Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Some reason today when i try to use paypal canada post shipping tool it wont let me use expedited USA parcel. Says Not valid dimensions..   my size is 9x6x4 INCH  4LB   . I tried a bunch of different sizes but still not. I have used this method many of times before with the same size.

Message 1 of 142
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141 REPLIES 141

Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

"...no matter what I do on a Friday Afternoon."


I do not kow where you live but it must be a very special place.


Here, and I suspect in most places in Canada, if a parcel is delivered at the post office or a postal station prior to the afternoon pick-up time, it is on its way that day to the sorting station - wherever that is.


Any parcel dropped at the post office or postal station in Belleville before 4:00pm Friday (our pick up time) will show up on Canada Post website as in Mississauga (near Toronto) by early morning Saturday).


Why parcels would not move from your location until Monday - if delivered before pick up time -  is not something I understand

Message 41 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

It does not matter where I live or where you live.


What does matter, however, are the PO pick times.

That's what counts.



In my particular case........


The last pick time on a Friday is around 4 or 5............ and the next pick up time is Monday at 1.


So......... even though I would normally have dropped it off at noon today had paypal shipping been working.......


My next choice is around 6 PM.


Understand what I'm saying now?

Message 42 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?



Message 43 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Allow me to simplify it for you then.


I cam't drop it off until after the final pick up today..................


The next pickup at my location is Monday at 1 PM.


Therefore............... it makes no difference if I drop if off today or at my usual time on Monday at noon.


What part of that is confusing you?

Message 44 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

I can understand that if you do not bring it to the post office prior to the pick up time, it will not move.


However, you post #39 read:


"the fact is that if it's dropped in time for the Friday afternoon PO pick-up (5 PM in my case) It makes no difference as it won't be going anywhere until Monday morning anyway."

Message 45 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Ah........ This is about a typo a few posts back which was cleared up already in post #41.

(Only You as you pointed out to me once before.)


Have no idea why you CARE SO MUCH!



Allow me to correct the post once again:





"the fact is that if it's NOT dropped in time for the Friday afternoon PO pick-up (5 PM in my case) It makes no difference as it won't be going anywhere until Monday morning anyway."



Message 46 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Just spoke (2:50pm EST) to an eBay CSR and she said it was a browser problem!  Instructed me to clear.  Obviously, not the problem.  Explained to her that it has not been working for me for three days.  She said unaware of any issues!  What?  Absolutely no help or understanding of the issue. 

Message 47 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

I contacted them (eBay) about a pair of ray ban sunglasses showing up as the picture for one of my listings. I do not sell Ray Bans nor have I ever done a search for Ray Bans and the eBay rep told me it was on my end and I needed to clear my cache. When several of my listings did not show on eBay.com but did on eBay.ca (even though they both specified shipping to the US) they stated it was my browser. I guess it is a blame game. 😞  I just wish they would fix it.  PayPal states they give us the privilege of shipping via PayPal to make it easy on us.  But I was told by a Canada Post rep that they (PayPal) receive a big discount because they are the primary client with all of our volume shipping.  So it would not surprise me if PP is making money from giving us the "privilege" of using PayPal shipping.

Message 48 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

 They are aware (PAYPAL) , my ticket # 130508-000304 

Message 49 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

If someone pays you at 11 PM on Thursday............... when does the 1 day handling time expire?

Would that be Monday at 8?


No, it would be midnight pacific time on Friday.




Upload tracking to your buyer's My eBay within your promised handling time for at least 90% of your ...


Handling time is measured by business days. Weekends and holidays aren't counted.


For example, if you specify 1-day handling time and a buyer pays for an item on Tuesday, you have un...



Message 50 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Thank You PJ.


Who would have thought that paypal shipping going down would be such a headache!


So, if it's paid on Thursday before midnight, tracking has to be uploaded within 24 hours.


If it's paid after midnight.......... Monday is OK.......... before 11:59 PM Pacific Time.........

Whatever that translates to.


That's very helpful.


Thank you

Message 51 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Still not working.  This is going to make me quit ebay..  I don't time for this crap.

Message 52 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Both eBay & PayPal have known about this issue for three days or more but failed to notify the members of it.  Why?

Message 53 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Community Member

I got this today on Expedited Canada:

You have chosen an invalid package size for the class you selected. Please select a different size for your shipment.


And I went WTH??..but I clicked back,checked my dimensions and noticed neither the parcel or envelope (letter?) option was not checked.I checked parcel and re-entered and it worked.Funny thing is in the past I have never chose or noticed this option.It always came up parcel ,I guess..


Just glad I am finished mailing packages..

Message 54 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

kashka.......... were you using paypal shipping?


I can't see that option anywhere.

Message 55 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Are you looking at Expedited Parcel for Canada?

Message 56 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

The problem is it seems that Expedited Parcel USA also requires the selection of box or parcel, but it hasn't been included yet as an option to select, hence the error message. There is no solution to this issue until PayPal provides the option. 

Message 57 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Community Member

I'm still here.yes..I was using PP shipping..for Expedited Canada..like I said,I never noticed that option before..or at least I have never had to check it before.If I recall,it was above the area where you pick the service,dimensions..etc.As for Expedited USA,I don't remember seeing it and I know I had never checked it if it was there..lol.

Message 58 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Maybe Pitney Bowes is getting back at us for trashing the GSP.

Message 59 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Not only is Expedited Parcel not working; Tracked Packet is STILL not working. The only option is Small Packet which is not trackable (or insured) and not what my buyers have paid for. This is the worst mess up I've seen in five years of selling on eBay.  The most frustrating part is that no one is accountable.  Canada Post says it's a Paypal issue. Paypal says it's  Canada Post issue. eBay says it's a Paypal issue. Pitney Bowes is in the mix somewhere there too. There's no one driving the bus!

Message 60 of 142
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