Feedback for NPB

Community Member
There must be a better way of posting feedback, particularly for those buyers who bid and win, then commence a prolonged and tedious negotiation re shipping costs, payment methods, etc., even though all of these things were spelled out in detail in the item description. It's really nothing more than feedback extortion. Either you accommodate them or they threaten negative feedback. This doesn't matter so much to those of you with thousands of positives, but for a newcomer like myself,(rating of 200)negative feedback has a significant effect. And then there are the buyers who simply refuse to leave feedback, yet boast of their own high number of positives and 100% rating. Any suggestions gratefully welcomed. Cheers.
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Dont leave FB until it has been left for you.

We have all gone through this since we started selling and we have all tried leaving FB at different points and while some leave FB after payment, a great majority of sellers no longer leave FB until it has been left by the buyer first.

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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
I am a seller.
I state in my confirmed shipping letter9 email), that I only leave feedback for those who have left me feedback.
I find a lot of e bay members to do leave feedback.

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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
I have 3 ids on ebay, 2 of which are powersellers at the moment, one with over 1800 feedback since 1998 (thefinderskeepers). I think your taking this feedback thing way to serious. First, never leave feedback unless it's given to you first to avoid extortion. Second, everyone understands there are difficult people out there as in the real world, so your going to get negatives. Third, what is your purpose hear? If you want to make money, provide good customer service and keep your nose clean.

I think I've only ever given 2 negatives, because what purpose would it serve ME? I can block the bidder from buying my stuff so I never have to deal with him again, I don't need to agitate him with a negative. But I checked the feedback YOU leave and it seems that you think it's a fun powerplay or something. Who cares about the odd buyer that burns you, it's an inevitable part of life.

Concentrate your energy on enjoying the fun parts of ebay instead of dwelling on the negatives! Alot of people will never bother to leave feedback since they forget, or maybe they're off their PC or ebay for a while, or whatever, life goes on. I leave a comment in my "item shipped notice" and I usually get about 80% of people leaving me feedback, and 99.99% of my problems get solved. It goes like this, and feel free for anyone to copy this to help to contribute to a happier ebay!

"Thank-you for your quick payment! Your Item has been shipped.

I leave feedback upon hearing that your item has arrived safe and sound and that you are happy with it. Most buyers let me know by leaving a positive feedback, which I can then return.

It was a pleasure doing business with you and I
sincerely hope you enjoy your purchase. Here's a handy link to my auctions, hope you'll be back.

(link to my listings)

Thank you, Happy eBaying!


Just my opinion!
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member

Well put, and you're not kidding. I was amazed by this Neg with the comment:

"Take a look at how often this ebayer leaves feedback for others. ANSWER, NEVER "

What is THAT all about? A Neg was given to a buyer that previously had a 100% rating because they didn't participate in the voluntary feedback system?
Message 5 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
We are seriously looking at leaving feed back this....this guy is bizzar...
Nutral "I have'nt get the item yet."
Buyer juan3470 ( 7 ) Mar-22-05 10:39 3964413157
Reply by cutecoins: Customer paid Mar 21, Item shipped Mar 22, feedback left March 22, ....
I am not going to spend $20.00 to get this removed....yuk!
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
I think that it is very important to leave negative feedback to non-payer or hard to deal with buyers!
so other sellers know they are crap!

When you say that it "because what purpose would it serve ME? " please think about other sellers that would appreciate to know that when those morons bids on our stuf!
Message 7 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
can-import...I agree 100%!
Message 8 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB


I agree as well. I've left many many negs for NPBs and have incurred only a couple (though the last one was messy). More imiportantly I've always applied for recovery of final value fees witch registers them as NPBs with eBay. Three strikes and they're out. If previous sellers had registered the messy nutbag (mentioned above) then I would never have encountered him.

