staring at you.

Message 29 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

I print them out and use them on my dart board toby. The size helps me develop my accuracy.


Message 30 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

If you use FireFox with the AdBlock add-on you can block any individual pic you want- forever.

We all know this is as good as it's going to get so we'd be best off taking care of the things we can take care of ourselves.

Message 31 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
My settings keep changing back to 4/4/oldest first from the settings I have entered.
Some Threads do not make the full number of pages available, preventing the reading of current post.
Message 32 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Thanks Loki!! I forgot all about that add-on for Firefox. WOOT!!!

I came in here to report a "bug" more of a PITA actually but you fixed my problem.

You are wavering close to hero status atm.

Deja Vu Daisy Boutique
Message 33 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Okay here's a real life technical problem.

When I scroll over the MY EBAY tab thing in the upper right hand corner, the drop box comes down but I can not navigate and click to take me to where I want to go.

I have to click the tab and then go on with my travels. If my mouse scrolls either left or right of the tab I want the drop down box remains and doesn't hide itself so that I have 3 or 4 drop down boxes that I can't use.

I am currently using Firefox and Windows XP

Deja Vu Daisy Boutique
Message 34 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

"What lilybean, you're still here and miriam isn't? Scratches head, blows nose. "

Actually folks Miriam still works for eBay.ca in a different capacity. 🙂

That information was posted earlier this year.

The stickiness problem mentionned by dvdaisysales (above) only affects the discussion boards on eBay.ca. It works fine on eBay.com boards. (I use XP, MSIE 7)
Message 35 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
same thing happens for me too Daisy.. if you don't come into the boards, the my eBay button and the rest of them up top work...

Also wouldnt it be nice if you could click on the number of the last page on a thread?

here's an example :

Page: 1 of 9 Go

why not make the 9 Clickable ?


Message 36 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Overnight, my settings were changed (by eBay or the boogyman) from 50/50 to 10/10.
Message 37 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
Same thing with my drop down box...

Speaking of settings, I keep getting email updates about threads I'm watching even though I clicked no email.

I agree with the clickable #, too.

Message 38 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

Community Member
something else that's screwed...

when we want to post something, we have to click on reply of the last person posting...

If that person's post has poofed, we are unable to submit...

anyone have that happen yet?


Message 39 of 179
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Discussion Board Upgrade -- Bug Reports

What bothers me is lets say there are 9-10 posts on a page. I click on the bottom post 'reply'. I type the reply and post. When the page comes up all the posts are there and I'm way down on the bottom. I now have to scroll down through all the posts to get to the bottom again.

Also as mentioned many times there is the size of the font or the thickness or darkness. When you do a long post (yeah sometimes it's necessary), it's very difficult for some people to read. This is an adult board, not a board for kids who have 20/20 vision. People's vision changes as they get older (just mentioning this for the tech's information) and we have some posters who are in their 60's and 70's and others who have vision problems. Certainly in some way this can be corrected. We don't want to lose these long time members of the community.


Message 40 of 179
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