GREEN USPS MONEY ORDERS (US Only) Do you accept them ?
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07-01-2008 11:30 PM
If you don't, how do you handle them if sent by a buyer?
Return them? Collect them? Wallpaper your bathroom in green?
Offer them on eBay as a 'collectible' item? (Yes- they really are collectible- but that's another matter!)
Money orders from Western Union, WAL-MART, and those from supermarkets in the US are easy to negotiate here in Canada.
We accept USPS GREEN MONEY ORDERS without an issue- then again, we spend half our time in the US.
Are there other payments that buyers send that pose problems for Canadian sellers?
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07-02-2008 03:18 AM
GREEN USPS MONEY ORDERS (US Only) Do you accept them ?
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07-02-2008 07:59 AM
Once it starts it just can't seem to be stopped!

"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
GREEN USPS MONEY ORDERS (US Only) Do you accept them ?
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07-03-2008 12:31 AM
So PLEASE stop trying to play moderator here- it's getting annoying.
This is not your private little sandbox!
(OK-maybe I'm the only one who thinks this- but I will state it for the record.)
Being in Canada- THE GREEN vs PINK M/O issue is a perfectly reasonable one that hasn't been raised in while.
The BIGGER question really is:
Are there other payments that buyers send that pose problems for Canadian sellers?
And this has not been addressed by the USPS GREEN Money Order issue.
And- this is part of the even BIGGER question- how to get round PayPal, as much as possible, without it becoming too much of a nuisance.
GREEN USPS MONEY ORDERS (US Only) Do you accept them ?
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07-03-2008 12:41 AM
As I do not make it a habit of posting there- I bring this to other's attention, who may be so inclined.
We use another eBay ID for posting on these NON-PS boards.
And, apparently, a number of sellers do exactly the same thing.
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07-03-2008 01:02 AM
But I will repeat, I have never had any problem cashing all kinds. I keep going in to the bank and expecting problems...or expecting a chargeback later...but so far nothing.
I even went to the Manager of the Bank and showed her the dreaded green m/o and she said don't worry about it.
I had read all about it here on the boards and I guess I am lucky!
Someone mentioned that it might be for "business accounts" that the trouble occurs, not for personal accounts.
I'm sure I hear a response to this! lol
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07-03-2008 01:13 AM
Plus, I get a better deal in the exchange rate when I do transfer it from there rather than just simply cashing it. And depending on the current exchange rate, I can always hold on to it in that account until the exchange rate is a bit better (US dollar rises or such) before switching it over and make 'a little extra' off of it when i do!!
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07-03-2008 01:41 AM
The exchange can be a nuisance- and this way a US$1.oo deposited is still a US$1.oo when you withdraw it.
What bank do you use that offers FREE US accounts?
I already pay ScotiaBank more in fees than all the other backs combined- including Laurentian, and Bank of Montréal. The only reason I have for ScotiaBank is proximity- and their hours. BMO is in the same plaza, but with short hours- and five day a week service. Haven't been in the physical bank in 6+ months. Internet banking makes this the new reality.
bcbeautiful I am amazed how much this issue gets some people's backs up. We live in Canada- not the United States. Though some of us are fortunate (???) enough to get to the US frequently, others are not. We live in a MAJOR urban centre- and are mobile. Some sellers are not as geographically fortunate, or able to be mobile.
SO- when someone in the US, with the best of intentions, send a GREEN US MONEY ORDER- many sellers do not know what there options are.
If I lived in a small town with ONE BANK- and there are many here who do- what would I be doing with these GREEN M/O's?
And- just because someone posted something- somewhere else- doesn't mean that this thread is not relevant!
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07-03-2008 03:50 AM
As far as a small town goes Lina, I live in one town of 1000 people and we have a BMO, I work in another of 12500 with a BMO. It's simple, tell them if you want MY business, cater to my needs. if they don't, just go elsewhere. They'll fall and stumble and a better one will take their spot. Just wish Ebay would realize this concept as well! 😉
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07-03-2008 03:46 PM
And we did have this conversation here on the power sellers board as well but it's probably back 40 pages or more!!
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07-03-2008 08:40 PM
ScotiaBank accepts them from me- personal account- though they put a small hold on the funds, while awaiting their clearance.
