Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Some reason today when i try to use paypal canada post shipping tool it wont let me use expedited USA parcel. Says Not valid dimensions..   my size is 9x6x4 INCH  4LB   . I tried a bunch of different sizes but still not. I have used this method many of times before with the same size.

Message 1 of 142
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141 REPLIES 141

Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Community Member

This cannot be that complicated to fix.

Is it an indifference to Canadian users?

How can we let them know how wrong this is.

I have called twice, once to find out what was going on and a second time to complain.



Message 121 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?


Thank you antique.collector, I have tried for 2 days to print expedited as I needed insurance and just followed your instructions and it finally printed!!

Message 122 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Not only have I not been able to get the fix to work for me, Tracked packet won't work on my computer either.


Same error message as Expedited.


Am I the only one?

Message 123 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?


I spoke to soon, yesterday I got it to work removing the word hidden but today when I take out the word it sends me back to my home page. Wouldn't work at all. For the poster above me, in order to get tracked package to work you need to choose that option first so go back to your transaction list and start over using ship and only enter tracked package, no other options and hopefully it will Work. It worked for me earlier. This is really getting annoying, it cost me 4.00 more to ship than I was paid because their other options won't work...sigh

Message 124 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Thanks.  That worked.  I used tracked packet and bought TPI instead of Expedited.



Message 125 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

The tracked packet labels aren't a good fit for the label-lopes...................



Message 126 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Got the same "invalid dimensions" problem with Expedited USA. That you tube method fixed the problem.

Such an easy fix and I am shocked how lousy PayPal is. It won't even take them a minute to fix!!!


Message 127 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Good news!  Canada Post just direct tweeted me this message:  "Hi! Both Track Packet (US and International) and Expedited Domestic is up and running. Expedited US will be fixed tomorrow."

Message 128 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Not applicable

Paypal has repeatedly shown it does not care about Canadian customers:


1) Could not get a replacement debit card for half a year

2) When you cancel a shipping label - you never get a refund - you have to contact... and even then, your chances are 50/50 - they have ignored my request for a refund on a cancelled label

3) 2-3 weeks to solve a really simple code error costing everyone a huge aggravation and no doubt untold expense in the meantime


I don't particularly care what excuses they come up with, their service to Canadians sucks

Message 129 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Worked like a charm!  Thank you.  🙂

Message 130 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

I haven't seen anyone mention the fact that Tracked Packet USA and International displays the postage price on the label. That has NOT been fixed.


Although the top right of the label says "Canada Post Pd by Sender", look directly below. There, in tiny type, is the Postage Rate and the dollar amount. It's easy to overlook.


My experience has been that TP may be displaying as an option in PayPal, but it still is unreliable. I tried to create a label for Germany earlier today and it would not work after numerous attempts. Then, for some reason, it worked an hour later.


The price on CP EST was almost $7 more. There is no way for me to establish a shipping price for TP based on the PayPal rate with any confidence.


And, as someone else mentioned, the labels don't fit properly in the labelopes. You have to put them in sideways.


This whole situation with PayPal shipping is nothing short of a disgrace.



Message 131 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

I have emailed Kalvin at eBay Canada about the PayPal labels are showing the postage cost for Tracked Packet so they are aware of it. It has been mentioned a couple of times in these forum topics.


Hopefully all will be fixed soon. Just crazy how poorly these changes to PayPal shipping labels have be done.

Message 132 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Hi everyone,


A couple of updates:


1. Expedited Parcel - USA should now be fixed - please advise if you're still having difficulties

2. pocomocomputing did in fact email me about postage costs appearing on Tracked Packet - and we're not quite sure when this changed, but there are currently no plans to hide the cost.



eBay.ca Community Manager


Message 133 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?



No offense to you.........  it wasn't your doing and I'm pretty sure you were frustrated with this as well..........


BUT I think we'd all like to know:  "Why did a 5 minute fix take two weeks to accomplish.?"


(We know it was a 5 minute fix because some ebay seller figured out how to do it........... problem was it didn't work for everyone on all computers.)

