Good 'Til Cancelled Listings

Wondering if "Good 'Til Cancelled" Listings change item # every 30 days?


If so, is there a way for me to see a list of my active items WITH item numbers on the same page without having to open each listing?

I know this used to be possible on the .com site, but it doesn't show up now.

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Good 'Til Cancelled Listings

Nope the number stays the same for perpetuity or until it sells.... I use the item number to file and I've sold stuff that's been running for over 8 years with  no number change.....


This is of course excepting "glitches".....


Regarding item numbers you can see them on myEbay ... 

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Good 'Til Cancelled Listings

The listing number stays with the listing until cancelled.


If the GTC listing is ended and relisted, a new number will be assigned by eBay.

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Good 'Til Cancelled Listings

A reminder that our current GTC listings are grandfathered from the currency change until August.

Not your question, but others reading may find this useful.

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