I do bank at Laurentian (in Montréal)- but have no clue how they would react to these M/O's. For MY CONVENIENCE- they are OPEN on TUESDAY- to FRIDAY, from 10am to 3pm (10h00 a 15h00) !!!! And that, they consider CONVENIENT! For whom these hours are convenient, I have absolutely no clue ???
duujogl just as an aside- everytime I go and find something from the past- that may well be relevant today, and I attempt to BUMP it up to the top; a number of people here get rather uppity. And, some even go to the trouble of complaining en masse to the powers that be. Some have even said- 'like it would be OK if it were only a few bumped'- as if I could care what these people think! So- I will just open a NEW THREAD- and thank you for pointing out that this was dealt with some time ago- and not as recently as some other would have you believe.
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07-04-2008 12:13 AM
I don't think people got uppity at all when you bumped up more than 40 - 50 threads all at one time. I think they may have gotten a bit upset and perhaps angry. But, It was just a bit to much bumping all at one time.
My .02 worth.
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07-04-2008 01:05 AM
The numbers don't lie, and 40 to 50 is a gross exaggeration.
Anyone care to check!
Even you write "It was just a bit to much bumping all at one time."
Well, you can only imagine what I think of that statement.
You, like the rest are entitled to your opinions. However, like the others as you are not moderating this board- should anyone care about those opinions?
Besides- if eBay cares to keep these things archived- then why is there such an issue with bumping them?
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07-04-2008 02:08 AM
I remember when you did that, and I enjoyed reading some of those old threads again. I agreed and, if you remember, I posted to that effect, that they were still relevant!! I thought it was great that you bothered to check that far back to find that we still have some of the same problems!! And yeah, you got some nasty cracks from some of the boards "wiseacres" ... who cares what they think?!!
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07-04-2008 02:44 AM
I know I can look this up- and find the correct citation-
HOWEVER- to be expeditious- George Santayana I think said...
"Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it."
(or as close as I can remember)
So many people here believe that everyone posting here is so aware of the past history on this on this board, that nothing need ever be repeated.
Then there those who think it's OK- but only in moderation.
Many POWER SELLERS are NEW, or RETURNING- and don't have the time to go back and look at all those past postings.
Yes- sometimes it may seem we hear the same story over, and over again- but to the person who is the OP, or contributor- it may be a totally NEW, and an eye opening experience. So many people, present company excepted, are far too eager to put others down.
And- you're right, why should I or anyone else care what some of these people think. Being human, seeking acceptance is a fact of life.
I think after 5000+ transactions under my belt, I know a little something about how eBay works.
In looking back- I have found an item I posted in APRIL of 2005, here on the POWER SELLER boards.
So- I have been around for a while- just not spending much time playing here in the Discussion Forum.
There are bullies in every sandbox. And this place is no exception. Reality is, bullies also have their problems, and being sympathetic at times is the way to go. So ignoring some of them is the way to go!
Everyone has a bad day now and then. It's just that some people do not understand how fragile some other people really are- and the internet gives some of these same people a very inflated view of themselves- and this is, at times mistakingly, transfered to the recipient.
If I have tried to get one point across- in multiple threads- STOP trying to seek eBay's, or your buyer's acceptance. Just because eBay invents/creates some silly things, some people will continually jump up and down trying to conform- and some will possibly excell. HOWEVER, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, regardless of ALL the things you do right- you can still get dissed by a buyer.
GET OVER IT PEOPLE !!!!! Stop chasing a HIGHER DSR by losing money on shipping- no matter how many times eBay tells you this is a good idea. OFFER FREE SHIPPING- GET A HIGHER DSR- WHERE IS THE EMPIRICAL PROOF? WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE ?? I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY !!!
REMEMBER- it all started with those cute little coloured STARS next to our names!
We are not in kindergarten. Unfortunately, eBay/PayPal, et al, continually treat us as if we were.
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07-05-2008 09:26 AM
The way I see it, I can make the buyer buy a pink US International Money Order that I can cash here, but that costs them more money and makes them find it more inconvenient.
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07-05-2008 10:31 AM
I want to thank you also.
I am fairly NEW to this board and I appreciate when you bump certain items to the forefront..
And for the others on the board - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THEM..
Just go onto the NEXT 😉