Message 134 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

"currently no plans to hide the cost"


Why not? The cost doesn't show when you print TP labels on the CP site. Why the inconsistency?


I just tried TP USA again on PayPal: 30 x 30 x 30 cm at 1 kg gives this message:


"The Shipment Option you have chosen is invalid. Please verify the amount you have entered."


Ever since it became available on PayPal on April 9, TP has either worked intermittently or not at all. Six weeks and counting.

Message 135 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Hi everyone,


A couple of updates:


1. Expedited Parcel - USA should now be fixed - please advise if you're still having difficulties

2. pocomocomputing did in fact email me about postage costs appearing on Tracked Packet - and we're not quite sure when this changed, but there are currently no plans to hide the cost.




I would prefer the cost to NOT be shown for Tracked packet. Buyers have enough reasons to give poor DSRs so letting a buyer know the shipping posts is not a good idea.


An alternative would be to allow a seller to show or hide the shipping cost like eBay.com offers.


Based on  the current performance by eBay/PayPal/Pitney Bowes on changing anything to do with PayPal shipping, it might be better to not change anything on PayPal shipping for a few months. 😉

Message 136 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

"currently no plans to hide the cost"


Why not? The cost doesn't show when you print TP labels on the CP site. Why the inconsistency?


I just tried TP USA again on PayPal: 30 x 30 x 30 cm at 1 kg gives this message:


"The Shipment Option you have chosen is invalid. Please verify the amount you have entered."


Ever since it became available on PayPal on April 9, TP has either worked intermittently or not at all. Six weeks and counting.


I have found that this issue happens when you change the shipping option to Tracked packet after using Small Packet.  I found that selecting a service Type of "Select Service" (the default when you start) and then using continue at the bottom will generate an invalid Service Type message and resets the page and Tracked packet will work after this.


I have sent Kalvin an email describing some issues like this that remain with Tracked Packet. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.


In the meantime, try the "trick" to reset the page.

Message 137 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Thank you, that worked.


What I did was enter TP as the service type at the beginning, but didn't click on the radio button next to kg or lbs. That button doesn't select automatically when you enter the weight in the box, giving this error message:


"Please enter a positive value for the weight. A shipment cannot have a KGS/IN or LBS/CM as its unit of measurements"


TP still didn't work after clicking on the radio button for weight. However the "Select Service" reset worked for that too.


I suspect few will have the time or patience to figure this out on their own unless they happen to read this thread.

Message 138 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Not applicable

I prefer that the cost of postage NOT to be shown on the shipping label.  I am sure that many of you as sellers are not making profits on shipping costs but sometimes it is a few cents differnece due to dollar par.  I wouldn't want my buyers upset if they see they are paying like 50 cents or $1.00 even 2 cents too much and then trash my DSRs.


Too often I have to pay the difference in shipping costs due to dollar par that I cannot forsee and that is not included the final value fees on the shipping costs that I had to eat, therefore I prefer that the cost of postage NOT to be shown on the shipping label, period.  Please Kalvin don't make things worse for us already, it is bad enough that eBay charges the final value fees on the shipping costs, that we don't make profits from and we don't need our DSRs trashed as well, unless it is your purposes to do that to have our DSRs as you don't want us to have 20% discounts or whatever or what higher fees to "penallize" us?


As Ellen DeGeners always says on her show at the closing every day: "Be nice to other", I expect eBay to "be nice to sellers".  Thanks.

Message 139 of 142
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Re: Expedited USA dimensions not working?

Community Member

"The Shipment Option you have chosen is invalid. Please verify the amount you have entered."


Since the price of Expedited went up I am trying to look at the cost of Tracked Packet but I keep getting the above error. I have tried the tricks mentioned to get it to work, but it never did. 


I find Ebay's attitude of not caring about this, really annoying.  I have been handed down restrictions on my account for not shipping fast enough, but for 2 months Ebay has been the problem.   Going to the post office to ship 10 international packages is time consuming.  The shipping system before all this Tracked packet none sense was just fine.  I can not understand why they cant go back to the old system until the figure this out properly.


Is anyone else still have issues with the new shipping option and intermittent problems with Expedited? 



Message 140 of 142
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