Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please join us on December 23, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET for a general discussion and question and answer session with Jordan, the eBay Canada Country Manager. Jordan will be here on behalf of the eBay Canada team to answer any questions you have about eBay.

If you are not able to attend, but want to leave some questions in advance please post them here, and you can check back later for answers. This thread will remain open until the discussion is over on December 23.

Hope you can join us!
Message 1 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

"How does one get a position like this?"

ditto ;-) .

Message 21 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
LOL :^O I want in on getting paid too!! :-p

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction
Message 22 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Pyment should be in US$, preferably. Quite willing to accept US$1,000 monthly credit against my eBay fees. ;-) .

Message 23 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Me too! Or I guess it's "me four" by now?

Poor Jordan. It's going to take him the whole hour just to read the comments left so far.

Best wishes to all.

When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our leg with a shopping cart, then apologizes for doing so, why do we say 'That's okay'?  It ISN'T okay.  So why don't we say 'That hurt, you stupid idiot?'

Message 24 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

One more question if I may.

Years ago, eBay.ca and eBay.com ran promotions independently from each other. Last year, both sites seem to coordinate promotions for a while, having a promotion on the same day, on the same terms.

Recently, however, we have seen each site acting independently with a site offering a promotion one day and the other a few days later.

With Christmas around the corner, we all know a promotion is coming as it has every year since eBay started. Until last year, it was a Free Listing Day, although I personally prefer a $0.05 or $0.10 listing fee promotion as it eliminates millions of listings where sellers feel it is not worth paying a nickel or a dime for their stuff.

I realize you cannot advise when the promotion will take place nor what the promotion will be. My question is:

Will the promotion on eBay.ca be coordinated with the promotion on eBay.com, the same day with the same terms?

Thank you. .

Message 25 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Another recurring problem.

Sellers who are registered in Canada and use dropshippers from outside of Canada but in there listings they say the item is in Canada.

A person bids on this item and when it arrives, many times by UPS, FEDEX, etc. the buyer ends up paying another $30.00 or $40.00 that they shouldn't have had to pay if the listing was correct.

This has been reported to ebay before but they do nothing.

I think it is time they did as people end up getting UID strikes because they refuse to pay the extra... .
"There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees."

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Message 26 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET


If one gets paid for posting and helping on the boards I have a heck of an invoice to send you

I will consider cookies as compensation though:^O

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Before you criticize someone you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them , your a mile away and you have thier shoes.
Message 27 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
The fraudulent auctions have increased 10 fold, maybe more, since ebay China came online. There has to be something done. We all lose because of this.

Message 28 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello everyone....thanks for the terrific questions and suggestions....I will try and reply to most if not all of them in the next hour.

Most important, best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy holiday season and 2006 to all.
Message 29 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
....and thanks for all your comments/suggestions/ideas and questions to date. I promise to continue to do my best to address all of them in a timely manner. Please keep them coming.
Message 30 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
For those of you who posted about confirmed/unconfirmed status on PayPal:

PayPal experienced a bug in their system that was affecting Canadian members’ confirmed status and it is still being worked on. I know this is a huge issue for all of us and I promise we are pushing hard to get this resolved.
Message 31 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
With regard to PayPal customer service:

Improving the user experience (including, Customer Service contacts) is one of PayPal’s top priorities in 2006.

There is now a team of customer support representatives dedicated to answering questions for Canadian members. Now that Canada is part of the North American business unit, Canadian members should receive the same level of service as other sellers from the US and other parts of the world.
Message 32 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
For those of you who asked about reporting suspected cases of fraud:

There are many reasons that Safe Harbour may not remove listings that are reported as being potentially fraudulent. The reports are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or not the listing complies with eBay guidelines.

Any actions taken on a specific listing are confidential and between eBay and the seller. While privacy legislation will not allow Customer Support to keep you informed of any developments, I assure you that we thoroughly examine all information received. You should get an automatic response letting you know that Safe Harbour has received your report.