Prior to leaving a neg I always exercise extreme, and repeated, patience and, I think, kindness. Some other Power Sellers have indicated that they'd rather not waste such time on NPBs.
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
I always leave negs to non payers or other messy buyers and usually (even more when those are non payers) I dont get any feedbacks

I also always take care to give them a non payer strike of course! I think that they diserve that and that other seller appreciate when they can be advised before doing anything with those buyers!
Message 10 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Another negative for me, buyer never paid sent it in for FVF and BANG negative from the buyer. I have to file 17 NPB today plus I filed 14 yesterday. Looking at the performance of all these new ebayers fron "0" to "10" feedback, they don't care. So it was fun being a PS for a while, but i am not going to loose any money for not collecting my FVF.
Message 11 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
One guy left this 2 feedbacks for me:

great price , fast shipping 21-Mar-05 15:41
great price , fast shipping 21-Mar-05 15:41

The auctions ended on March 19th, he paid with e-cheque through Paypal, the cheque suppose to clear on the 23rd of March. When I went to check at Paypal site to see if these cheques are clear or not so I can ship the item, the cheques were cancelled.
The thing is that this guy made 3 payments for 2 different transactions (twice for 1 item) and 1 for the other one.I emailed him to let him know that he paid twice and he didn't respond.
Instead he left 2 positive feedback on me without waiting for the cheques to clear or for my items to arrive.
He doesn't respond to emails at all.
I will leave 2 negs and file a NPB.
very suspicious eh?

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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Multidistributor...I was trying to win quite a few of your auctions the other day. I was alarmed at how many low feedback bidders were bidding on these types of items, especially after your auction stated no 0 feedback bidders. When I do a search for the same consoles I was trying to win, hundreds were being bid on by 0-10 feedback buyers. I wonder why?
Message 13 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Very easy sunset_sports_cards because all the newbies don't read the ad they just bid, then try to collect them. I am telling you all these newbies should NOT be allowed to even leave feedback if they HAVEN"T paid. We work hard to keep our status up but it's getting crazier by the day. This month alone I have 27 claims with PP for items not being received or not as described or never received. Enough is enough we will not loose any more money, we will not be excepting PayPal and I am sure the serious bidders will pay instead of wasting our time.
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Yes that is so true, I have had a greater number than usual NPB as well. E-Bay says I should offer more options for these buyers so it cuts down on filing for FVF's. Go figure...It is a seriously flawed feedback system they have anyways.
Message 15 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
I think that newbies from "0" to "10" shouldn't be allowed to leave feedback if they haven't paid and also if they don't pay they should be suspended immediatly. Did you look at my last NEG that i got. I wasn't the only one and another ebayer had 100% and he dropped for no reason, it's not fair but it's a game for ebay. As Power Sellers we try to keep our standards and customer service up and then we get the buyers (newbies) who don't care and ebay tells you sell more to get more Positive's. All this is to the advantage of ebay, that's why things will never change. Now we don't care about the feedback we will continue to give our best service and what happens happens.
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Yeah, I did notice that. That is exactly what I mean whereby a buyer like that can do that with little or no reprocussions. E-bay needs to address that again.
Message 17 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
Should say NON PAYING BUYER...
Message 18 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

Community Member
When I have a non paying buyer, I put them in a black list some where in my computer.
I wait about 90 days to leave a negative feedback in the last minute since the end of the auction so I don't get retaliation from the buyer.
That way, I let know other seller about my experience with this buyer and at the same time keep my feedback nice and clean.
Message 19 of 20
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Re: Feedback for NPB

I got an unfair negative feedback recently. This buyer asked for refund after 1 month of purchase, and she never contacted me before. I explained that I only can accept return for a refund within 14 days following the close of the auction (listed in the description). She said she is single and works 75 hours per week, she didn't have time and didn't know how to install the system. I told her as the return policy, I can't refund her but I can offer her the free setting up. She didn't respond to my offer, but leave the worst negative feedback 2 days later. I contacted eBay to remove the NG FB, but they wouldn't do it. I really don't understand that. As per eBay's Policy, once the buyer won the item, we both side are bound to the terms as described in the listing. Now, the new FB policy is unfair to the sellers. Of course, 99% of the buyers are very kind, but few are abusing the new FB system. The final victim will be eBay!
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