12-22-2013 04:03 PM
Why do ebay USA users have such a problem filling out a customs form.
99 % of the time this is the complaint when asked why they don't ship to Canada.
Is it really that hard????
12-22-2013 05:05 PM
12-22-2013 06:26 PM
Oh Femme.
12-22-2013 08:07 PM
LOL .. IF anyone can find the real answer to this let me know because I think this subject is hilarious ....
I would assume it's because to many US sellers they are just scared of the unknown ..
01:49 AM
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10:58 AM
Another one was "Oh...i don't want to wait in line ....what does that mean.
03:02 AM
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10:59 AM
@gijoe_canada wrote:
Another one was "Oh...i don't want to wait in line ....what does that mean.
These responses above are why eBay USA created the GSP ...
12-23-2013 05:30 AM
These responses above are why eBay USA created the GSP ...
A program for the thinkingly challenged? It makes sense.
12-23-2013 01:09 PM - edited 12-23-2013 01:10 PM
When I was growing up I used to think of Americans as very sophisticated and to me Canadians were country hicks by comparison.
I was about 9 years old.
It didn't take me long to realize that in reality that was not the case at all.
A lot of Americans never travel far from home let alone leave their own borders.
Many are very sheltered.
I know it's hard to imagine that someone with an on line business wouldn't know how to ship out of the country, but many Americans have no clue how to do that.
After all, it's very much like mailing a letter.
That, and also the fact that they do not have to expand if they don't want to.
A lot of Americans have items listed via the GSP, but many or even most of those sellers never even encounter "outsiders" who want to purchase from them.
That's why many have items listed via the GSP and aren't even aware of it.
12-23-2013 02:12 PM
I believe that something around 80% of Canadians have valid passports.
And something like 25% of Americans.
I'm too lazy to check the figures. Let's go with "truthiness'. It feels about right.
Of course, Canadian weather and cheap flights to Cuba and Mexico may have something to do with that. And of course, the 200,000 immigrants we have been been welcoming every year for decades.
(Full disclosure, my passport expired five years ago and I am a naturalized immigrant.)
12-23-2013 02:23 PM
"The percentage of Canadians who hold a valid Canadian passport continues to climb, driven by high and growing levels of outbound travel by Canadians.
In 2011, over 30 million Canadian outbound trips were made, particularly to the United States (US). Canadians made a record 1.9 million overnight trips to the US in June 2012 as new rules to increase duty-free exemptions for cross-border shopping came into effect.
As illustrated in Figure 2, since 2008, the passport possession rate has increased by 20 percent and is forecasted to reach 70 percent in 2013, which would bring the total number of valid passports in circulation to 23 million."
12-23-2013 02:26 PM
According to Forbes:
Times have changed. “More Americans have passports now than ever before,” says Ken Chavez, spokesperson for the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the US State Department. Over one-third of the population to be exact, or nearly 110 million out of 313 million Americans. That’s more than double the number of US passports in circulation in 2000 (48 million) and around 15 times 1989’s 7 million.