Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

For the last three years I have included shipping costs in my listings. I would say
Shipping/Handling is:
Ontario/Quebec $x.xx
Rest of Canada $x.xx
US $x.xx

Not once did I get a question about shipping costs to the US!!!

This week I decided to spruce up my listings. Instead of saying Canada or the US I substituted the appropriate flag. In the first 24 hours I have had 2 inquiry's about shipping costs to the US!!!

Am I taking too much for granted?
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
Which leads me to wonder ... if these people go to a restaurant and there's a little girl figure on one door and a little boy figure on the other ...
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
Plain text, gooooood.
Symbols, baaaaaad.

Stop confusing the poor dumbasses of the world. Use plain text! 😄

PS: Have you had any inquiries from Canadians yet? 😉
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?


View Elaine Serafini's profile on LinkedIn
Message 4 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
Why not put in the face of GW Bush instead of the US flag?

Message 5 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

I couldn't take it anymore so I revised the listings I could to add the initials US. Hopefully that will help!!!
Message 6 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

They're probably misinterpreting "U.S." as "us". Take it away and they wonder "Where'd we go?".
Message 7 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
The little rooms at the back of a restaurant in Ireland have "Fir" and "Mna" written on them. Now, as a guy, I'd think "Mna" was just a bad spelling day.......nope.... the guys use "Fir", and the ladies use "Mna". Wonder how our neighbours make out when they travel abroad ....... Fenian
Message 8 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
A PhD doesn't help.....I still don't understand! (just kidding!). Forget the fancy and give 'em plain english. That way if they are actually reading your listing, they'll understand. However, I get more inquiries from Canadians than from Americans.....are people in ON special or illiterate? 95% of the inquiries I receive are about shipping to somewhere in ON, where Canadian postage is specifically stated in my auctions.
Message 9 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
"Why not put in the face of GW Bush instead of the US flag?"


My mommy says i'm cool

Message 10 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

Community Member
How about the back of Martin's head for Canada?
Message 11 of 12
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Do you need a PH.D. to understand my listings?

When I first started selling on eBay, I thought I would be cute and list my location as Bytown instead of Ottawa. But then it dawned on me that too many people would think I was dense and didn't know how to spell buytown.
Message 12 of 12
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