Again, a buyer from Australia this time, buys items when it clearly states i only ship to Canada/ US. 1.5 kilos, big packet, but the guy seems nice. I ask for $45 and shipping cost me $49, so I'm already out $4.00 on a $60 sale. Then ebays 10%...then paypal fees, $4.97, but this idiot over pays,,,,dosen't pay the invoice, adds $15??? So I send him back $15 trying to keep on his good side, loose money on the exchange, because as we all know the US dollars is still alot stronger than the Can dollar!!! (Well according to paypal it is, so it must be) Only, 80 cents but still. Then I fire up the Hemi to ship it today (he paid this morning), call it 50 cents in gas alone...........the shipping box was $2........we'll not even go into the time it took me to get there because of the poor weather condition. So we have $60 - $4 - $6 - $0.80 - $0.50 - $2 = $ I paid over $30 for the items I sold, but lets call it $30,,,,so I made $ hes just emailed me to tell me that my shipping charges are extreme and he would like to cancel the transaction...its already in the post you $%#&. Thats not what i wrote, but its what i wanted to write. Now we all know im going to get poor dsr from this buyer, even though he'll leave me a +, because he fears getting TRUTHFUL feedback. Now just imagine if he can neg me without recourse??? ITS NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE!!!