Ebay and Paypal don't cover Gift Cards Purchases bought on Ebay!!

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Re: Ebay and Paypal don't cover Gift Cards Purchases bought on Ebay!!

Gift cards purchased from a seller on eBay or purchases made with a gift card?

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Re: Ebay and Paypal don't cover Gift Cards Purchases bought on Ebay!!



How do I know if I'm purchasing an eligible item on eBay?Look for the buyer protection message in the eBay listing in the right hand column under the "Buy Safely" banner. If you see this message, and you meet the eligibility requirements, then your purchase is covered by PayPal Purchase Protection. You can also view this message after you complete your purchase by logging in to your eBay account, going to "My eBay" and looking at the listing. If the listing does not include the buyer protection message, then it is not eligible for PayPal Purchase Protection.

Now, when you check the "terms and conditions" you find the contradiction:




13.3 Ineligible Items. PayPal Purchase Protection only applies to PayPal payments for certain tangible, physical goods. Payments for the following are not eligible for reimbursement under PayPal Purchase Protection:

Intangible items, including Digital Goods


Real estate, including residential property

BusinessesVehicles, including motor vehicles, motorcycles, caravans, aircraft and boats

Custom made itemsTravel tickets, including airline flight tickets

Items prohibited by the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Items which you collect in person, or arrange to be collected on your b...

Items that violate eBay’s Prohibited or Restricted Items Policy Industrial machinery used in manufacturing

Items equivalent to cash, including prepaid or gift cards

PayPal Direct PaymentsVirtual Terminal Payments

Personal Payments

This leads to the obvious question - why does eBay allow the PayPal Protection logo in listings where the item clearly is NOT ELIGIBLE to the protection?

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