We appreciate the continued support of the eBay community in helping to keep eBay a safe place to buy and sell. We encourage you to continue to report prohibited, restricted or questionable listings.
Message 33 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
In response to what eBay is doing about fraud:

We are concerned about violations on eBay and have a team of people at eBay who are dedicated to ensuring the site is a safe place to trade.

Prevention through member education is an important element of our strategy to fight fraud on the site. One example is My eBay, where members can find education links and messages. As well, "My Messages" enables us to securely communicate with our users on the site about account security matters.

The Security & Resolution Centre has also recently been revamped to make it easy to use and users can get there from a link that’s at the bottom of every page on the site.

As well, as many of you know very well, the boards are an excellent place to educate each other, identify new scams and get the viral community network of users talking and educating each other.

There are a number of other innovations eBay employs although we are not always able to provide users with details in order to protect the integrity and effectiveness of those systems.
Message 34 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
with regards to this statement,

Where do you find these people as it isn't on the Paypal discussion board .

There is now a team of customer support representatives dedicated to answering questions for Canadian members. Now that Canada is part of the North American business unit, Canadian members should receive the same level of service as other sellers from the US and other parts of the world.

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Message 35 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi marniel2005 & skeeters_den:

At this time, there is not a special address to report concerns about members in China. As always, we ask members to report any violations they see. Any time a member needs to report issues, you should use the following Webform:


You would then choose the appropriate category and subcategory to report – in this case, it would likely fall under Listing violations or problems with other members.

We will review all member reports as soon as possible, and we take action on anything that violates eBay Policy.
Message 36 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
From Post #19:

There have been different threads that have insinuated that some people who post regular on the help boards are getting paid by ebay. Is there any truth to this and if so How does one get a position like this?

Yes, I am rather curious about this myself. I vaguely remember a similar "rumour" making it's way onto the US boards, but I never learned if it was true or not there, either.
Message 37 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member

PayPal does offer a PayPal Seller Protection Policy which covers sellers for eligible transactions involving items sent to buyers in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

This protects sellers against fraudulent charge backs by buyers. More info here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_help-ext&ui_mode=answer&prior_transaction_id=0&action_code=4&answer_id=17226683&leafid=75032&_PPP=511&_PPC=8387583&_FI=World_Seller_Program

On eBay, sellers are not eligible for the eBay Standard Purchase Protection Program... it is for buyers only.

In order to prevent any potential problems, we strongly encourage sellers to verify buyers' shipping and contact information and ask that sellers wait until payment has been received and confirmed before sending items.
Message 38 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thank you for this question benne0070_1:

I can confirm that members who offer assistance on the Discussion boards are not paid by eBay. These are dedicated members of the eBay community who take time out of their own day to help other members and we are extremely grateful to them for their help.

When I say "extremely grateful", I really mean extremely grateful!
Message 39 of 65
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Discussion with eBay Canada Country Manager: Dec. 23, 11:00 AM -12:00 PM ET

Community Member
Regarding prominence of Discussion Board links:

We do have a regular link to the Discussion Boards on our various homepages but it’s not currently displayed because of the holiday/IT campaign design. Once we revert back to our regular homepages (week of December 26) that link will be available under the “Love It” header on the page.

This link is very popular and we get lots of traffic coming through it on a daily basis. We also promote the Discussion Boards in our emails and in other areas of the site. For instance, we promote the Seller discussion board on the Sell Hub, and the Canadian Motors Speedway in our Motors section. But we’re very open to more ideas and suggestions for promotion.

You can also reach the Community hub via every page on the site by using the top navigation bar, although I understand that a new user may not know that the discussion boards are located within the Community page.

Having said all of that, I am a big believer in the power of the Boards and the Answer Centre and we will continue to try and promote both of them as important destinations throughout 2006.
Message 40 of 65
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